Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Bloomberg solution for illegal immigration

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From the Daily News:

Mayor Bloomberg has a fix for the nation's immigration debate: Send 'em to Detroit.

"If I were the federal government," Bloomberg told David Gregory on NBC's Meet the Press Sunday morning. "Assuming you could wave a magic wand and pull everybody together, you pass a law letting immigrants come in as long as they agree to go to Detroit and live there for five or ten years."

Detroit has suffered a devastating population loss in recent decades, losing 25% of its citizens since the last census.

Meanwhile, immigrants are clamoring to enter the United States.

Bloomberg says he can fix both at once.

The immigrants would arrive in Detroit, "start businesses, take jobs whatever," Bloomberg said. "You would populate Detroit over night because half the world wants to come here ... You can use something like immigration policy - at no cost to the federal government - to fix a lot of the problems that we have."

It might seem like an easy solution to Bloomberg - but the mayor of Detroit isn't so sure, a spokeswoman said.

"There are things that would have to be considered before we just open the flood gates and say everyone come in," said Karen Dumas, a spokswoman for Detroit Mayor Dave Bing.

I guess he's solved all of NYC's problems since he's giving advice to Detroit now. Why are we a Sanctuary City again?


Kevin Walsh said...

I thought he was the one who wanted 9 million people HERE.


Joe said...

I guess that was before the federal government went bust and 2: Bloomberg couldn't get the cash cow census numbers he was hoping for.

I threw my notices in the garbage. Places like Ridgewood, Glendale and Maspeth get ZERO representation from this scumbag. I sure wasn't gonna contribute to help him out. Let his chickens roost

Anonymous said...

Maspeth Mom says..

Sounds great on paper... but why not try that with the citizens of the USA who are suffering first ...maybe from depressed areas in Appalachia or the deep south. Give citizens tax breaks and interest free loans to start businesses and buy homes. Why drag in foreigners... i just dont get his way of thinking... ??

Anonymous said...

Hizzoner should first work on snow removal and fixing the enormous potholes in Queens before pedaling unneeded advice. Didn't he once get canned as a Stock Broker!

Anonymous said...

We already know that a portion of the Bloomberg plan (pretty much like the Nazis') is to move "worthless" people of color from some valuable tracts of real estate in NYC...so it can be freed up for yuppie use.

It sounds, very much, like Mike wants Detroit to be an interment camp for Brown and Black people!

Remember folks that our mayor sees himself as an elitist German/American Jew.

He would have probably been a turncoat...a "bund's fuhrer"...in a WW II concentration camp...betraying his fellow Jews in return for privileges from the 3rd Reich.

Reich's Chancellor Bloomberg!

Gary the Agnostic said...

Doesn't Detroit have enough problems already?

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should give FREE housing on the Upper East Side to immigrants and let them move there.

We should wave a magic wand and send these jews back to wherever it is they came from or just anywhere that is NOT the United States of America.

Anonymous said...

Remember in the late 1970's when Flushing and Elhurst were burning from arson? The Asians and Latins saved them.

Anonymous said...

Remember in the late 1970's when Flushing and Elhurst were burning from arson? The Asians and Latins saved them.

Gotta match? Of course, you do. Your face and my ass!!! TROLL!!!

Queens Crapper said...

Flushing and Elmhurst were never burning from arson. Oh wait, that happened last year.

Anonymous said...

Redistricting uses census which is constitutionally mandated to include illegals and non-citizens, so it is cheaper to run for office in a district full of illegals because you have to contact fewer voters. Bayside elections have five times the voters of Elmhurst elections.

Anonymous said...

the question is what caused the fires on main street ,flushing from maple ave, to the l.i.r.r. and whose established business's were replaced by the new breed, in the 1970's?

Anonymous said...

Let's take care of our own first. Employ Americans who are out of work with a Public Works Program to improve Detroit. Why is he so concerned with that part of the country? He should try to improve conditions in NYC. Send him to Detroit and conditions will improve here immediately. America first.

Anonymous said...

Let's take care of our own first. Employ Americans who are out of work with a Public Works Program to improve Detroit. Why is he so concerned with that part of the country? He should try to improve conditions in NYC. Send him to Detroit and conditions will improve here immediately.

Have you taken into consideration that Bloomturd just announced that NYC taxis will be made in Japan? Interesting, huh?

