Monday, December 26, 2011

Who would do this?

"The damage was so specific that I wondered if it was done by the property owner or to punish the property owner at 35-48 73rd Street in Jackson Heights. Seemed to be pretty recent. This will be a hazard when snowstorms hit. Regardless of weather, it's a stupid heartbreak." - anonymous

Please contact Parks if you have any information about who did this.


Anonymous said...

That's pretty fucked up

Joe said...

I seen this before on Seneca ave in Ridgewood as far back as 1985.
--Only many tiny holes.

I told this story about an incident on Seneca & Summerfield a wile back

A family from Romania bought a house and moved in. One night we were having a stakeout 4AM inside my van for car stereo robbers. What do we find instead ?
The new Romanian homeowner come outside in bunny rabbit slippers with a box and crouch low between a London plain tree and a car.
We then see weird movement --the bums cranking a hand drill into the tree !! !
---We jumped out the van and saw a Delco boxed bag of car battery acid with its spout pulled out ready to go as well.
His explanation ?

"these kind tee make mess"
"I no like sweep" "F__ you people" "my tree you people don't own street"
"FU ! FU !"

(We did the right thing with him before he accidentally fell trying to run back inside).

On close inspection by the cops the scumbag refugee vandal had been doing this to the tree for quite a wile.
It had many small hard to notice downward holes in trunk.
He was arrested and we gave the cops the VCR tape.
Even with stiff evidence the city DID NOTHING but let him plea deal slap on the wrist $300 ticket fine.
He then moved his family out and converted his place to a flophouse for Slavic gypsy's.

The 60+ year old tree died a year or 2 later and was taken down.

Anonymous said...

If his sewer lines were being damage or if limbs were falling I can't blame him for taking down "Their" tree. After all if you had to replace your water and sewer lines right after taking out a large mortgage with the bank how do you pay for the repairs ? You could lose your house!

Queens Crapper said...

If you can't afford things like sewer repair then you have no business buying a house.

Queens Crapper said...

Furthermore, if you do yearly sewer maintenance on your lines, you would have no problem with a major sewer repair. Lots of excuses for barbaric behavior.

Joe said...

Tree roots will go around sometimes "wrap" around a sewer line.
The only time I seen a problem is when the tree is up rooted and the root ball pulls the pipe up when the tree falls.
Most line problems are caused by rotting asphalt pipes dating back to the 1940s. These tar paper like pipes dont rust clog like iron but will develop cracks roots will "climb" into.
Its much more maintenance then iron or PVC but not the trees fault.

All these new immigrant homeowners suck, they just want to rent, make $$ with as little maintenance as possible.
Our NY pols, Bloomberg and the Obama bunch are already working on a program to give automatic citizenship to any person willing to spend $500,000 cash on a home or business.
According to Peter King Coumo II and his people are already working to streamline this program in NY so all these foreigners with cash come here first !!

--You ain't seen nothing yet !

Anonymous said...

Joe -

According to whom about the $500,000 citizenship? What's the source?

Anonymous said...

Absolutely disgusting.

What's WRONG with these people!

Auntie Invasion said...

it's owned by illegal aliens, Mohammad A. Rauf & Shu Yun Li. Illegal Aliens hate trees and do their best to kill them. it's just vegetation in their way. their next move is to concrete over the place where a tree or garden once was.

this premises could be investigated as it's been flipped many times all by Chinese people. check ACRIS NYC dept of finance.

Auntie Invasion said...

check out DOB website for the many violations.
they have Quality of Life Violations.

wonder if this a ho house aka sex trafficking location.

drilling holes into a NYC street tree is something a hostile, ignorant illegal alien would do. they can't kill Americans so they kill the trees instead.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Vibrant and Diverse. Welcome to Queens.

Anonymous said...

The DOI should investigate how all ECB violations were removed without a penny been paid. ECB violation #34255695L had a $16G fine imposed for the quality of life violation. Someone in DOB 'wrote-off' without going to the court to pay the fine. I heard this expediter Yang has good inside connection.

Anonymous said...

this is friggin' sick!

did anyone report this ? The person who owns the property should be issued a fine. I'm sure someone saw something too.

Homeowners have a responsibility to take care of the property around their homes.

That tree was planted with our tax dollars too BTW.

Stupid azzholes.

Anonymous said...

Is there any neighborhood in Queens that doesn't have its new immigrants killing trees because they don't like taking care of the leaves or to open up an area to an illegal parking pad?

Anonymous said...

this must have been done by the newly arrived immigrant muslim/ asian wide beak woodpecker.....

if it is asian ,look for the liu connection.

196-29 42avenue owners donated . and is it a coincidence that$60,000. in d.o.b.,e.c.b.fines were "resolved by certificate"?

Anonymous said...

john liu did it ,

Joe said...

""Joe -
According to whom about the $500,000 citizenship? What's the source?""
You think I'm making this up ?

You people are being kept in the dark because the Daily News, Post, Newsday dare not "upset" the F*ing dirty scumbags like the Mayor and Schumer who wants this.
Places like Maspeth and LIC are the prime targets.
The Pols are saying "unlimited VISA's" that may as well be citizenship the way I see it

Joe said...

"they can't kill Americans so they kill the trees instead"
Nor quite
Illegal aliens have killed more Americans then 9-11 and the Iraq war combined. This number is repeated every year and getting worse.
2/3 of these Mexicans, Central Americans and Russians are chronic alcoholics.
A DWI illegal Mexican killed my uncle in a "head on" driving home from work last Thursday.
The Budweiser cans were spilling out on the roadway as the rescue cut the cockroach out with the jaws of life.
--Not a scratch or inquiry on him, my uncle was 82 he died in the ambulance.

Anonymous said...

Joe -

I think you're making this up. Sometimes things aren't in the paper because they didn't happen.

Queens Crapper said...

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you would know about the visas because I did a couple of posts about them. So before you accuse people of making things up, you should know what the hell you're talking about.

Queens Crapper said...

Start with this: Foreigners' Sweetener: Buy House, Get a Visa

Anonymous said...


the last episode documented that many asians are led across the mexico/texas border ,at a cost of $30,000. each.
there were ten asians caught by the border police that night.

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