Monday, June 6, 2011

Weepy Weiner sorry he got caught with his pants down


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Saying you take resposibility and taking no action is bullshit! It's all about him. Typical phony politician.You lied and got caught! The only thing he is sorry about is that he got caught!

Anonymous said...

Hey, did anyone ever notice his name is Weiner? Get it?

ew-3 said...

Hard to believe trash like this the best we can do for congressmen or senators.
Sadly, I'd be willing to bet he gets re-elected, maybe even become Mayor of NYC. Sound absurd? Who ever thought the will of the people could be so easily overturned and Bloomy get a 3rd shot at re-election.

Anonymous said...

he will win mayoral race.Its still a couple of years out and the sheep of this town will vote for him.On top of that he will win his congressional seat.

Anonymous said...

leftwing socialists never leave the gangster government/media /political complex that elects them.

shame,shame,shame on the ignorant electorate in his district in Bklyn/Queens.

he bypassed the Memorial Day Parade in Douglaston and the commencement speech at Queens College,last week.


Anonymous said...

Anyone who paid attention knew this cat was a fool, yet his even more foolish voters elected him.

John Liu must by thrilled, after all if Wiener can get women then Liu can be emperor.

Archie said...

Crooked, liar, pervert admitted it because he knew he was gonna get caught.
Like Matt Drudge said must be "lots" more photos..
Perverts behave like this since they cant control themselves like drug addicts.
How many woman recipients of his photos did he call liars ?

Like said here instead of pulling the flush chain the NY sheep will give him a golden toilet seat with over 70% of the vote.

Anonymous said...

It's a bit ironic really. When a Democrat corrupted politician like Weiner, Charles Rangel , and many others are caught red handed they have no shame and refuse to resign. Now when a republican politician like
Chris Lee of NY are caught red handed, they immediately resign. It really shows how these liberals have a black hole for a heart. My guess is that queens will continue to re-elect Weiner as how Manhattan continues to re-elect Rangel.

Anonymous said...

Fake, phony, fraud. RESIGN RESIGN RESIGN!!!!
He cannot be trusted anymore.
The windbag must go!

georgetheatheist said...

I gotta get outta here. Where's the exit?

The Greeks had Adonis.

Queens has Adoofus.

Queens Crapper said...

Maybe we can set him up next to Fat Boy.

Anonymous said...

Are we going to see the results of the "private security agency" he was supposed to have hired to look into the security breach?

Cathy said...

Well I guess I'm the only one who feels this way but I admire that he fessed up, and then stood there and took the questions. He didn't make excuses or blame anyone else. He didn't take the bait from one of the reporters and call it 'sex addiction'. It's good he was weepy - he screwed up both his professional and personal life in the the public glare - but he did seem contrite. I think he really loves his wife and I hope he works it out.

Anonymous said...

Hey, what's with the dabbing at non-existent tears? Whoever is advising him is remiss; they should have told him to prepare for the press conference by concealing a freshly sliced onion in his hankie. It would have made for a more believable performance. Sorry, Weiner, no Oscar for you! said...

"Me und mein pussys". I chust luff ein Katzluffer.

Hahr, hahr! Miauuuuuuu! Hahr, hahr!

Anonymous said...

"Well I guess I'm the only one who feels this way but I admire that he fessed up, and then stood there and took the questions"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Yes Cathy, YOU ARE the only one. Weiner only fessed up after he got caught lying for the past 10 days, and after Andrew Breitbart posted additional pictures that Weiner has sent out. The man has now admitted that he's been doing it for the past three years!
(You can Google Andrew Breitbart to see all the pictures)

A Better NYC said...

As New Yorkers, did we really vote for a guy who takes pictures of his penis and e-mails them to women...?


How does this happen...?

And this guy represent us...?

It all comes back to life-long, career politians who think they can get away with anything.

Oh yeah, he's a liar too.

Is it too late to vote for Bob Turner...?

Anonymous said...

Well, he did say he was a master debater!

Anonymous said...

I knew Weiner was lacking moral fiber based on:

(1) The Forest Hills Memorial Day Parade in 2010 (last year), sponsored by the American Legion. The American Legion specifically asks politicians they invite to march NOT to have their people march with signs with their name on it. The pols are supposed to be there to honor those who served. And guess who marched down Metro with one of his peeps holding a big sign with his name on it? Anthony Weiner! Shocking, I know. But good ol’ Tony doesn’t have to follow the rules now, does he?

