Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Birdbaths lead to fines

From the NY Times:

During mosquito-breeding season, from April to October, standing water on the ground, in roof gutters, on swimming pool covers and in discarded tires, among other places, can violate Article 151, which covers pest prevention and management. Health officials said the 699 summonses issued last year was about average.

In a city where Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has all but banned smoking and waged war on soda and trans fats, some New Yorkers may complain that the crackdown on birdbaths is yet another intrusion by the nanny state or a ruse to raise more money for municipal coffers.

Mosquitoes that carry the West Nile virus lay their eggs in standing water, although exactly what constitutes standing water is ambiguous. Asked to explain the difference between standing and stagnant, a department spokeswoman, Chanel Caraway, gamely said: “Standing waters become increasingly stagnant with time as they become more and more concentrated with decomposing organic material, which is food for the mosquito larvae.”

Ms. Caraway emphasized that the agency is not necessarily anti-birdbath. “The health department will issue a notice of violation for standing water in a birdbath only if that water is stagnant, not simply for having water in a birdbath,” she said. “The decomposed organic matter found in stagnant water is the food for mosquito larvae. The department recommends replacing the water in the birdbath every two to three days to prevent mosquito breeding.”


Anonymous said...

what a lot of crap....when the dept. of transportation and highways has complaint letters from the local civic and Cm. Halloran to fix the curbs on 42avenue/at 201st.-205st. in bayside for years.the flooding and ponding after a rain last for weeks. they really don't give a crap about w.nile disease.

btw ,they did paint a yellow line on the street around the center mediums, to warn motorists not to park or drive on the disintegrated curbs???????

enforcement is rampant????????

is not democrat dictatorship grand ?

Q.C.has the photos.....

Anonymous said...

Revenue, revenue, revenue. Everything this administration does is about revenue. Under the guise of caring about our safety and health.

Anonymous said...

It's grand when we keep electing Republican Mayors who appoint the people who run DOT, Gramps.

Anonymous said...

You see the mosquitoes only breed in the pools of stagnant water on accessible private property for which a summons can be written.

They will never breed in stagnant water on public property for which a summons cannot be written.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg was a Democrat for 40 years and took the label "Republican" to run in 2001. He left the Republican party in 2007. As a Republican he never backed policies of state or national Republican parties.

Anonymous said...

Who was Mayor before Bloomberg? He appointed the same type of people to run DOT.

Anonymous said...

the mayor doomsberg is a rino ,who appoints dem/lib.progressives to city commissioner status. most of his Bloomberg Inc. directors are leftwingers from Time Inc/Warner.

his financial guru was Steven Rattner ,ex Times man,ex-Obama car czar, gov. motors(GM) ,ex-Quadrangle Investments, and had to pay $6-$10 million penalty to stay out of prison in the Hevesi/Morris city/state pension fund scandal.

your turn........

Anonymous said...

P.S. .the Commissioner of Transportation, before SADIE,was DEM.U.S.Senator Chuckie (Sunday TV Star)Schumer's wife ,IRIS. she presently is protecting her public pension at C.U.N.Y.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 8:

Weinshall was appointed to her job at DOT by Bloomberg's predecessor, Rudy Giuliani. She followed another ball of fire who Rudy appointed, Wilbur Chapman. The naming of inefficient DOT Commissioners goes back a long way.

Joe said...

Thats the homeowners own fault, for building with Home Depot crap without research.
SECOND: YOU DONT BUY FAKE ONES that's just a cheezy as putting cookie cutter bling and plastic bowling pins on buildings.

You need to have a pump, filter and timer for these things so insect larvae cant develop.
Many people use goldfish and coy.
I made mine from flagstone, rocks from the old Gatsby Estate in Sands Point.
I have all kinds of birds in my yard using it. All different birds at different times of the day.
This year these noisy green and white ones been showing up in the morning to freeload. They must be immigrants since they def don't look native to the northeast.


Anonymous said...

Those noisy green ones are probably wild parrots.

They are "freeloading" because they obviously must be inherently inferior to the birds you know because they are different.

Anonymous said...

Actually, monk parakeets are immigrants, not native.

Joe said...

Will --I dont know what they are.
I know as much about birds as I do brain surgery.
These birds have beaks strong enough to chew the plastic bird feeder open, dump & steal all the seeds with there friends.
They look like like green parakeets (curved beaks) but big and squalky voiced.
...yes I guess parrots but there isn't a rainforest within 1800 nautical miles from here.

Queens Crapper said...

Joe: Brooklyn Parrots

Joe said...

That's them crappy !
SOLVED - Parrots being smart creatures unhappy with there treatment by local government & surroundings are apparently fleeing Brooklyn and Queens in flocks!


Anonymous said...

This is just the latest
in a long chain of evidence
proving that Mike Bloomberg is a quirky micro-managing moron.

I'm not filling up
my back yard bird bath with cement you boob!

And any city inspector that trespasses upon my property will feel the teeth of Bruno, my watch dog, on their ankles!

Anonymous said...

Maybe we can make some good use of our green friends' razor-sharp curved beaks.

Do you think we can train a flock of bird-commandos to chew off the sexual members of a few male political egotists out there?

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