Thursday, February 2, 2012

Avella suggests adding police precincts

From Bayside Patch:

Fed up with being too far from their designated police hub, a group of Bay Terrace citizens declared ge independence from Flushing last winter.

A symbolic Declaration was even printed, and signed. It bore the main complaint that police presence and response times are critical to safety, but Bayside’s 111th Precinct was half the distance from their assigned station, Flushing’s 109th.

The 111th Precinct’s Community Council hinted at that time that they were open to incorporating the neighborhood under their protection, and were tepidly contemplating the logistics and extra manpower needed.

The office of Sen. Tony Avella, D-Bayside, said they were offering up an even better solution: cut the other precinct in half.

Avella and Assemblyman Ed Braunstein, D-Bayside proposed legislation to divide Flushing’s 109th Precinct into North and South.

Bay Terrace, Whitestone, College Point and Clearview would inhabit the North. The proposal would also divide the neighboring 105th Precinct the same way.

Those two, he said, have been tasked with overseeing the safety of twice as many people as some other Queens Precincts.


Anonymous said...

will this change include the C.S.D.25/bay terrace public schools and C.P.B.7 bay terrace areas to C.S.D. 26 and C.P.B.11 ?

Anonymous said...

Picking up handler Stavisky's ball?


What ever happened to that AUXILIARY police booth at the Bay Terrace shopping center that "The Senator" had installed.

Nobody ever manned it just like the one at the intersection of Kissena and Main....
all show and no blow!

PD Insider said...

This wouldn't increase response times or manpower. If Bay Terrace goes to the 111, one of- if not the safest precincts in the city, the NYPD woulnd't bother giving them an extra body or two when bad neighborhoods need that manpower.

Cops don't leave the station house so its location isn't a factor whatsoever.

Besides snotty Bay Terrace people who don't want the Flushing association, none of this makes sense. I smell something fishy. Instead of 20-30 MILLION for a new precinct why not just add cops to the existing precinct, staffing levels are low as it is.

Steve Behar said...

With the growth in downtown Flushing consuming the 109th precinct, it's time to create a new precinct covering Bay Terrace, Whitestone and College Point. The precinct could be located on the campus of the new Police Academy in College Point.

I proposed this in 2009.

Anonymous said...

is steve behar a parkside crony like tony tooo???

Steve Behar said...

I have no ties to Parkside.

Alfredo C said...

We have been saying this for years, when Steve suggested the college point idea no one wanted to listen, Whitestone has maybe one car on a good day. We need a new or satellite pct. Why not in the police academy building? Let's hope we get something soon.

Anonymous said...

Is the State going to fund these new precints?

Anonymous said...

Or can they use space at Fort Totten? College Point is a long way from Bay Terrace.

Anonymous said...

set up an I.C.E.Patrol in Flushing and the problem with illegal alien gangsters will slow down.

Anonymous said...

Avella is still acting as though he's still a Councilman. As a State Senator, why isn't he proposing term limits, campaign finance reforms, etc., as he promised as a candidate?

Anonymous said...

Maybe because our councilman is too busy trying to open up a catering hall to do his job.

Anonymous said...

Why not just hire more cops?

Seriously tho...

Anonymous said...

if in Albany, a nyc,/state senator can not solicit campaign funds and get public exposure for the next nyc mayor's race.

Anonymous said...

As a State Senator, why isn't he proposing term limits, campaign finance reforms, etc., as he promised as a candidate?

As a freshman senator in the minority party, he's lucky they let him use the bathroom. Ironically, one of the arguments used by supporters of Tony was that Padavan had lost his clout because the Senate had flipped to the Democrats. So people voted for Tony, but the Senate flipped back to the Republicans, leaving Sen. Avella with little, if any, clout.

Tony should return to his maverick roots, as the anonymous poster had said, and call for term limits and campaign finance reform, even though he has no power to do anything about it. It would demonstrate that he at least still has a spine. Personally, I think he would have fit in better as the Public Advocate.

Anonymous said...

are there really that many democrat political gangsters left in queens, that we need another N.Y.P.D. Pct. to accommodate them ?

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