Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hillside Avenue market protest

Sorry about the name snafu, Tony.


Anonymous said...

Thank you,Thank you,Thank you
Now, if ony the Buildings Department would do their job and enforce the zoning issues.
Thank you Senator TONY Avella and
Thank you Monica Morales

Anonymous said...

If local news station would hire local residents, these name snafus wouldn't happen.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice that the illegal food cart was missing from the parking lot yesterday. Humm, it's always there 24/7 and never gets removed daily for cleaning as per the administrative code.Why was it gone yesterday?
It's not harrassment to investigate and inspect this cart more then once.Its called obeying the laws and enforcing the health code.

Anonymous said...

Did I hear the owner of the store correctly. He admits to the delivery method and is now going to deliver the meat on the side of the building where it can't be seen by the public.
Wow he's really fixing this problem.

Anonymous said...

Was the neighbor arrested for taken pictures of the store?
Is that against the law?

Anonymous said...

there are violations but it looks like the owner is trying now to do it right. If he passes the inspection let him oeprate, if he fails, take the next step, closing, whatever it is. Mr. Avella doesn't need to suggest to close the business now.

Anonymous said...

Funny how all the people "concerned" about the health violations are from people who most likely don't shop there.
ANY meat market is nasty to live next to. The problem is not the fresh meat being brought in, even if it is uncovered, but the waste bins that store the inedible parts for pickup.

Queens Crapper said...

Yes, it's normal to have exposed meat driven around in the back of a pickup truck and pushed around in a shopping cart outside. The 4 agriculture violations were not for scraps in a dumpster outside.

Anonymous said...

Yes crappy, it's a violation, but lets be honest. The people complaining about this store don't face a health risk from these violations because we all know they are not going to buy anything there.

There problem is with the presence of the store itself. The point I am trying to make is if this was an Italian meat market that followed the proper health regulations, the neighbors would still be complaining about it because of the smells from the waste, the excessive noise from delivery trucks, etc.

The reality is that these people probably wouldn't care less if these health violations occurred in another neighborhood, or another city, or another country. If Indians (or any other ethnic group)want to eat meat that is transported in unrefrigerated trucks, I don't think the rest of us really care.

It would be nice for the news story and the protesters to be honest about why they are opposed to this store rather than complain about violations that don't affect them personally. Maybe other violations do directly affect them, but safe food handling is most likely not one of them. How about they focus on the issues that do affect them?

Queens Crapper said...

I would think the risk of a major outbreak of food poisoning would be of concern to everyone, especially since we most likely would end up paying for any hospital care required as a result. And the vermin this place attracts is indeed a health risk.

Anonymous said...

"And the vermin this place attracts is indeed a health risk."

Don't kid yourself. Most restaurants and food establishments have some type of infestation. Even the ones with the big 'A' in the window.

Most of Manhattan is overrun by rats and mice yet we see no impact on the general health of the public.

"I would think the risk of a major outbreak of food poisoning would be of concern to everyone"

We should be concerned about something that hasn't happened, and could hypothetically be a small problem, yet people are seriously injured and killed in motor vehicle accidents on a regular basis costing us millions in actual losses. Yet we shit on the traffic commissioner and DOT for trying to make the streets safer because we don't like to be inconvenienced because of the changes.

Something doesn't make sense here.

Anonymous said...

Again, I'm sure these people have legitimate gripes. But concerns over possible food poisoning in the Indian community is probably not one of their primary concerns.

John Patel said...

I live on a couple houses away from the store. Yes you are right the neighbors really don’t care about the food violations. The food violations are such a small part of the big problem. We are not looking for the store to close we actually welcomed a store at this location. The problem is the owners of the store have illegally opened a store that has created many quality of life issues for our block. This has all been done illegally. If this store was operating legally I still wouldn’t be happy but I would understand their right to operate. Many of our problems could be corrected almost immediately if the NYC Buildings Department and other agencies would enforce the laws. The reason why Senator Avella is using the Department of Agriculture is because they are the only city agency that might have some teeth to correct this problem. The other agencies have walked away from our problem.
How many more homeowners on our block have to be harassed, hurt or arrested before the city finally decides to enforce the laws? I was at the store the other night when a mob from the store attacked a couple of homeowners for taken pictures from the sidewalk of the garbage area. This is wrong and shouldn’t be happening in our community
Thank you Senator Tony Avella for your support, Thank you

Anonymous said...

check out the illegal rear garbage area. Be happy you aren't living near this store.
The required rear and side yard is a fire hazard,dangerous and illegal. Why isn't the Buildings Department able to enforce the laws
I to do not care about the food violations but I do care about our community and what this store has done.
FYI- The owners of the store do not own the building. The landlord has paid some of the building fines. Im sure those payments are being payed from the security deposit.

