Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Anthony won't discuss his wiener

From CBS:

Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) refused to answer reporters' questions Tuesday as to whether or not a photo of a man's underwear tweeted from his Twitter account was his. Weiner called the incident a "distraction" and said he wouldn't talk about it any more.


Anonymous said...

"i want to get back to work " says Anthony SIX TIMES .

i recall that Bubba Clinton also said he wanted to get back to doing the people's work,after being interrogated about his Oval Office trysts with the intern Monica. he was convicted of perjury and impeached ,a little later.

can history be repeating it self ?

William said...

hmmm... methinks der weinerschnitzel dost protest too much.

Anonymous said...

I was surprised to find out that he was married! I guess there's someone for anyone-- even this obnoxious troll.

size matters said...

Every man wants more....
in their bank accounts
and in their pants!

It's been said that rock stars often used to stuff a sock down there before live performances to enhance the look of their package.

I suspect that Anthony's is really a morsel of a cocktail frank.

Anonymous said...

Anthony's weiner? No big thing!!!

Anonymous said...

So this is how our erected officials behave? Sheesh!

Kevin Walsh said...

We have a trend!

Tony's Weiner said...

Twitter? I thought it was flitter. Never mind!

ew-3 said...

From NY Times.

"Mr. Weiner added, however, that he could not “say with certitude” if he was the person in the photo."

OK, show of hands, how many of you have pictures like this of yourself on your computers/cell phones?

Anonymous said...

Some people will do anything for publicity. I'm sure he orchestrated the whole incident and is now sorry that he will be found out. He's a useless politician and this is the only way he can call attention to himself.

georgetheatheist said...

"I've got to get back to work and focus on things I want to focus on."

Removing the Fat Boy statue?

(BTW that skivvy shot was when the Fruit of the Loom was over his soused head. That tumnescence was his schnozz.)

Gary HAckerman said...

See? I'm not so bad after all! Smell my flower!!!

Anonymous said...

First the obsession with the "obscene" weiner statue
Now weiner tweets
Ladies & gentlemen, getting to know our future mayor.....
Go ahead & provide the weiner votes

NYC News & Analysis said...

I wouldn't be shocked if it turned out to be his wife (or other slighted lover), who tweeted that pic. Could there be some Tiger Woods-like drama behind this, that explains the sweeping under the rug ?

Anonymous said...

Answer the question.

The coverup is always worse than the crime.

Anonymous said...

A run for mayor is definitely out of the question now. He is a snob of a representative. He doesn't even stop to chat with his constituents on the street. A windbag at best.

Anonymous said...

Is Christine Quinn behind the tweet: one sure way to snag the Democratic nomination for Mayor is to flash Weiner's bulge all over twitter. Hmmmmm......

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Old Man said...
"i recall that Bubba Clinton also said he wanted to get back to doing the people's work,after being interrogated about his Oval Office trysts with the intern Monica."

Right, and while the republicans obsessed on their sick concept of moral equivalency -comparing Clinton's actions to Nixon's Watergate scandal, not much was going on in the greater world.

Just India and Pakistan becoming nuclear states, Osama Bin Laden declaring war on the U. S. and vowing to bring it to American shores....Just minor distractions from pussy-gate. Right, old man?

Weiner's case stinks of brietbart. That pic was probably his -kept on his comp or facebook account. One of brietbart's untermenchens probably hacked into it and sent the pic.

Weiner is a grown man, not an adolescent...He should know better.

Joe said...

Wieners answers are starting to come off sound like Jackie Gleason in "The Honeymooners" going Ah-Hamina-Hamina-Hamina!!

Anonymous said...

Now the little Lying Weiner doesn't know if it was his photo. Things are getting interesting. It's priceless seeing that smug piece of crap squirming.

Anonymous said...

do not get upset with the Q.C."MASTER OF DECEIT".

they are brainwashed into changing the topic each time one of their "FELLOW TRAVELERS" gets exposed for their immorality and evil acts.

it is in their sick D.N.A.

Anonymous said...

"they are brainwashed into changing the topic each time one of their "FELLOW TRAVELERS" gets exposed for their immorality and evil acts."

Uh, Gramps, I believe it was you who brought Bill Clinton into this topic.

Glad you did, though.

Anonymous said...

I feel like I need to publish some sort of rulebook on how us men should behave. If there's anything I learned about the internet, it's the fact that dudes need to stop taking pictures of their junk and sending it to a woman they're interested in...because it will always end up in the wrong hands.

Women are more interested in what's in our bank accounts. I think one of the last things they want to know is the size of our junk. Brett Favre and Anthony Weiner seemed to have missed this...

Anonymous said...

Who cares?

Everyone knows that Weiner is just a little prick, anyway!

Anonymous said...

Weiner put it out there to encourage female (h-m-m-m, and some male) voters to support him (like a jock strap) when he runs for mayor.

Brag, brag, guys who let "magnum" size condoms drop from their wallets to impress their dates.

The big surprise comes when they're unzipped...and you have to use a magnifying glass to find it.

Anonymous said...

You know that perennial pervert of all perverts, Dennis Gallagher, is eating this all up.

Is he still working for Councilman Peter Koo?

Anonymous said...

If Koo doesn't pay Gallagher much...'ol Dennis can certainly make it up with all the "happy endings" he can find in Flushing's numerous massage parlors.


"Ooh, you got big one for fat bald Yankee convicted ex-councilman"!

Anonymous said...

Note that Wiener has not called the FBI or other law-enforcement authorities to investigate.
He can lie at will to the press, but lying to the authorities is a felony.

Anonymous said...

rumors are that the WEINER'S favorite president was JOHNSON!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone remembers what a Weiner he is when election time comes around and this dick is running for mayor.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Imagine a mayoral race between Weiner and Liu. Get your bathroom peepee jokes ready now. Why wait til the last minute?

Anonymous said...

This is junk.

Anonymous said...


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