Thursday, September 15, 2011

Turner sworn into Congress


Anonymous said...

I like how everyone blames it on Obmama.

The reason is more simple.

Gay marraige, day laborers, out of control develpment, Sancturary City, bike lanes, Blumberg and term limits, Quinn, Clair, George, Honest Joe, etc etc etc....

.... and things like Queens Crap. Lets face it, Tammany Hall doesn't control all the information any more.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately this will be short lived. They will axe this seat give Queens portion back to Crowley, who will surrender Bronx part of his district to Serrano. The Brooklyn half of the 9th will go to Meeks or Towns. In return for not balking the Republicans will see Peter King's district take over Carolyn McCarthy's out on Long Island. The changes will simply be thrust on the people.

Anonymous said...

Since a Republican won, look for Crowley to eliminate this seat ASAP. Had Weprin won, the Democrats would have fought to have this seat re-instated. Let's hope Turner does the best job he can do for his constituents. Maybe the people in Queens will wake up and see what it's like to have someone productive in government--that's providing Turner does a good job. Everything in Queens government is a done deal. Virginia Joe Crowley calls the shots. By the way, isn't there a law that says he needs to be a resident in the district he represents? Just asking.

Anonymous said...

Meeks/Flake/Addabbo gets Elmhurst and Jamaica. Scheuer/Ackerman/Weprin gets Manhassett and Pelham. Ferraro/Manton/Crowley gets Forest Hills and Queensbridge.

Anonymous said...

This is now a Republican district. Crowley and his cohort cannot axe it.
Finally, a traditional Queens district no longer represented by leftists.

Anonymous said...

I think the opposite was true: Weprin agreed not to challenge Joe or Gary, so they picked him to run. They would have eliminated the district and then rewarded Weprin with some cushy spot in the second Obama administration (if there is one) or locally, like some $150K / year spot in Borough Hall. But now it's anyone's game or guess. Good luck Bob, you're gonna need it!

Anonymous said...

Redistricting axing two districts bec of loss of population in NY State, but NYC did not lose population, so why should NYC lose a seat?

Anonymous said...

Take a look at reality:

This was a case of the combined effects of scandal, relatively small turnout and aging population. In the greater city there was no change in the trend toward the Democratic party that has gone on for just over twenty years.

You can out your own spin on this and blame any sort of issues that bother you but, if other New Yorkers shared your views we would have seen at least some wider effects in this election.

Anonymous said...

That picture/segment looks more criminal than any large group of du-rag wearing, large bubble coat, ski masked up minorities at your local liquor store selling drugs.

Anonymous said...

Big deal, nothing every changes, when will humans realize that all politicians are corrupt and don't accomplish anything but receiving fat salaries, ITS TIME TO GET OUT THE GUILLOTINE ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

who don't like pizza said...

Much has been made of the shift in the Jewish vote in the 9th CD, but what I think the media has ignored is that there is a wide swath of Catholic voters--a mix of second-, third-, and fourth-generation Irish, Italian, German, and Polish--who still call Queens home. These voters, mostly weekly church-goers, have been ignored, and even ridiculed, by the Queens Democratic Party machine and thus not motivated to vote. Turner also made an appeal to these ignored voters, and these voters, whose values are aligned closely with those of Orthodox Jews, also contributed to his win.

Anonymous said...


georgetheatheist said...

Yeah, just hope Turner doesn't turn into a Peter Koo.

Anonymous said...

I only hope the 'Crapper' posts the first ten votes Turner makes as the new Rep. from the Ninth. We will soon realize he doesn't represent us at all. So sad.

Anonymous said...

One political dynasty finally busted....another one to go!

Watch out Toby Ann Staisky.
Your days could be numbered too!

Now if Ackerman and his crooked crew could be ousted....there would truly be dancing in the streets!

Anonymous said...

Or turn into a Dan "George".

Helen said...

whodon'tlikepizza ~

What you wrote sounds absolutely right. Here's another thing that the media probably won't cover ... we all know that this was Weiner's district but not everyone knows that Weiner got his start with Sen. Charles (call me Chuck) Schumer. This is a huge blow to the Democrat party in NY State.

Anonymous said...

The State Assembly victories of Goldfeder and Simanowitz are not your typical Dem clubhouse victories. These two men are Orthodox, representing a more socially conservative base.

If they vote liberal, their own communities will turn on them, the same way that they rejected Weprin. So while most Dems vote along the party line, these two would vote in line with their constituencies.

As for Congressional redistricting, you can say goodbye to Gary Ackerman, because the growing Asian bloc wants one of its own to represent northern Queens.

georgetheatheist said...

Bob, how slimy was Virginia Joe's handshake? (Video at 1:37-1:40)

Anonymous said...

When will Democrats realize that Evan Staviski and Parkside's pay to play scheme is killing Democrats. Parkside sucks and Democrats need to hire them. Tony Avella lucked out because the UFT saved him from Parkside's incompetence.

Anonymous said...

RE: "take a look at reality".

your spin is a liberal joke.

are our citizens suffering a 9.2% unemployment and 16% underemployment, excessive government spending,increasing taxes and fees (bridge tolls),a $14.6 TRILLION DEBT,$19 billion overpayment in unemployment checks,47 % of Americans on food stamps ETC,ETC, ?


Rich Parkwood said...

Despite pundits trying to say otherwise, his was not a referendum on Obama. These were two lousy candidates and more people thought that Turner sucked just a little bit less.

We really need all elections to include more than two candidates.

Anonymous said...

Queens can be compactly, distinctly and fairly partitioned along 110 Street and 80 Avenue into the three historic, constituent townships of Newtown, Flushing and Jamaica. Not to do so would constitute jerrymandering and it is high time blatant jerrymanerers be prosecuted and jailed.

Anonymous said...

I also thought that the deal was to give up one Democratic and one Republican seat. If Weiner had kept the seat, this was slated to be the Democratic seat sacrificed.

Anyone know what seat the Dems will give up now? How about the Repubs, will they make this seat their offering? Turner is fairly old, but he appears pretty vital and he may prove popular (although I suspect he isn't quite as conservative ((Jerry Springer??)) or pro-Israel as he pretended for this election . . .) .

Anonymous said...

"(although I suspect he isn't quite as conservative ((Jerry Springer??))"

Conservatives have two masters: Money. Power.

Fox "News" king Murdoch took an Arab sheik as partner to shore up his news operation that is bleeding cash.

That Arab is the same one who gives $25,000 to reward families of suicide bombers.

Nothing personal, just business.

Anonymous said...

Turner for mayor ,if his seat is gone.....

Anonymous said...

Targeting those POLS who voted for Gay marraige will be next on the people's agenda to remove POLS from office.

There will be no redistricting thrusted upon us to eliminate Turner - that would be a conspiracy to deprive constituents of fair representation because of a historic change - a republican representing the area for the first time since 1923.

Turner for Mayor - I love that suggestion, bravo! There is no reason we have entrenched party POL any more - lets insure fresh non-career POLS are elected and term-limit laws are made iron-clad - Bloomberg-proof!

Anonymous said...

As the world Turners!

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