Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Are we in for a long, hot summer?

From the Daily News:

A recent spate of murders in the city combined with a shrinking police force has some officials and residents fearing bloody months ahead.

And the summer hasn't even started yet.

Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly has warned for some time that the reduction in the number of officers - from 41,000 in 2001 to 35,400 this year - would eventually have an impact on crime.

That warning stands a good chance of coming true beginning in July, when a Police Academy class typically hits the street, according to City Councilman Peter Vallone (D-Queens). Budget cuts forced the postponement of the class.

"We're not going to have new police officers the rest of the year," said Vallone, who heads the City Council's Public Safety Committee. "Right now, it's clear to the population we do not have the beat cops and bike cops we used to have. And if it's clear to the population, it's clear to the bad guys, as well."


Anonymous said...

The answer is the same as last year-- when the same question was posed: probably not. Why do bomb throwers insist on trying to incite violence and fear every year with this headline? Enjoy your summer guys and ignore this nonsense.

Mayor Mike said...

Nothing to see here. Now move along...quietly!

Anonymous said...

I now have friends from overseas who are getting nervious about coming to NY. Our reputation isn't getting any better.

Anonymous said...

Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly has warned for some time that the reduction in the number of officers - from 41,000 in 2001 to 35,400 this year - would eventually have an impact on crime.
The actual head count for the force is ALOT lower than 35,400. The NYPD is counting traffic agents and school safety agents in some of their manpower projections to make it look like they are stronger than they really are.

Anonymous said...

Throw out the 500,000 illegal Somali's and Central American nationals and you will cure 75% of the problem.

STOP inviting them here Mr.Mayor.
These parasites will never go on the books, pay taxes, use birth control or fill out your treasured census forms.

Joe said...

Friend of mine was a city cop (now Nassau county)
I asked this question some months ago.
"Despite what the officials tell the public the actual on the beat crime fighting head count is around 12,000 now divide that by 3 eight hour shifts.
Then subtract cops behind desks, in court, processing an arrests, baby$itting traffic and your lucky if you have 3000 on the beat at one time -- The city's going to hell, they treat us like shit so glad Im out of there"

And that's the exact quote !

John Q. Public said...

I have a great idea! Let's build a HUGE police academy in College Point. Oops! What's that? We have the budget for the structure but not for the students? Oh the humanity!

Anonymous said...

The illegal are multiplying like mice what you see NYC School system now is the future population. The white middle class are fleeing like rats out of a sinking ship.
New York City is going to be bankrupt like way of paying for all these useless indigenous people.

Can you believe NYC is providing free SPANISH for classes illegal Mexican nationals that not only don't speak English, they don't speak Spanish, either !!
illegal immigrants from the pueblos of Mexico and Guatemala that don't speak Spanish or English ?
I shit you not read:

Your looking at "Beneath the Planet of the Apes" death to the white middle class Armageddon, no way around it.

By then, the Mayor and all his friends will be retired in Bermuda sipping cocktails with Arnold.

Anonymous said...

Vallone complains that, "'s clear to the population we do not have the beat cops and bike cops we used to have."

From Friday through Monday there were eight murders, six in Brooklyn and two in The Bronx. How many cops were walking or cycling in either borough?

Vallone continues to be a freakin' joke!

Anonymous said...

By then, the Mayor and all his friends will be retired in Bermuda sipping cocktails with Arnold.

True Dat!

Anonymous said...

Let's build a HUGE police academy in College Point. Oops! What's that? We have the budget for the structure but not for the students?

When will the press pick up on that point? It's a good one! Please add to the current list of Bloomturd boondoggles. Perhaps we can call them Bloomdoggles?

Mayor Mike said...

OK everyone! Calm down! I got it all under control!!!

Hey, did the pilot fuel up my private jet yet? I may need a quick escape this summer!

Joe said...

Summers going to be bad on the older folks, more muggings, heat&power outages etc.
Don't forget nearly 1/4 of the outer boroughs basic life support ambulances are now out of service for lack of maintenance and need expensive repairs.
I suggest private home owners buy some small Honda EU2000 generators and store some gas cans covered in the yard. Also good UHF FM Talkies and legal hunting equipment.
If a big storm his the power grids, phones, internet are gonna go down like Domino's.
Private home areas will be the last to have service restored and police (forget fire your outta luck).

When the shit hits the fan you can bet the cops will be powerless and protecting there own family's & property.
---Remember 1977 but likely much worse, no joke.


georgetheatheist said...

Now, more than ever

Anonymous said...

When Mayor Mike and the Federal Government stop inviting the shit to our shores and start enforcing immigration laws, things will get better. Doesn't look like this will happen anytime soon. When the Federal and City Government cut off free services to all the illegals, they will go home and the situation will improve. Until then, we are screwed.

Ned Snitt said...

When the Feds and sanctuary city run out of money and close the free soup window brats will riot, burn and loot everything to the ground.

New York is gonna get it right up the wazoo. The people that created this atrocity must be making plans to move to Bermuda or Costa Rica right now.


Anonymous said...

Vallone complains that, "'s clear to the population we do not have the beat cops and bike cops we used to have."

So why are they adding people to the population in Vallonia if they cannot handle the people that are there already?

Anonymous said...

Just sit back and enjoy the results of diversity.
Oddly diversity is never wrong.

Anonymous said...

presently the Governors of South Carolina and Arizona are pushing Obama /Home land Security to enforce the immigration laws on the federal books(illegal aliens ).

it is your duty to call and write to New York's Governor A. Cuomo, and demand that he enforce our immigration laws on illegal aliens.

the leftwing pro -illegal alien extremists in Arizona are petitioning to recall a state senator, who wrote the law to fine businessmen who hire illegal aliens.

many of the signers are bogus. stay tuned. you must become active . the cost of financing a sanctuary city and state are UNSUSTAINABLE.

remember in november 2012.....

Anonymous said...

considering where most of the savages come from, you would think they would be used to extreme heat.

Anonymous said...

guns,locks and lights.............The generator is a great idea..don't want the food to go bad.

Joe said...

I use a Honda EU2000I (inverter generator)
Its suit case sized 60hz fixed sine-wave portable that can easily run 2 fridges, some lights, TV and a FT1000 transceiver.
It auto throttle's back down when the compressors (or AC's) kick off.
You burn around 1.5 gallon every 6 hours and its super quiet.

I disconnect from the street power using the main service breaker and feed it into the panel with a heavy duty marine shore-power cable.
You then simply use the breakers to select only parts of the house you really need to power to and conserve fuel.
--5 minute hookup.

Product info:

georgetheatheist said...

Joe, where and how safely do you store your gasoline containers? How many?

-Joe said...

I always keep the boat filled up this time of year. Good fiberglass tanks, charcoal canister, ground, blower & Bow Fishing Equipment among other things etc.
I head to City Island or Louie's dock for Sunset Cocktails LIKE TONIGHT or for a gig. (3 gals fuel round trip)

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