Sunday, July 10, 2011

Competition is so overrated!

From the Daily News:

In a special election, voters are denied the chance to choose nominees, as they would in an open primary. And, because the district is overwhelmingly Democratic, hand-picked candidates like Weprin romp in a special election without true public scrutiny or competition.

He and his family are masters at getting themselves appointed to office. Consider:

Weprin's father, Saul Weprin, was a product of the Queens machine who rose to be Assembly speaker. When he died in 1994, the party anointed David's brother Mark in a special election.

In 2001, David ran for City Council. He faced opposition in a primary, but the machine made his only real rival a judge. David won in a walk.

In 2009, David entered the only competitive election of his career, running for city controller. He finished fourth out of four in the primary.

A campaign highlight: Asked by this page what the controller's budget was, he said: "What office? The controller's office? Ummm. Good question. The controller's office budget. Ummm . . ."

Since David's Council seat was then open and he was jobless, brother Mark came to the rescue by running for Council. Mark won, creating an Assembly vacancy, which the party boss filled, you guessed it, by making David the candidate in a special election.

And now, barring a GOP miracle, he will be off to Congress, never having won a true election in his entire career.

By the way, Crowley - who won his own seat in Congress by bypassing a primary - will then fill Weprin's vacated Assembly seat in yet another uncompetitive special election.

The voters be damned.


Anonymous said...

"SON OF SAUL" to the rescue .

Anonymous said...

Who votes for this leach?

Anonymous said...

What leeches this family is - Kingmaker Crowley sit's at the top of this garbage heap bestowing roles. The public is the big loser!

Anonymous said...

Jerry Ianecce should take Weprin's seat, that guy has done more than anybody for that district!!!

Anonymous said...

Crowley wants to eliminate the district. It is now more traditional and conservative, and Crowley and his pals are leftists.

Anonymous said...

"jerry should take weprins seat"

jerry would not step up and take anything it will kiss ass until annointed

sorry to say jim gennaro will get the nomination

poor proud gerry kissing up to weasals like the staviskys and after all of that selling out he may never get a seat to show for it

Anonymous said...

Crook Evan Stavisky Parkside is running this bum that is reason enough to vote against the Putz David Weprin

Anonymous said...

God forbid you people ever voted for someone without a capital D behind their name in the general election.

A Better NYC said...

Vote Bob Turner for congress.

He's announcing his candidacy tomorrow at 10A at the Forest Hills LIRR station.

raven61775 said...

is it just me? or does this guy look likd Dr. Phil with a bad toupee?

Anonymous said...

is it just me? or does this guy look likd Dr. Phil with a bad toupee?

Worse, he looks like a small Weiner with a rug.

Anonymous said...

We should put this stooge on a continuous defensive as to what his positions are if he knows or not.

There is no reason why he cannot be defeated and the GOP around the State should join forces to support the candidate (Turner) running. This office is winnable and must be won since once entrenched, the office holder can hold it until he sends a pic of holding himself!

Anonymous said...

Joe Crowley is stinkin up Washington and has the gall to say he lives in Woodside while his entire family resides in tony Northern Va. Yes Joe the good life you take with a grain of salt - but we are gunning to get rid of you - you better move lock, stock and barrel back - preferably to the Bronx section of your district.

Anonymous said...

That douche bag with the bad toupee Jerry Ianecce is really working this blog for the nomination. They'll never give it to him.

Anonymous said...

i agree that this should be jerry's seat. the guy has done so much for 20 years with very little recognition or anything to show for it, as a volunteer never an elected official. you idiots want to sit hear and complain about politics, elect somebody like jerry who actually deserves it and has proven to be able to get things done.

Anonymous said...

Jerry Ianecce is a pompous ass hole who will suck up to Parkside and Evan Stavisky. The last thing we need in Northeast Queens is another politician sniffing around the Stavisky's asses and doing whatever they say. We need some independent voices for once and not another Parkside lackey!

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