Thursday, April 7, 2011

Piled high and deep off Ditmars

21-60 33rd Street.
A bunch of 2-story buildings were torn down to make way for this. What it will end up being, I am not sure.
It says all this, which adds up to 21 residential units, but then there's this from City Planning's map, which says 28 residential units:

Guess we'll just have to wait and see!


georgetheatheist said...

The Ziggurat of Babylon?

Queens Crapper said...

Not far from Frank Lloyd Crap's Zig!

Anonymous said...

Parthenon Holdings? Someone is pretentious!

Anonymous said...

Norwood Gardens: Astoria is Saved

Anonymous said...

So what else is new?......This has been going on for over 10 years in Flushing.

Anonymous said...

The information from Map Portal does not apply to a building in the process of construction... That information is taken from RPAD at the Department of Finance, & is not necessarily accurate (note year built 2007)

Anonymous said...

Parthenon Holdings? Someone is pretentious!

No, just a dirty classless greek who doesn't know any better.

Its a culture that hasn't done anything in 2000 years... they gotta find *something* to be proud of!

Auntie Invasion said...

No American citizens will be allowed to live in this building which started construction in 2008.

It will be filled with one old Chinese illegal alien and her many many relatives, a Tibetan family, a Hmong family, three former crack head prostitutes from Columbia all with multiple children from different fathers, Indians, Pakistanis, a couple of Mexican and Ecuadorean family all with the jack pot babies and old people brought in to pretend to be their relatives. but who are actually the unpaid indentured servants, so the mothers can keep on churning out the anchor babies at our US taxpayer expense.

None of the residents getting into this housing will be actual voting constituents. They will all be on either Section 8 or advantage housing subsidies. Despite the fact that Americans are being told Section 8 is frozen, the illegal aliens are getting it quickly.

Do you now understand why the federal government is in danger of shutting down?

Anonymous said...

But Auntie, we can't talk that that. You see, even to raise those issues on this site causes some people to say they can't come to this site because its racist.

Of course, that stops dialogue, but then, hell, we cannot sing kambiya then we can't discuss it at all.

Anonymous said...

Autie, that profile is a politican's dream: serfs used to being deferential to the boss, tweeded ready for tweeding, transient, and most importantly, the tip of the spear that drives out Archie and Edith, long term folks who do nothing but complain complain complain.

Anonymous said...

Section 8 is frozen, the illegal aliens are getting it quickly.
How paranoid are you to infer that? Do you even hear yourself Auntie? Does that actually make any coherent sense to you? If it does, then there are two things i have to say ONE what's your IQ? I think you are retarded liek medically retarded. TWO according to my abnormal psy class, you might just be paranoid. YOu're not mentally ill but you are gettign there to make up stories like that LOL seriosuly where's the proof? citations? documentations? No? I can just as easily say the Tornado that touced down on QUeens were the Chineses' fault. They have magical powers! LMAO you are so stupid don't even talk! but thank you for the laugh, you sound ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

opps maybe i sound ridiculous too by having so many grammar problems in my previous comment. Oh well, I have more important things to do like study

Queens Crapper said...

I am trying to figure out how the chica in front of me in the supermarket today had an EBT card and WIC checks but didn't speak a lick of English. Probably stole someone's identity.

Anonymous said...

I am trying to figure out how the chica in front of me in the supermarket today had an EBT card and WIC checks but didn't speak a lick of English. Probably stole someone's identity.
Maybe she knows and she didn't choose to speak English at that moment. You should learn not to judge others so quickly Crap. Regardless, there are organizations out there who help these people apply to these welfare programs in their local communities and they teach them what these programs are/how to use food stamps for instance. I FOR ONE AM ONE OF THOSE VOLUNTEERS. I VOLUNTEER AS A REP OF MY SCHOOL TO HELP LOW INCOME NEW YORKERS FILE TAX RETURNS because they don't speak English! Just because they don't speak Enlish doesn't mean they can't file their taxes. The same goes for food stamps. SMART! I thought you were more informed and well rounded, guess I put you up too high on the pedestal?

Anonymous said...

Thia will be the new location of Taverna Kyclades
Seafood restaurant!!!!

Queens Crapper said...

"I VOLUNTEER AS A REP OF MY SCHOOL TO HELP LOW INCOME NEW YORKERS FILE TAX RETURNS because they don't speak English! Just because they don't speak Enlish doesn't mean they can't file their taxes."

Low income New Yorkers don't pay taxes. In fact, we pay out more to them than they give to us in taxes.

What school are you going to? I'll make sure to never send my kids there because it's cranking out morons.

Anonymous said...

The New York State and New York City Earned Income Tax Credits result in a refund even when no tax is owed. So it sounds like basically you help people who come here and choose not to speak English or use birth control. Thanks for ripping off the taxpayers. What a great feeling that must be!

Anonymous said...

Low income New Yorkers don't pay taxes. In fact, we pay out more to them than they give to us in taxes.
Do tax witholdings from employers not count? They don't pay taxes? I had people who came in with self employment totaling only $10,000 and they still owe money even with their deductions and tax credits. And that's not the point! My point was that you said how the "chica" who didn't speak English obtain access to EBT cards. THere are intermediaries out there to help translate for these people and help them. That was the point. My school? I dont' want to tell you. As far as I can tell you may be a sexual predator! DOn't stalk me!

The New York State and New York City Earned Income Tax Credits result in a refund even when no tax is owed. So it sounds like basically you help people who come here and choose not to speak English or use birth control. Thanks for ripping off the taxpayers. What a great feeling that must be!
Oh yes it does! "Choose not to speak English or use birth control" I can tell you are mind reader because that's what these people are EXACTLY thinking. YOu are soo sooo right.

Anonymous said...

Tax withholding from employers?

1) What employers?
2) Earned income tax credit with kids results in you getting money back - a full refund PLUS money for doing nothing.

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