Friday, April 15, 2011

Mocker calls out Bloomberg for caring more about tourists than Queensfolk

Mocker went to a press conference recently that the Mayor, DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan and get this - former president Bill Clinton - held in order to brag about how much air quality has improved in Times Square with the installation of the pedestrian plaza there. (Pretty bogus since the pollution didn't disappear, it just was diverted to other streets.) Then Mocker compared that initiative to how Bloomberg has ignored the 5-year plea for parkland in Maspeth. The City is about to dump yet another bus depot on the community, but continues to stall in converting the St. Saviour's site into a park, even though the elected officials have had the money raised for its acquisition for just about a year. Apparently, Bloomie and company would rather make nice with the owner than start the acquisition process. Forget PlaNYC 2030...Developers and tourists rule!


Anonymous said...

Hang hizzoner by his nuts on a clothesline next to Shulman's bloomers!

Anonymous said...

Can we please set a date for the revolution soon.

I'm sharpening my knife & fork and waiting!

Jerry Rotondi said...

It's called putting up a front!

Bloomberg pours our tax money into the Manhattan tourist corridor and lets the other boroughs rot!

Meanwhile hizzoner's message to Queens is, "FU and DROP DEAD"!

Anonymous said...

Gee....where is city council on this?

Let me guess - busy renaming the Bloomberg-Empire State Building.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, so air quality is important in Times Square, where the tourists flock, but not in places like Maspeth, where the lifeblood of this city actually LIVE. Interesting. He may argue that without tourists, the city would cease to exist, but they would come regardless of whether or not there is a pedestrian plaza there. The city would cease to exist without the middle class, and they are leaving in droves, mainly because the city turns their back on them.

Anonymous said...

I hope this park happens. The area needs as much green space as possible.

Anonymous said...

tell the asian homeowners in Queens ,who have destroyed all the tress ,shrubbery and grass ,to put down cement yards for their cars.

Anonymous said...

Q.C. i agree with you.i am one of many motorists who have diverted from driving southbound on Broadway & Seventh Avenue,since the city government environmentalists have constructed the pedestrian malls and bike lanes there.

we just detour to faster routes and less obstructed streets.
the gas emissions are still in the area,they have not vanished .

the press releases by bloomberg and clinton were typical (global warming type) con jobs.

the Queens taxpayers lose as usual,because the emphasis is on the inner cities.

please consider reading Wikipedia, the clinton foundation. the section under C.C.I.,CLINTON CLIMATE INITIATIVE & LARGE CITIES LEADERSHIP GROUP.
bloomberg has joined this group for n.y.c.,to cut carbon emissions and adapt to climate change.he has contracted with clinton to provide resources to enter in a energy savings product purchasing consortium and give technical and communications support.

investors business daily says this is a major scam and threat ?

i have seen data that rebukes serious global warming fears.
this past winter in n.y.c. could be this proof?

this press conference can only be the beginning of more money out of Queens citizens paychecks.

presently, i paid $4.12 for a gallon of gas??????

where are the true inflation figures?

great job,mr.mocker. follow up on this scam.

Mayor Mike said...

Gee....where is city council on this?

Let me guess - busy renaming the Bloomberg-Empire State Building.


Excuse me? It'll be the Bloomberg Building. Screw the "Empire State"!!!

Donald Tramp said...

Excuse me? It'll be the Bloomberg Building. Screw the "Empire State"!!!


Jealous much, Mike? Let's see YOUR birth certificate while we're at it. I'll bet you were hatched just like a turtle!

Anonymous said...

"I want Donald Trump to produce the birth certificate for the thing on his head.:

-David Letterman

Anonymous said...

Greg Mocker did a great job in exposing our egomaniac mayor. Keep pounding this shameful billionaire dictator Greg!

Jerry Rotondi said...

Take care that Emperor Bloomberg doesn't buy himself a 4th term and spit in the face of democracy once again.

The city charter can always be rewritten according to the wishes of hizzoner to allow it.

Mayor Mike said...

The city charter can always be rewritten according to the wishes of hizzoner to allow it.

Thanks for that, Jerry. I'm gonna start working on that as we speak!

By the way Donald Tramp...I may look like a turtle but at least I'm not wearing a straw hat all the time. What's that you say? That's your "real" hair? Is your barber an apprentice?

Anonymous said...

I don't want Donald Trump to run for President. I want him to run for mayor. He could really turn this failing city around. He's a good business man and would eliminate all the shady deals that city government is involved in. I know he's rich, but he can relate to the middle class. He grew up in Queens and his father made him work his way up. He would create a surplus for the city. I don't care what his hair looks like. I want someone to make New York City great again.

Anonymous said...

why are you demonizing a citizen for speaking his mind ? he is not a candidate for any political office.

as a businessman he has supported both sides of the political aisle financially.

the present community organizer had much negative baggage,bill ayers(weather underground),rev.wright ,(God d--- America), and you never hesitated to explore further. you voted this disaster into our lives.

at least the rev. was right on one statement,"THE CHICKENS HAVE COME HOME TO ROOST".

Fed Up said...

I don't want Donald Trump to run for President. I want him to run for mayor.

That's EXACTLY what we need. Another billionaire mayor who's out of touch with the common folk. I reference the Who when I say "Won't Get Fooled again!".

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of other states where there is a better "quality of life"....remember that phrase?

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