Friday, June 24, 2011

Stunning shorts

From an e-mail sent out by City Hall News:

* Senate Democratic spokesman Austin Shafran is said to be mulling a 2013 run against Queens Councilman Dan Halloran. Shafran, a protégé of Democratic operative Hank Sheinkopf, joined the Senate Democrats' press office after they took the majority in 2008, and has deep connections in Queens Democratic circles and beyond. Halloran has been mulling a 2012 run against state Sen. Tony Avella, but his star has dimmed after the Department of Investigation said he exaggerated claims about a purported Sanitation Department slowdown during last winter's blizzard.

* It's not the worst electronic message that a New York politician has accidentally sent, but it was still embarrassing when Queens Councilwoman Liz Crowley mistakenly forwarded an email Tuesday to every City Council member and staffer. It gave a revealing look inside her efforts to land a $200,000 member item for the National Association on Drug Abuse Problems: Writing to a legislative aide who had drafted a pitch for funding, she replied from her iPhone, "Good, but run it by lobbyist" - a reference to Vicky Contino of Wilson Esler.


Anonymous said...

If I was in that district and Austin Shafran is running against Halloran, I would vote for Halloran. I've never voted for a Republican in my life.

Anonymous said...

"I've never voted for a Republican in my life."

Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Considering the Republicans in Queens, can you blame me?

Alfredo said...

Yet again we have been shown who really is running our Government. Our elected officials refer to lobbyists regarding issues that affect our pockets, and all we can say is what exactlty?

Insane! $200,000 ? Yet we need to cut benefits, close fire houses, not hire any new Police Officers, and Lay off Teachers? Parking tickets have doubled, Real Estate taxes causing people to go into foreclosure, Elderly eating cat food again, squeege and bottle people taking over the streets yet again, water and sewer rates tripled, WHAT IS NEXT?

Yes people, we are in a sad state of affairs. The only thing missing is an arena hosting free gladiator events, and animal hunts with free bread given to the masses.


Anonymous said...

"we are in a sad state of affairs".

we are in reality living in a WELFARE CITY IN A WELFARE STATE. keep voting for the liberal/progressives and your lifesyle will never get better.

unemployment is 9.1 % to 17%,food prices increasing, savings earn 0.5 % interest in banks,and the feds keep printing dollars that are losing value quickly, and gold is at $1530.00 an ounce .gasoline prices begin to drop and the community organizer taps 30 million gallons from the U.S. strategic reserve. it will deplete in two days.

Anonymous said...

The answer is .........
Vote for yet one more party hack!

Anonymous said...

ouch, I feel really bad for whoever works in crowleys office, this is gonna be ugly for them. And as for the guy running against Halloran, WHO??? Vallone is gonna run, with the party's backing and is gonna walk right through the 19th CD.

Anonymous said...

Austin who? tell this guy to take a hike, actually this will be good for Vallone, another retart to split up the democratic primiary vote and vallone comes out on top! did Austin move here last week and get appointed to the community board already? and pay for a little leauge team or something?

Anonymous said...

another retart to split up the democratic primiary vote and vallone comes out on top!

Yuu do realize that it was Vallone that screwed Ianneecce when He split the vote in the Primary paving the way for Kim which in effect paved the way for the mess we are in now Halloran!

How long has Vallone lived in the district? Have you seen his developer heave "Community" base Lions club? Yes the Vallone machine is setting up for a major win and then destroy our neighborhood like they did LIC and Astoria. WE ARE FCKD!!!

Anonymous said...

another retart to split up the democratic primiary vote and vallone comes out on top!



Anonymous said...

Austin Shafran learned to be crooked on his mother's knee from Donald Manes and later Brian McLaughlin, he continued his training with Hank Shenkopf and now is getting his graduate degree from Malcolm Smith. With a pedigree like his he shouldn't be able to be elected dog catcher... Wonder when, or if, he will move into the district?

Anonymous said...

tony avella is in trouble and the dems know it

Anonymous said...

this is a good lesson for operatives like matt silverstein

no matter how much you try to help and how much sweat you put in to the party

evan and the boyz will screw you so they can get political capital
dony know the dyamnics here but dont look good the manny dem hacks that are getting passed up

Anonymous said...

this is a good lesson for operatives like matt silverstein

AWW does this mean Debra Markells Meal ticket, and her promised position are now in jeopardy?

It will be fun watching her tactics now.

