Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pol tries to hand out rancid pork

From the Daily News:

While awaiting trial on corruption charges, Bronx Councilman Larry Seabrook is trying to steer taxpayer money to an unlicensed, unproven after-school program run by a crony.

The $66 billion budget approved by the City Council last week includes a $10,000 earmark from Seabrook to "Maria Gems," which calls itself an "innovative community program" that provides "music and health nutrition services" to kids after school.

"I found out that children were not eating fruits and I created a healthy nutrition program," said director Johnnie Goff, a nursery school owner and longtime Seabrook supporter who has an unpaid job as the councilman's liaison to the local education council.

A member of Community Board 12 in the Bronx, Goff briefly ran against Seabrook in 2009 before ending her campaign and working for his reelection.

Maria Gems does not appear to be a licensed after-school program, city and state officials say.

It also has not registered as a charity with the state attorney general, meaning it cannot solicit government or private money.

That means Seabrook's efforts to send pork to the program could get snagged by the new screening process City Council Speaker Christine Quinn implemented after a Council slush-fund scandal.

Don't you find it amazing and sad that the Congressional Democratic leadership bullied Weiner out of his job for sending out raunchy pictures of himself but the Council Democratic leadership not only stays silent about this corrupt jerk but also approves his shady spending?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Don't you find it amazing and sad that the Congressional Democratic leadership bullied Weiner out of his......"

Blacks get away with quite a bit, democrats are loath to prosecute their number one constituency.

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