Anonymous said...

Thank you John Patel for your explanation and for shedding some light on this issue.

I hope crappy decides to display my other comment, which has yet to post.

Anonymous said...

Thank you John Patel for explaining that.

Anonymous said...

wonder how sadik khan has made the streets safer when 500+ people end up at the hospital now because of cyclists. problem so bad that they have to put babysitters at the ends of the bike paths on east river bridges. but that's a topic for another post...

Anonymous said...

"I to do not care about the food violations but I do care about our community and what this store has done."

Again, thank you for your honesty. I hope you guys make some progress with this situation.

Queens Crapper said...

Sadik-Khan is getting flak because the streets are in terrible condition because her head is focused on bikes. I called in 10 potholes while on a short walk through Ridgewood last week. But yes, that's a topic for another post.

Personally, I don't want anyone getting sick from meat sitting in unrefrigerated trucks and dragged through the streets. But if people don't know it's happening, then they don't have the choice to take the risk or not. So even if this is not the reason that they called it in, it's good that the public knows about it.

Anonymous said...

"Something doesn't make sense here."

Yeah, making a post about filthy food about the DOT commissioner is what doesn't make sense here.

Anonymous said...

"We should be concerned about something that hasn't happened, and could hypothetically be a small problem"

Your line of reasoning might make sense if food poisoning weren't potentially deadly. It could hypothetically be a BIG problem. Yes, food poisoning focus is supposed to be on prevention, numbnuts.

Anonymous said...

"wonder how sadik khan has made the streets safer when 500+ people end up at the hospital now because of cyclists."

Of course completely ignoring the fact that the number has DECREASED despite increased numbers of cyclists.

"But a key finding is that the number of these injuries was significantly lower in 2010 than in 2007 (927, down from 1097). Bike commuting into downtown Manhattan almost doubled in the same period."

Crappy, something is up with blogger. Obviously my comment was posted, but it is not visible to me.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice for the news story and the protesters to be honest about why they are opposed to this store rather than complain about violations that don't affect them personally. Maybe other violations do directly affect them, but safe food handling is most likely not one of them. How about they focus on the issues that do affect them?


Anonymous said...

Crappy, you have to keep in mind, these people come from cultures where food handling is very different, actually unsanitary by our standards. Yet they somehow seem to be thriving in the billions.

Sorry abut the DOT tangent. Will save it for another thread.

Queens Crapper said...

Blogger has issues. I want to migrate the site over to a better platform but I haven't gotten around to it.

Anonymous said...

"But if people don't know it's happening, then they don't have the choice to take the risk or not. "

Your eyes and nose will tell you if the meat you bought is bad.

Anonymous said...

Salmonella, e.coli and other food poisoning does not usually smell. That's why so many people get food poisoning. It's mostly in the handling.

Anonymous said...

"Most of Manhattan is overrun by rats and mice yet we see no impact on the general health of the public."

Don't forget the tons of guano birds drop on the city every day...which then dries up and which we breathe in aerosol form.

Humans are pretty tough, QC, we can handle vermin.

Anonymous said...

Have news for you: People die from breathing in pigeon shit.

I can't believe there are morons out there that don't think this is a big deal.

Anonymous said...

Did I mention the rear and side required yard at Super Halal Meat is in violation of fire codes, zoning codes and health codes.
The store illegally enclosed the entire rear and side area (zoning violation)
The structure around the building does not meet minimal fire resistance ratings,
Rear yard is used for storage (zoning violation)
Rear yard has refrigeration compressor equipment within 6 inches of the property line
(Zoning violation)
Rear yard is used for accepting deliveries (zoning violation),
Overflowing garbage dumpster in rear yard (zoning violation)
Rear yard is used for storage (zoning violation)
Rear yard is obstructed; yard should be free of obstructions (zoning violation)
These zoning violations might not look bad but since the rear area is enclosed on private property and can’t be seen from the street. Most of the city agency can not go on private property to investigate our complaints.
Until the New York City Buildings Department enforces the removal of the enclosed rear and side yard structure, the other city agencies cannot investigate our complaints

Anonymous said...


