Thursday, September 15, 2011

Kids think turnstile jumping is ok

From the Daily News:

Alicia is among some 500,000 students who get a free student MetroCard from school, but she still hops the turnstile when she can get away with it, she admitted, as she stepped onto an F train at Seventh Ave. and Ninth St.

"To save the fare," she said with disdain for having to explain the obvious. Student MetroCards are programmed with three fares - or three trips - each weekday.

Theoretically, that allows one trip to school, one to an after-school activity and one final trip back home. Still, the amount of fare-beating jumps between 3p.m. and 4 p.m., when dismissal bells ring across the city - and students are to blame, MTA analysts have found.

Alicia gave the delinquents' rationale. There's more to life than school and three trips a day often are not enough. You might want to go downtown - as in downtown Brooklyn. Or go see a friend. Maybe a movie.

Each time you enter the subway without using your student MetroCard, you save one extra ride to take legally, and safely, later that day - especially if a cop happens to be near the entrance.

"The cops, the MTA, they're all going to get paid whether I pay or not, whether I hop or don't hop. I could put the money I save aside into a college fund or something."


Anonymous said...

It's my thought that student metrocards should be free all the time 7 days a week. I know some of you will shout socialism but why shouldn't the kids get some mobility around our great city. It's certainly a fact of life for all the "connected" people with their passes on the subway, their free parking placards, their free EZ passes... need I go on. In this case I would say what's good for the geese is good for the gosling.

FlooshingRezident said...

A movie on a weekday? I guess these kids don't have any homework.

And it shows!

Anonymous said...

"thieves for their robbery have authority when judges steal themselves"

the bard.

let the kids ride.

Anonymous said...

And their parents approve, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Subway system is an essential service, like garbage collection and fire/police protection. It's mych fairer to pay for it with general taxes. You'd save $$ by eliminating fare collections, metrocard issuance, etc., and you wouldn't need all those subway booths and attendants.

Anonymous said...

Does she have any kids yet? .....

Gary the Agnostic said...

There is no such thing as a free ride. Someone is paying for all of this - you and me, with our tax dollars and increased fares.

Anonymous said...

And their parents approve, I'm sure.


Absolutely, parents are who taught them the trick.

This occurs routinely at Woodhaven Blvd. Mom rolls up with infant in the baby stroller, and pushes her 5and 7 year olds under the turnstile so they can open the emergency door. No fare is collected.

Anonymous said...

Gary, the point is that the marginal cost of a ride is close to zero.

Alicia wants us think that the fare savings are going into the "college fund" -- well, that's contempt for the intelligence of the Daily News reader as well as contempt for the law. If the card was programmed for 4 rather than 3 fares, there still would be "fare-beating".

Anonymous said...

That's how they practice sneaking under the U.S.-Mexico border.

Anonymous said...

The kids should ride for free. Otherwise it is expense for a family of four to travel (2.25 x 4= $9:00)---and then there is the return trip. Total is $18:00.

Anonymous said...

Another reason why the MTA says it has no money. Unfortunately, the law abiding taxpayers (suckers) pay the bill that these criminals run up.

Cherokeesista said...

She learned from her parents and it just goes to show what type of person this child will grow up to be which is extremely sad ;-( My son got annoyed at me because he just started Junior High and was given a Metro Card from his school ;-( I told him he has to give it back period !! I drive him there and back so he doesn't need it,its a waste of money that could go to something more important ;-) And if you can spread your damn legs a make a baby then its your responsibility to get that child to and from school !!!

Deke DaSilva said...

Diversity is our strength!

It's also.......

An underground Latino limbo contest!

Anonymous said...

Ever notice how manyparents use their kids' student passes? Watch the turnstiles some day.

Anonymous said...

The kids should ride for free. Otherwise it is expense for a family of four to travel (2.25 x 4= $9:00)---and then there is the return trip. Total is $18:00.
THe public school kids get free schooling on our tax money. Their parents can pay their train fare or the kids can get part time jobs.

Anonymous said...

SO these kids get 3 free trips every day, and even that isn't good enough for them? They want even more? Typical tweeded mentality.

Rich Parkwood said...

"I could put the money I save aside into a college fund or something."

College??? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!! I'm betting on "or something".

Anonymous said...

I wonder if teachers ever use these student cards. I thought I
saw that happen once.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if teachers ever use these student cards. I thought I
saw that happen once.
I see adults use them all the time, I just assumed they were parents of students. I guess they could be teachers or other school employees who might have access to these cards.

Anonymous said...

Put them in jail. deport the parents. problem solved.

Anonymous said...

More money left to buy weed.....

Anonymous said...

Yep as a professional fare beater why not. To me its fine. Reason I became a professional fare beater is because the state would not extend metrocards that shut the system down for 3 days from Hurricane Sandy back in 2012. Plus it makes up for me being fined for walking between subway cars and my bike riding fines. The state of New York takes money from me for bull crap I think its time for me to take my money back and then some.

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