Anonymous said...

The previous bid for taxis were from a Turkish design, but would be made in Brooklyn. Bloomburg turned them down. Why won't he help Americans? Do you have to be foreign to get a job or help in NYC?

Emma Goldman's Ghost said...

It wasn't arson that was burning Flushing in the late '70's, it was TOMMY HUANG and his thugs. They were shaking down store owners as well. Huang is still around, even though Julia Harrison is fading into the woodwork. He burnt many stores that were around for a long time in the name of real estate. I don't recall any Asians and Latinos "saving" anything in Flushing. Bloomberg is indeed a very Nazi-like POS. He is a very lousy mayor. I don't recall him EVER coming to Queens, even after a major weather event last September, the tornado and the microbursts that caused incredible amounts of damage. He was probably in Bermuda. Absolutely right, Anon #3. He would definitely been a "bunds-fuhrer".

Anonymous said...

The previous bid for taxis were from a Turkish design, but would be made in Brooklyn. Bloomburg turned them down. Why won't he help Americans?

Rumor has it that 2 advisers to the mayor on the taxi decision worked for Nissan. Does anyone else smell a new scandal brewing???

Get Real People said...

I don't recall him EVER coming to Queens, even after a major weather event last September, the tornado and the microbursts that caused incredible amounts of damage.


I have a funny feeling, considering how people in Queens never criticize a pol even when they shit all over them, that many of the anti-Bloomberg comments here are by hacks working for the local pols to deflect anger away from them.



The root of your problems is with City Council and Albany. Bloomberg plays a minor role.

Anonymous said...

Wow great idea.... we already can't afford our country because of illegals using and overwhelming our services and not paying a dime and the idiot wants to open the floodgates more? What a moron.

Anonymous said...

One question.... Does he actually believe the crap that comes out of his mouth??

Anonymous said...

The root of your problems is with City Council and Albany. Bloomberg plays a minor role.

Minor role? When was the last time you pulled your head from your ass and took a good look at reality?

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that 2 advisers to the mayor on the taxi decision worked for Nissan. Does anyone else smell a new scandal brewing???

Thank you Bill DeBlasio for pointing out the corrupt nature of the bidding on the new taxi contract with NYC:


So not only is Bloomtard "fixing" illegal immigration, he's also exporting potential American jobs to Asia. Nice going!

Anonymous said...

The State of New York (not the city) is shot and overpriced just like every state in the northeast except new hampshire. Im down in dixie land where half the population (The decent people who left) is from new york, jersey, pa, mass, etc. To stay up here you have to be mental. This is a socialist/communist state that is for the illegal shit. also i consider NY to be a muslim state the way things are heading. You walk around this city and you swear your in the third world.

Anonymous said...

The State of New York (not the city) is shot
"I meant the city as well"

Anonymous said...

The State of New York (not the city) is shot
"I meant the city as well"

Make up yer mind!

Anonymous said...

You're an ignorant liar annon #5!

You were never...ever in Flushing during the 70s...or were so stoned out of your gourd...to know WTF was really going on there back then.

The major arson that was being committed atthat time in Flushing were on Tommy Huang owned properties!

i.e. "Continental Fruit Market" which was the later site of the "Great Eastern bank"after it conveniently burned down.

That's where Tommy Huang's relation Joseph Liu served as its president...another "convenience"!

Joseph Liu (current NYC Comptroller John Liu's daddy) was convicted of federal bank fraud while at that bank.

I guess that Huang & Liu were a few of those Asiatic criminals who "saved" Flushing.

And now those Orientals will be pushing out the remaining Latinos south of Northern Boulevard after they've completed dispersing the "Blacks".


Isn't that what the Queens Democratic machine clubhouse ordered about 28 years ago...the wealthier "yellow" race" forcing out the poorer "Browns & Blacks" to preserve real estate values?

These scheming pols just used a bunch of "coolies" to do their dirty work for them.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of coolies...aren't the Chinese still in the laudry business...this time with money?

Tommy Huang gave a lot of campaign $$$$$ to Flushing pols.

Did that loot come from Taiwan locally washed in one of those "money laundries"?

What were the Stavisky's take from Huang (under the table)?

Anonymous said...

What were the Stavisky's take from Huang (under the table)?

YEAH! How's it Huanging?

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