Friday, January 13, 2012

City turns blind eye to squalid apartments

From Eyewitness News:

Tenants are found living in potentially dangerous apartments repeatedly cited for safety violations.

Why is New York City letting them live in what could turn into a fire trap?

The tenants pay their rent, but what they have to do to stay warm and cook their meals are serious fire threats.

The building in the Bronx Hunts Point section screams out fire trap.

Up to eight or nine rooms are each rented out through Craig's List to people desperate for a roof over their heads.

It's a fire just waiting to happen and the city knows it.

Since 2005, the Buildings Department has repeatedly fined the landlord.

The landlord has more than $70,000 in unpaid fines for illegally renting up to 15 rooms at a time, endangering lives.


99% said...

ah, I think its Ciy COUNCIL turns a blind eye to squalid aparmtents - and of course the reason is they only care about housing for the 1 %.

Anonymous said...

With love,

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