Sunday, April 29, 2012

24 high schools to close and reopen

From the NY Times:

A bit before midnight, more than three months after the idea was proposed, the Panel for Educational Policy voted to reconstitute two dozen city schools by closing them, replacing most of their staff members and reopening them with new names.

Come summer, Alfred E. Smith Career and Technical High School, Herbert H. Lehman High School, Banana Kelly High School, J.H.S. 22 Jordan L. Mott, I.S. 339, Bronx High School of Business, J.H.S. 80 Mosholu Parkway, M.S. 391 Angelo Patri Middle School, Fordham Leadership Academy and J.H.S. 142 John Philip Sousa, all in the Bronx; Automotive High School, Sheepshead Bay High School, John Dewey High School, John Ericsson Middle School 126 and J.H.S. 166 George Gershwin, all in Brooklyn; Bread and Roses Integrated Arts High School and High School of Graphic Communication Arts, in Manhattan; and August Martin High School, Flushing High School, Long Island City High School, William Cullen Bryant High School, John Adams High School, Newtown High School and Richmond Hill High School, in Queens — will no longer exist.

But before the meeting was the drama of a last-minute save for two of the schools that were on the list. As Anna M. Phillips reported for The New York Times, “The schools chancellor, Dennis M. Walcott, retreated on Thursday from a plan to shut down a last-chance high school for students who have dropped out or have failed at traditional schools.”

That school, Bushwick Community High School, is a transfer school that was passionately defended by its students and public officials who had heard the stories of success and, in some cases, salvation, that the school, its staff and administration, had provided them.

Also saved was Grover Cleveland High School in Ridgewood, Queens.

Both schools had C’s on their last school progress reports and, despite very low graduation rates and other weaknesses, had shown signs of improving.


Anonymous said...

I dont understand what they mean by closing a school.

To my understanding they are just going to fire teachers and replace them?

When they say they are going to close a school they make it seem like they're going to demolish the building and build a whole new one.

Anonymous said...

I can imagine the new names we're gonna see. How about Che Guevara High, for instance?
Who the heck was Banana Kelly?

Anonymous said...


DOOMSBERG and the 47 lib/prog/dems city councilpeople are SAVING YOUR TAX MONEY????

if the same dumb players in the seats remain,so do the same test results, unless the D.O.E dumbs the tests down to fit the numb skulls.

NOTHING FROM NOTHING = NOTHING but the school name that the dummies failed in get the heave - ho.

Andrew Jackson H.S. became Campus Magnet H.S. the failure is even more so, with the new name.

when will the name BX.SCIENCE H.S. go bye-bye ?

the cost for one n.y.c special ed."PUPIL" ($64,000 to $98,000/per year)can pay for two years at Yale U. and other Ivy League Universities ?????

Anonymous said...

Flushing High School > Tweeders High (in more ways than one!).

Anonymous said...

Who the heck was Banana Kelly?

Apparently it's what the locals call Kelly Street, because the street has a curve (like a banana). Name has since been used for community organizations.

Anonymous said...

Quite a pity.
Flushing high was the first integrated high school in New York City.

Another piece of history destroyed because the Asians won't send their kids to school with darker people of color.
Their kids go to Bayside High School.

Flushing High School gets the kids from Corona.
That's why it's gone downhill!

Anonymous said...

Same buildings, same students, and same teachers, but they expect change because they swapped the name and a few of the top-level admins????

What a waste.

Anonymous said...

a Flushing H.S. basket ball star during the 1930's ,Bobby McDermot-Whitestone, was named to the Basketball Hall Of Fame.

he played with the ORIGNAL Celtics, Zollner Pistons and N.B.A. Detroit Pistons.drank a brew with him at Mc Griskins in Flushing/Bowne St.

the two other Queens members are Dick Mc Guire(knicks) (beat his 3/man team at 108 st. Rkwy.) and Bob Cousey(Bost. Celtics).

forgive me ,for i may have sinned ? give me a senior citizen dispensation....

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg is UNION BUSTING...plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

It’s all about ways to fire a union member. Don't be fooled, Bloomberg doesn't care about the students, the school system or anything else. He is all about power.
How can he fire a teacher? Crap he can’t they are union. But wait if he closes the schools down it’s like he is firing them and then he will reopen the school with different names and claim it’s a different school. Now all teachers can file for jobs at the salary he will provide. If you are a relative or friend of anyone in the DoE then you are guaranteed a job otherwise stay in line and don’t hold your breath. They might actually hire consultants at twice your salary and then he can claim he created jobs not counting the once he got rid of. I work for the city and it disgusts me the salary consultants get. And they don’t even know how to turn a computer on. Your tax payer’s money is going down the drain. I don’t know how most of the people voted for him. Over a year left with this dush bag. PS a commissioner salary is 260000 dollars for going to meetings. LOL at least principal/teachers do more work and try to teach failures.

Yeah I am stressed.

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