Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Joe Crowley's definition of democracy

From City Hall:

Want to become an Assembly member? One way is to raise money and run a campaign. Another option—seemingly more frequently exercised in the city’s most sizable borough—is to work for an Assembly member, then eventually win an uncompetitive special election, in which all you need a small group of insiders to give you the Democratic line. Assembly Audrey Pheffer, who is leaving for the plum patronage pastures of the Queens County clerkship, already has reportedly lined up the Queens Democratic Party’s support behind her chief of staff. And as soon as Assembly Member Nettie Mayersohn announced her retirement, her chief of staff already had the party’s support. It may not be good democracy, but it’s good politics on the part of Joe Crowley, the Queens county chair. Of course, Crowley learned from the best, winning his congressional seat in 2006 when it was handed to him by former county chair Tom Manton.


Anonymous said...

Or...you can always pull a "Tubby Stavisky" Democratic coupe.

You set up your unelectable arrogant son...known for his bratty "social skills"...with a nice Parkside Group spot.

Thus, when "Tubby" retires, or permanently retires, little "Evan-sky" continues the family business.

That's another form of Queens' rewrite of democracy and dynasty rule continues.

Anonymous said...

He lives and represents himself in Virginia right?

Anonymous said...

Nice photo! A congressional corpse!!!

Anonymous said...

We also know that DA Brown does not investigate Joe's pols --- which is why only the Feds go after them.

Anonymous said...

We also know that DA Brown does not investigate Joe's pols --- which is why only the Feds go after them.

Maybe the Feds should investigate DA Brown???!!??!!?

Anonymous said...

maybe these automatic democratic voters can choose someone else.

Anonymous said...

It's up to he GOP to put up an electable candidate. And it's up to Queens voters to stop blindly voting for the same party.

Anonymous said...

Joe Crowley is scum. He is the most corrupt dimwitted pol in the state.

Joe said...

Joe Crowley is scum. He is the most corrupt dimwitted pol in the state.

I'd respond but I'm not sure what you are saying. It doesn't sound too good.

PS I now know how to tie my own shoes.

Tydee Bowl said...

Former Dem leader Tom Manton was scum too!

An ex cop...forced to retire?

It's been said that Tom's service gun was grabbed from him while he was in a bar...and the grabber shot somebody with it.

As the tale continues...Tom fled the scene...to eventually become Queens clubhouse leader.

If true, it only goes to show you:

Saint Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland...they swam to New York to become policemen...and could eventually wind up as county political leaders!

All pols eventually become pond scum...floating to the top and stinking up democracy...UNLESS...we have term limits on all levels....in all departments..in all venues...city, state and federal!

The cure for political stagnation and corruption is a good strong flush...every few years!

Anonymous said...

you could have your lobbyist uncle buy you an assembly seat like Ed Braunstein. Then you have to be a nonthinking puppet though.

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