Critical Deficiencies

04F 3-4 live flies are present in meat processing area flying around and landing on meat contact
and non-contact surfaces.
. 15-20 live flies are present on retail produce display.
. 15-20 live flies are present in the dumpster and meat fat storage area in rear long storage

General Deficiencies

09A Hand wash facility in toilet room is observed to lack sanitary drying device/ paper towels.
. Toilet room hand wash sink is not properly cleaned.
. Hand wash facility in meat service area is observed to be temporarily cluttered with utensils.
09C Toilet room lacks a self-closing door.
. Trash receptacle in the toilet room lacks a lid.
09E Light source in meat display case is insufficiently shielded.
09G Proper sanitizer test devices are not available in the establishment.
10A Exterior side door to the produce display section is not screened and kept open.
10B Establishment has insufficient space to accommodate operations with food and non-food
items stored directly against walls in storage areas hampering proper inspection and cleaning.
. Establishment has insufficient space to accommodate operations with cans of water, oil and
vinegar displayed directly on retail floor.
10C The rear long storage area where dumpsters kept exhibits standing water. This area is
congested with recycling cardboard and inaccessible towards the exterior side entrance. Water
mixed with dust and soaked debris are noted in some areas.
. Return item storage area in the rear long storage area adjacent to the entrance to the meat
processing area exhibits spilled food, residue and debris on the floor. Water mixed with dust
and soaked debris are noted in this area.
. The rear long storage area floor under shelves, used for dry food storage, along the
establishment rear wall exhibits accumulation of dust and debris.
. Basement stairs and adjacent area floor exhibit soaked dust and debris.

Anonymous said...


. Side display and storage area floor under shelves exhibits accumulation of dust and debris.
. Retail floor under gondolas exhibits dust and debris.
10D 20 milk crates full of bags of meat fat are stored in the rear long storage area where
dumpsters are kept. Mild offensive odor is prevailing in the area.
. Out of four dumpsters one dumpster was kept open. Recycling cardboard are stored on the
top of dumpsters and adjacent floor.
Per observation and management's comments firm grinds meat and slices fresh fruits at retail.
11B Employees in the meat processing area are observed working without hair restraints.
12A Liquid was dripping from the basement front walk-in cooler refrigeration unit to the boxes of
egg cartoons stored under it. Boxes of fresh produce are stored adjacent to the unit.
. Liquid was dripping from the refrigeration unit of the walk-in meat cooler. Cardboard boxes
containing cans of milk and return items are stored under the unit.
. Unwrapped meat is stored inside a shopping cart in the walk-in cooler.
12B Rice packages stored in the rear long storage area exhibits splashed washing water on the
outside paper cover. Two covers were soaked but product is packed in plastic bags.
15C Basement meat walk-in cooler floor exhibits residue and debris. Adhered residue and blood
are noted on the floor under the items stored adjacent to side and rear walls.
. Walk-in produce cooler floor exhibits water mixed with dust and debris.
. Water mixed with dust and debris is noted on the front walk-in cooler floor.
15D Thermometer is not provided in basement front walk-in cooler. Temperature measured is
15F Retail dairy display case exhibits residue at the bottom and shelves.
. Retail produce display case exhibits residue and dust at the bottom and shelves.
16B Soapy water resulted from washing the rear storage area where the dumpsters and bags of
meat fat kept and meat processing area is drained on to the side of the neighboring front yard
and side walk. Several pieces of paper trash are noted soaked in water.

Anonymous said...

And they will always tell you how better Halal and Kosher meat is.

Meanwhile, you get places like this who use open trucks to ship meat, and Kosher Deli's that get C grades all over town.

I'll stick to american butchers, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry the owner said he is using the side door now for deliveries so no will see this mess.

Anonymous said...

Michael Bloomberg made headlines over the weekend by warning that the weakness of the U.S. economy could lead to riots.
I don't think so. I beleive the Mayor might be the cause of riots in New York City. Homeowners are frustrated and forced to suffer daily because his administration is not enforcing the laws

Anonymous said...

Correct! If riots start they will start due to Bloomberg's inability to run the City. In general New Yorkers overcome the urge to riot and just become complacent.

Anonymous said...

We do not riot because our lives and standard of living are generally very good. We have too much to lose.

Anonymous said...

"I can't believe there are morons out there that don't think this is a big deal."

That is an extensive list of violations. Some of them are serious, but most of them are fairly minor and can be found in establishments throughout the city. I have been inside many restaurant kitchens throughout the city and many of these violations are common place.

"Salmonella, e.coli and other food poisoning does not usually smell. That's why so many people get food poisoning. It's mostly in the handling."
Those bacteria come from the slaughter process and it is why you are supposed to cook meat to a proper temperature. If you are cooking your meat thoroughly e. coli and salmonella are not a problem.

Queens Crapper said...

It's not just in the slaughterhouse where these pathogens exist and can infect food. If the people in the supermarket are not practicing safe food handling procedures - and clearly they are not - you are at risk for these diseases due to cross-contamination.

Queens Crapper said...

