Sunday, May 29, 2011

Should we ban alcopop?

From the Daily News:

They banned smoking in parks and flavored tobacco. Now city officials are coming after your Mike's Hard Lemonade.

The city Health Department wants state lawmakers to make it illegal for bodegas to sell "alcopop" - premixed, carbonated, flavored malt drinks with alcohol content as high as 12%.

"We are very concerned about these," Health Commissioner Thomas Farley testified at a Council hearing yesterday.

Bronx State Sen. Jeff Klein has already introduced a bill to ban kid-friendly booze beverages like Four Loko and Tilt - but the city says it doesn't go far enough.

A new bill, which must be approved by Albany lawmakers, would outlaw Mike's Hard Lemonade and almost all other types of mixed alcoholic drinks sold in 8,700 bodegas, delis and mini-marts.

Studies have shown that two out of five adolescents who begin drinking before the age of 15 will eventually become dependent on alcohol.


Anonymous said...

Ban this, ban that. We are turning into a nanny state. Soon they will be trying to ban candy because it rots your teeth.

And we should expect no less than shoddy reporting from the DN. These are not "mixed alcoholic drinks" they are malt beverages.
Ban these and kids can go back to getting a bottle of vodka and some lemonade or iced tea and mixing it themselves.

It's a SLIPPERY SLOPE PEOPLE! First it was caffeinated alcohol drinks, now it's flavored malt liquor drinks. Next it will be high alcohol a.b.v. micro-brews or liqueurs like malibu or kahlua. Why? to keep kids from drinking? Really? Do you think that will stop them? If there was full scale prohibition kids would still be drinking. They still manage to smoke weed in large numbers despite its illegality.
Just another way for the city govt to try to control our lives and our freedoms and limit our free choices.
I don't drink any of these products at all, and I'm sure many readers here don't either, so nobody will care much if these are banned, but next on the list might be something you do drink. Slippery slope people. It's already started with smoking (which I cant stand btw), now it's types of alcohol, and they are already setting their sights on salt and sugar.
You can't sit by idly when they take away someone elses choice, but then be upset and expect any sympathy or support when they try to take away something that you like; and it will come to that eventually.

Anonymous said...

"You can't sit by idly when they take away someone elses choice, but then be upset and expect any sympathy or support when they try to take away something that you like; and it will come to that eventually."


Snake Plissskin said...

Ban this, ban that. We are turning into a nanny state. Soon they will be trying to ban candy because it rots your teeth.
Naw. Its the pols trying to be relevant with attention on Happy Meals and street/bridge renaming while ignoring Sanctuary City issues or the pervasive cancer of over-development.

All it does is hightlight how irrelevant they really are.

ew-3 said...

"Bronx State Sen. Jeff Klein has already introduced a bill to ban kid-friendly booze beverages"

You have to be 21 to buy these. So where do the kids come in ?

Let me guess, he's a dem.

Cav said...

This self-annointed ruling class does not view anyone outside of themselves as moral actors capable of making their own choices.

Church Lady said...

Ban milk!

It's a gateway drink!

Once the little kiddies start drinking milk, they'll eventually move on to harder drinks - apple juice, orange juice, Coke and Pepsi, chocolate milk shakes, wine coolers, beer, wine, scotch, whiskey, etc.

I say BAN MILK!!!

Anonymous said...

before you know it - bath salts will be banned too!

wtf kind of totalitarian gov't do we have anyway?!

Anonymous said...

Tax groceries - that'll show those who look like they gave birth to a buffalo to limit feeding their buffalo babies

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