Anonymous said...

very funny leak. wonder what message is

hmmmmmmmmmm does this have to do with perry vallone moving back to astoria. is someone trying to cut a deal to get vallones out of astoria by threateneing paul

hmmmmmmmmmmm does this have to do someone trying to scare dan halloran into not running becuase he can and will beat avella which would make the parkside lose alot of estimated revenue

very intersting, but nevertheless
in the end avella is getting a race
as is stavisky and sais for district leaders

political payback for the lies about padavan is shortcoming

Anonymous said...

political payback for the lies about padavan is shortcoming


To start Padavan was a great civil servant when he started. The last ten years he was useless and complacent. He did nothing but send letters and get no responses, as evidenced by letter DOT commissioner sent him years after his initial letter to her, and only after someone died. It was time for Padavan to go. Avella may prove useless as well but the beauty is we can vote him out and not wait for 30 someodd years.

Halloran is done, he is a liar, and makes up stories just for the headlines.

If Weiner had to resign due to tweets, what does Halloran have to do with the whole Meagan debacle?

Perry is conveniently moving back to Astoria to take the Reigns from Pete, as Paul steals the 19th with his Developer Heavy Lions Club, the Clinton Democratic Developers club, and Apelians CB7 LAND USE CHAIRMANSHIP.

We are doomed.

Anonymous said...

How do you mistakenly forward an email Tuesday to every City Council member and staffer? It doesn't seem like it would be that easy. You have to hit Forward -- then you must have a mailing list already set up for all these people -- and then you have to select that list.

Someone screwing up by hitting "Reply All" instead of "Reply" I can understand. This account seems convoluted. Tell me what I'm missing.

Anonymous said...

Halloran is done, he is a liar, and makes up stories just for the headlines.

If Weiner had to resign due to tweets, what does Halloran have to do with the whole Meagan debacle?

Perry is conveniently moving back to Astoria to take the Reigns from Pete, as Paul steals the 19th with his Developer Heavy Lions Club, the Clinton Democratic Developers club, and Apelians CB7 LAND USE CHAIRMANSHIP.

Land use chair is big money. We all know the Vallones control Apelian.

Anonymous said...

Land use chair is big money. We all know the Vallones control Apelian

Saw Papa Vallone in the paper with Papa Mattone and Daddy Cuomo, all cozy like. Planning their next mega development in a residential community AKA Waterside Estates, or College Point Corporate Park (which is once again sinking, check out the parking lot).

Anonymous said...

there is a rumour flying around not sure if true that whitestone will be cut south into middle village for tony avella's state senate seat

thus bayside will be wide open.
if that is case is saffren trying get an edge by comeing into district and pretending to be running for city council but he is realy gearing up for open seat before the new lines come out in
march 2011
their are good people who should start mobilizeing for that seat
john duane
jerry iannece
steve behar
matt silverstein
and any one else should have the right to be informed so they can partcipate in the democratic process

the district leaders with ties to state senate should notify the community leaders if that is true and not try to slip safferin in without giveing the other candidates a chance to get prepared

Anonymous said...

i mean march 2012 not march 2011

Anonymous said...

your truly

the whitestone gadfly

try to swipe me

Anonymous said...

Evan Stavisky who is a District Leader in Queens but lives in Rockland County where is wife is Democratic County Chair needs new puppet to funnel money to him. Vallone is a puppet of the developers. We're hosed!

Anonymous said...

"good people" and "Jerry Iannece" in the same sentence?

That bastard has been losing elections for 2 decades. Last time he had every advantage you could think of and still lost.

Plus he's a big douche bag!

Anonymous said...

regardless of what you think of jerry the district leaders with ties to the state senate should keep him informed of any redistricting scenerios.

i get the feeling alot of people are going to be surprised of the changeing north queens political landscape

alot of young tough smart ambitious wannabes are ariseing out of that part of queens

Anonymous said...

good people" and "Jerry Iannece" in the same sentence?

That bastard has been losing elections for 2 decades. Last time he had every advantage you could think of and still lost.

Plus he's a big douche bag!

Kind of harsh dont you think? Granted he was backed by DELIA and the Borgetto crew, but come on.

Anonymous said...

who is delia and borgetto


Anonymous said...

Iannece has the worst rug on his head I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

wow. how do you all know that he doesn't already live in the district? and you're so quick to judge. especially when you can't even spell correctly.

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