(2) In September 2010, less than 48hours after a tornado caused MASSIVE damage to his district, Weiner was standing outside Dirty Pierre’s (a bar about a block from his apartment), talking and laughing and having a great old time! This while other politicians stayed at their offices, fielded calls, and just generally at least PRETENDED to give a damn. The guy’s sensitivity chip is missing. Seriously.

The upside to all of this is to read the statuses of all of my lib FB friends -- the crying, complaining and caterwauling "How could he do this?" is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 20:

Not all FB Libs are crying about this schmuck. It couldn't happen to a more deserving person.

Anonymous said...

Weiner winer dun got caught!

Another dirty piece of humanity who claims that family sanctity, honest & unsullied virtue is most important to his life. That's a laugh. Did he really think he'd get away with his actions.

He's garbage & should be thrown out with the rest of the trash.

Anonymous said...

"ew-3 said...
Hard to believe trash like this the best we can do for congressmen or senators. "

This coming from an Upstate hick who probably voted for Joe "Jailbird" Bruno and other gop hacks -that got your dying towns far didn't it.

Knock us NYC residents all you want...Your two-bit town wouldn't have a pot to pee in if it weren't for the tax dollars you extort from us.

Anonymous said...

Arrogant scumbags like Weasel &Spitzer get thiers in the end.I can only imagine the advice that Hillarry Clinton is giving the soon to be ex Mrs. Weiner..............

Anonymous said...

Maspeth Mom says...

It always seems that these creepy politicians (Clinton, Spitzer, Schwachzenager)cant control them selves ... then their wives have to suffer the fallout.... I am glad she wasn't at the press conference (and stand-by her man...) .. why should she have to be publically humilated she didnt do anything to betray her marriage vows!

Anonymous said...

Does he appear to consider himself under the rule of law? Those tears were as genuine as his heart.


Anonymous said...

Wah, wah, wah!

They always cry after they've been caught!

Bye, bye Weiner!

Anonymous said...

Let's have a weenie roast, "Crappy"!

Anonymous said...

Don't feel to sorry for political wives, they know exactly what they're getting into.

Anonymous said...

Here is a guy who has never had a real job.Everything has been way too easy for him.What goes around comes around!

ew-3 said...

Anonymous said...
This coming from an Upstate hick who probably voted for Joe "Jailbird" Bruno and other gop hacks -that got your dying towns far didn't it.

Sounds like one vote for Weiner in the upcoming election. (BTW - I went to Brooklyn Tech. Far from being an upstate hick. Which btw, is a rather arrogant view on your part. What pictures do you keep on your computer ? Sounds like you and the weiner have the same attitudes.)

Anonymous said...

ew-3 said..."Sounds like one vote for Weiner in the upcoming election"

I live in Manhattan and consider Weiner an arrogant jerk -but based on what we know of his actions so-far, not a criminal.

"(BTW - I went to Brooklyn Tech. Far from being an upstate hick"

Well, that's at least one point in your favor. Better quit while you're ahead.

Anonymous said...

what is the name of the jail that Bruno is supposed to be in?????

zip code 10021 on the U.E.S does not vote for Bklyn/Queens cong. candidates .

you will never get the chance to elect this pervert to the mayoralty of n.y.c. in 2013. ask Ginger XXX , why?

Liman said...


What did I forget?

Oh yeah, he was also consistently wrong on everything.

ew-3 said...

Anonymous said......
I live in Manhattan

That explains the upstate hick comment. Next time you deride rural folk, just think about how much electricity you get from above the Bronx, and how much of your water, and how much of your food.

Manhattanites are totally dependent on everyone else for their existence. Creates a feeling of dependence, which leads to them thinking big government is good for them.

Sad, very sad.

Anonymous said...

He wasn't weeping with contrition, just upset he got caught,

Anonymous said...

ew-3 said...

Water? thanks to you people building your crappy houses and septic systems on our water shed, we now have to build a nearly 3 billion dollar filtration plant.

..Your area is barely functioning and the only growth up there has come from prisons and the hope of casinos.


Anonymous said...

The difference between sex scandals between the Democrats and Republicans is that with Democrats its with women and with republicans its other guys.

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