Thursday, December 8, 2011

Does this ever end?

From Capital Tonight:

Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and Comptroller Tom DiNapoli announced today that four people — including an aide to Queens Democratic Sen. Shirley Huntley — will be indicted for filing fraudulent documents in order to pocket $30,000 in member-item cash meant for a non-profit.

The indictments and ongoing investigation is the fruit of an agreement between their offices to audit and investigate public malfeasance. The indictments also help the attorney general contradict claims made by his primary and general election opponents last year that the then-state senator would not aggressively pursue his Democratic colleagues once he moves to the AG’s office.

The investigation found that the president and treasurer of the Parent Workshop, Inc. filed phony documents with the state in order to receive public money via a legislative member item. The indictment says that instead of using the money for public programs, two of the defendants pocketed about $29,950.

The indictment names the non-profit’s president, Patricia Savage, who also serves as an aide to Huntley, along with Lynn Smith, the organization’s treasurer who also shares a residence with Huntley. Officials allege that the defendants falsely claimed they would use the money for workshops and to conduct outreach to parents on the workings of the New York public school system.


Anonymous said...

"The investigation found that the president and treasurer of the Parent Workshop, Inc. filed phony documents with the state in order to receive public money via a legislative member item. The indictment says that instead of using the money for public programs, two of the defendants pocketed about $29,950."

And yet Toby Stavisky continuously allocates hundreds of thousands of dollars to the North Flushing Senior Center annually and that remains under the radar? WTF???

georgetheatheist said...

"Does this ever end?"

No. It is Nietzschean in its magnitude.

"What if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: 'This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more' ... Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: 'You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.' " - Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, 1882

Anonymous said...

Where there is money there is corruption.
At least in the private sector the corrupt would be out on their butts.

Anonymous said...

How many of these bastards do we have to read about before we vote them out and get some new blood in @ election time?

Anonymous said...

Whoa....somebody's missing the motherload!


Why is this shady Congressman
continually being ignored in all of these ongoing?

It's time to put him in the cross hairs!

Get out that fiber optic line and shove it up his financial spread sheet!

Just follow the money trail to his Taiwanese handlers.

This recent John Liu scandal will look like small potatoes....merely the coming attraction to the real epic....the wholesale corruption of our government by a bloated Congressional crook!

Let's face it....Gary sits right in the crossroads of a HUGE scandal just waiting to be lanced open by the feds!

It might wind up tying in the Queens Trib's sleazebag (Manes' old bag man who escaped jail on a technicality) Michael Nussbaum...and the rest of the Liu clan!

C'mon boys....finish the job!

We've been giving you investigative journalists some good tips here on Queens Crap.

Just follow the leads!

You'll wind up in good graces with your editors and become media stars in your own right.

Time for some eager beaver reporter to make his bones and up his career on the Ackerman bonanza!

Somebody's got to open up this can of worms.

why not let it be you?

FlushingRepresenter said...

These scum excuse for humans DO NOT get into politics to "help people".

What is a low level politicians salary? 50k a year?

They are in it for financial gains of exponential proportions.

Anonymous said...

And yet Toby Stavisky continuously allocates hundreds of thousands of dollars to the North Flushing Senior Center annually and that remains under the radar? WTF???

Good point! Anyone in law enforcement or the media paying attention? If not, why not???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

End "public programs". Let's to return to "private charity".

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 8:

If you abolish the City Council, what do you replace it with? The city needs to have a legislative body.

In any case, Huntley is a State Senator, not a City Council Member. Pay attention.

Anonymous said...

Put an end to discretionary funding.

It's your local reps' slush funds used for blackmailing orgs into supporting them.

Let ALL funding be approved by the full vote of the City Council!

Anonymous said...

No more ice cream or candy bar money for the Stavisky run bogus "North Flushing Senior Center".

Is it $30,000 a year they get?

That could buy the whole "Haagen Dasz"
plant's output for awhile!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
No more ice cream or candy bar money for the Stavisky run bogus "North Flushing Senior Center".

Is it $30,000 a year they get?


$30,000??? Try funding in excess of $300,000!!! Are you listening FBI???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, but who has to vote to abolish politicians?

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