Sunday, July 10, 2011

Jerry Springer visits home

I never thought much of Jerry Springer's show but thankfully this string of clips shows his family history and a visit to his neighborhood of Kew Gardens and is kind of interesting to watch on a lazy Sunday.


Anonymous said...

Jerry Springer show- that wonderful contribution to the culture- brought to us all by a current candidate for the Congress.

Anonymous said...

Who really gives a rat's ass?

Anonymous said...

>>Who really gives a rat's ass?

I'm sure those were the words your whore mother said to you as she pushed you out of her fucked up kooch.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure those were the words your whore mother said to you as she pushed you out of her fucked up kooch.

Very mature. You want your mother jokes?

Your momma is Toby Stavisky. Can't get worse than that, you asshole!

Anonymous said...

The last two comments brought to you by loyal daily Springer viewers. WOOOO HOOO JE-RRY! JER-RY! JER-RY! JER-RY!!!!

Anonymous said...

The last two comments brought to you by loyal daily Springer viewers. WOOOO HOOO JE-RRY! JER-RY! JER-RY! JER-RY!!!!


And your expectations were...?

Anonymous said...

Family values for the campaign trail, Springer to add value to the bank account.

Anonymous said...

back off my Jerry! He pays the people who go on his show unlike Crappy of Queens Crap who get you fools to write his blog for him.

Anonymous said...

back off my Jerry! He pays the people who go on his show unlike Crappy of Queens Crap who get you fools to write his blog for him.


Get a life, TROLL!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't like Jerry's brand humor and stunts but that's OK. I did like his roots story although I suspect it's WPIX benefit only.

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