Let's not forget that non-meat products have been infected with these diseases. They have recalled strawberries, broccoli, etc.

John Patel said...

We do not riot because our lives and standard of living are generally very good. We have too much to lose.

You are very right, rioting might be a little strong. But the city needs to act at least on the zoning violations. This situation could happen anywhere in the city. I have been told many times by NYC Buildings Department inspectors "that In a perfect world, the problem would get corrected. This is not a perfect word and all we can do is issue summones, we can't enforce,correct or in many cases get paid for the violations".
If the Buildings Department can't enforce the zoning laws, who can.
And if no agency can enforce these problems, the Mayor and the city council need to create legislation that will give the city agencies the power to enforce and correct conditions similar to Super Halal Meat.
Why is this not happening?
We need legislation to correct this very serious lapse in city goverment.

Anonymous said...

Good points crappy.

Since we're on the subject, I was using the employee bathroom at an Indian restaurant (on Hillside Ave) and they had the uncovered Mexican style bucket with shit paper in it in the bathroom, as well as a barely cold walk-in cooler. I also saw the five second rule applied; right from the floor back into the batch.

I guess I'm just jaded because I still tried some food from there.

Oh, a new trend that I'm sure people would be outraged to hear; restaurants fitting their employee bathroom sinks to water saving spouts, so that barely a sprinkle of water comes out. There's no way anyone is properly washing their hands in that little trickle of water. I have seen this in high end restaurants and steak houses in Manhattan.

Anonymous said...

The food cart is back. Why was it gone during the press conference?
Many complaints have been made to the NYC Department of Mental Health and Hygeine. Food carts are required to be cleaned daily at a commissary or depot. This cart is operating at this location 24/7. It is also parked in their very active and dangerous driveway exit.
Why are these Administrative codes ignorned?
Department of Mental Health and Hygeine refuses to investigate this cart. Hmmm,just my opinion $$$.

Anonymous said...

I noticed the new food cart isn't the one that was there.This is a different cart with another permit number. #53395
Can someone explain to me how the food cart system works. I was under the impression that permits were limited and very difficult to get in the city of New York.
This is the 5th cart at this location in a year. But the same employees are operating the cart.

Anonymous said...

Dear Honorable NYS Senator of the 11th District MR. Tony Avella

RE: Your public quotations regarding vowing to close a local super market (Super Halal Meat in Bellerose) in your district.

I have family in Glen Oaks and they shop there. We enjoy the shopping experience and would have to travel farther to another specialty market that specifically caters to Muslims with Halal products.
We appreciate that every business needs to comply to laws to keep the customers and the public safe, also to be a good neighbor.

Honorable Sir, what I don’t appreciate is that it does seem like with your public vow to close them, that you indicted, convicted and sentenced this business to death in the court of your own mind and the jury being the neighbors on the block or very close by in opposition.

This is America the land of capitalism and with our delicate economic climate no senator any where in America should vow to close a business down without due process afforded to all constituents to make the necessary corrections to be within the law of compliance pursuant to codes ETC.

I’m sure that racism is not an issue with your office but in following the story every protestor seem to be of Caucasian decent which in the Community Board 13 which includes Bellerose is twenty percent. I did not see the other races which makes the seventy-eight percent of the geographical population. Can we blame the owners for feeling discriminated. I hope and pray that you wasn’t offended and thus have taken it personal. You have to take the high road and bring peace to your constituents, not join in their fights by leading the protest or God forbid taking sides.

Wasn’t this business presented to the community board for permission to proceed with zoning ETC. Isn’t then that the community board presents the community with the proposed business and then they have a right to a public hearing.
I’m not sure of those laws and how they work but my little experience with my own community board, it is more a less the way it works. Not in my back yard is too late for that after the very large investment that this business has invested and continues to invest to make amends with their neighbors.

The witch hunt is on because they failed to attend their community board meetings.
They blame them for rats that in every city in the world as they follow us to live. The closing of the Blockbuster and with no one to cease breeding four rats multiply to one million in one year. They are seeking whatever they can get their hands on to get this business out after they are established, that just seems unfair to business. My heart goes out to them. They have a choice of selling their properties now before their unrelenting campaign against this business brings so much publicity it may lower their property values.

You have no legal responsibility or obligation to respond to me as my address is not in your jurisdiction but I shall forward a copy to my own NYS senator.

I implore you to promote small business and make peace in your jurisdiction. I pray you head this advice. Politicians are not in office to destroy businesses based on allegations and the wants of minority opposition, as what business hasn’t been cited. They eventually have to comply to the letter of law within a statute of limitations.

Thank you
Sincerely Mr. Joe Anthony Sierra Staten Island NY

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