Monday, December 26, 2011

Group hopes for re-examination of transfer station

Transfer station under construction, December 2011

From the Times Ledger:

A Queens advocacy group hopes that developments surrounding the aviation industry and LaGuardia Airport will draw renewed attention to what it said are the dangers of a planned garbage facility in College Point.

The aviation advocacy group Friends of LaGuardia Airport said the new blood at the top of the Federal Aviation Administration could mean a fresh look at the proposed North Shore Marine Transfer Station in College Point and its effects on the airport.

Earlier this month, Randy Babbit, head of the FAA, resigned after he was arrested and charged with drunk driving. His second-in-command, Michael Huerta, took the helm, which the group said could bode well for their cause.

“What I hope will happen is that the FAA will look at this with a new set of eyes,” said Ken Paskar, president of Friends of LaGuardia Airport.

Paskar maintains that the station — where trash from the borough will be collected and then floated out on a barge before being transferred again to a train — is a hazard and money-draining measure for LaGuardia Airport. The station lies directly in the flight path of one of the runways at the airport and sits less than a half mile away.

If the station is built, Paskar is worried that birds will be attracted to the garbage and present a risk for planes departing and landing.


Anonymous said...

If the station is built, Paskar is worried that birds will be attracted to the garbage and present a risk for planes departing and landing.
A little too late. The building is already there waiting for activation. Can anyone guess who already made big $$$ from the construction?

hint: It isn't us!!!

Joe said...

I'm a boater.
Any barge hauling garbage to jersey WILL have to cross DIRECTLY in front of the LGA takeoff runway 31.
The end of this runway is only 6.7 feet above the water level !
This point of the Long Island Sounds channel is also very narrow.
The big Jets fully fueled & loaded takeoff 200-300 feet over you head right in the range of any birds including some HUGE osprey and Turkey from the Brother Islands.
These new jets out of LGA only have 2 engines and both are needed to get off the ground.
This is pure suicide and mass negligence !!!

Anonymous said...

This is another exapmple of how the Bloomturd administration has royally screwed the citizens of NYC and all the travelers flying in and out of LaGuardia Airport. It's surely an accident waiting to happen. Even Capt. Sully Sullenberger pointed it out before the building was built. Now the construction is completed!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

If the attempt to keep the garbage transfer station from opening is successful (Lord willing), then what happens to the structure that was already built? Wouldn't it make a nice indoor recreational center for the community? Oh wait! Bad idea. Our elected officials would probably miss out on their anticipated kickbacks!

Anonymous said...

Has the transfer station been approved by a community board? which ones?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Has the transfer station been approved by a community board? which ones?
Does it REALLY matter?

Anonymous said...

Why not build a transfer station along the Brooklyn Heights waterfront? Why not at the end of 76th street on the west side? Why not down by battery park?

Why not? because you can stick those kinds of things in Queens, thats why.

Anonymous said...

This issue clearly demonstrates that the Bloomberg administration is for the birds (and not people)!!!

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