Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Union-busting homeless men set to invade LIC

"Dear Crappy,

I'm pretty much of the mind this is a fait accompli. Nonetheless, I imagine some folks in LIC would be VERY interested to know they'll be getting some new neighbors soon...

Fresh Direct has been busted for hiring illegal immigrants; now they're endeavoring to bust unions by hiring men from homeless shelters. A Department of Homeless Services representative at one of the prior Town Hall Meetings said the residents of 400 McGuinness would be expected to work and that Fresh Direct was one such employer.

In other words: 400 McGuinness will be a nice dormitory for that nice big Fresh Direct depot on Borden Avenue. In Queens." - anonymous

In a nutshell, an outfit is opening a new homeless shelter in Greenpoint and shipping their residents (who by and large are not Greenpointers) to LIC. I can just hear those property values crashing now!

Maybe if the unions got their collective heads out of Walmart's ass for a minute, they would wake up and realize that the rug's being pulled out from under them at Fresh Direct...


Anonymous said...

Would you rather those homeless guys have jobs or take shits on the subway and robbing you? I choose jobs.

Anonymous said...

you're not going to get the response deserved here - most are too stupid to understand what this really means to society.

Glad you do though.

AND YES by all means - we should NOT allow this to happen.

And to the idiot first poster here - do you really believe that a "job" (the real term is "slave labor") will buy these homeless people HOMES and that one has to be POOR TO ROB SOMEONE ELSE?

of course you choose "jobs" - you're an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Most Unions stopped representing workers decades ago and really only serve the Union bosses. Where were they during the biggest legislative con job of the last hundred years- NAFTA. Remember? All those jobs you Americans really didn't want!

Anonymous said...

Huh? Homeless guys who would be doing nothing otherwise-- except living off my taxes-- will now have an opprotunity to work, pay taxes, and regain their dignity? You're on the wrong side of this comrade, but I guess that's no surprise since you're primary concern is unions.

Anonymous said...

So you think it's ok to have mentally ill single homeless drug addicts packing food? You think it's ok for them to invade Queens every day to do so? Where do you think they'll be hanging out when work is over? Why should we support replacing family men and women with jobs with degenerates?

Anonymous said...

"Homeless guys who would be doing nothing otherwise-- except living off my taxes-- will now have an opprotunity to work, pay taxes, and regain their dignity?"


They'll have minimum wage jobs, no paying taxes and they'll still be on all types of public assistance. And you're ok with them taking someone's currently well-paying job? They pay a living wage at FD now, they won't if they are taking on the homeless.

Anonymous said...

Wait till these guys caress the meat that is delivered to you!

Anonymous said...

Better to give these men a chance by a mile then give help to illegal alien non-citizens.

Anonymous said...

Once again, illegal aliens no longer work at Fresh Direct. Jobs will be taken away from people here legally so that derelicts can buy drugs.

Anonymous said...

If they were union members they would own homes! McMansions, of course!

Anonymous said...

It's not clear to me if the warehouse workers at FD are unionized at this time, although the 500 drivers are reported to be.

I am also not clear on your position. Should the homeless be denied housing opportunities and not be given employment opportunities? How does that help anything?

Queens Crapper said...

The homeless should be sent into forced rehab because most of them are drug addicts.

Anonymous said...

"most" so the ones who aren't should be put in the same boat and penalized?

As for the ones that ARE addicts, if you think you can force people into sobriety you probably don't know enough about addicts and addiction.

Although it looks like your post may be off the mark, it looks like a halfway house for felons is in the works.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that the flier doesn't seem to think there's any difference between homeless and released convicts.

Queens Crapper said...

If they had a home, they wouldn't need a congregate facility. The only way to rehab a felonious addict is forced rehab. They generally don't go voluntarily.

Queens Crapper said...

And, might I add, the facility is meant for ex-cons with drug problems. The way to rehab drug addicts is not to house them with other drug addicts.

Queens Crapper said...

More storm over shelter as residents protest homeless center on McGuinness

You want this near you?

Queens Crapper said...

Other residents pointed to existing three-quarter houses on Manahttan Avenue where drugs are traded that could attract recovering addicts seeking treatment at the shelter.

“You’re giving them a drug source,” said one McGuinness Boulevard resident, who declined to give her name. “If you wanted to help them, put them somewhere not so close from a site where people are struggling too.”


Anonymous said...

I agree w/ Crapper
Also, the illegals work 10x harder than the homeless, ship em off to Sing Sing!!!!

Anonymous said...

""most" so the ones who aren't should be put in the same boat and penalized?"

The others are mentally ill and should be shipped off to Bellevue, not put to work with knives at Fresh Direct.

Anony2 said...

Felon, drug addict, mentally ill, illegal w/o shots... all people I do not want handling my food or coming to my door.

Anonymous said...

The way to rehab drug addicts is not to house them with other drug addicts.

Funny, isn't that exactly what they do in rehab?

Anonymous said...

the difference is the access to the drugs, moron

Anonymous said...

You want this near you?
No more than I want the nearby oil facility or the superfund oil plume creek. On google street view, it looks like a pretty industrial area. Would you rather they find an area that is more residential?
Even if you send them to rehab like you propose, then what do you do with them?
No one wants to deal with convicts when they come out of incarceration.

Anonymous said...

Now you hipsters living in Queens West had better not forget to adequately tip your new Fresh Direct delivery boys or they'll be back later to "tax" (rob) you to pay for their next fix.

Queens Crapper said...

While you are in rehab, you have social workers working on a plan for where you will live, possibly looking for a job for you. When you get out of prison, you are given a MetroCard.

If it looks industrial to you on Google Maps, perhaps you should walk around there and take a good look.

Anonymous said...

Crappy, maybe you should look into what a halfway house is, it doesn't sound like you know. It is supervised environment with programs focused on sober living and reintegration into society, as well as curfews and monitoring of employment and free time. While they are probably not perfect, it is tremendously different from "a metrocard".

Queens Crapper said...

Once again, I leave it to the citizens of Greenpoint:

"Other residents pointed to existing three-quarter houses on Manahttan Avenue where drugs are traded that could attract recovering addicts seeking treatment at the shelter."

Yeah, they're real strict. We also had a 1/2 way house in Maspeth that was a house illegally converted into an SRO and there were drugs dealt there too.

LibertyBoyNYC said...

This will all be settled when a Fresh Direct customer finds an infectious present in their mixed greens. There aren't enough grapefruits in all of Florida thrown-in into the delivery box that would bring that lucky patron back in to the fold.

Fresh Direct is a stone's throw from the meeting of Jackson & Vernon, and a whole lot of money plunked down in brand new condos. That's always been my favorite stop for viewing riff raff - in spite of or because of its proximity to the precint house - and I hope this puts that little island there over the sketchy top.

Baggie Pants Mike B said...

When are all you old thick headed stubborn Archie Bunkers get the hint you have to get out or I will force you out ?
This land for the new people MY PEOPLE !
Sell your crappy little houses and retire to Florida or move to Long Island already !!

-Mike B

Anonymous said...

Right on Crapper, they fried their minds on drugs and should be put away!

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