Friday, April 22, 2011

Bring back sponsorship

From the NY Times:

At a Haitian church in Canarsie, Brooklyn, officials from the mayor’s office spent a recent Saturday morning discussing food stamps and discrimination in the workplace, their words translated into Creole for an audience of some 50 people.

The next night, another delegation spoke to a group of Bangladeshi immigrants in the Bronx about police precincts and community boards. In recent weeks, officials have held similar meetings with Albanians, Mexicans and West Africans.

The forums are part of a new program, run by the mayor’s office, that is intended to improve the relationship between city government and immigrants who are often wary of local authorities or unaware of city services available to them.

That's interesting. Years ago, in order to come to this country, you had to have a sponsor who pledged that in the event that you were unable to work, they would be responsible for you to prevent you from becoming a burden on society. Now the government spends taxpayer money to get immigrants on public assistance. Gotta love tweeding. And there's more... From the Daily News:

Undocumented immigrants aren't eligible for standard Medicaid coverage, but they can get Emergency Medicaid for an urgent condition and related follow-up care.


Anonymous said...

Usually you have really good articles on here.. then you have something like this and make xenophobic comments which in my eyes knocks down your credibility and makes you seem like just another ignorant blogger.

Anonymous said...

so a hospital worker in nyc, who exposes the fact that a potential client is an "ILLEGAL ALIEN" in the U.S,seeking free services, is a ROGUE EMPLOYEE.

what a bunch of left wing crap ?

now is the time for you to order your NYS and U.S.elected officials to rescind those stupid anti-american laws ,that have been voted in by the soon to be abandoned political party,the democrats.

Anonymous said...

What's xenophobic about not wanting to pay tax dollars on people who came here to be a drain on society?

Queens Crapper said...

"Usually you have really good articles on here.. then you have something like this and make xenophobic comments which in my eyes knocks down your credibility and makes you seem like just another ignorant blogger."

Thank you, I take that as a compliment. Please explain what was xenophobic in what I posted. Last time I checked, immigration was supposed to bring people here who are going to better the country, not lead to more unchecked social spending. Medicaid and SNAP are already costing us billions, why would we invite more people here to pile on?

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 2: As long as there are RepubCons like you making statements like that, it's not going to happen.

Anonymous said...

Re-instituting Sponsorship is an excellent idea - then people would at least have someone who could translate for them...

Anonymous said...

Next emergency hospital visit, I'm going to pretend I'm an immigrant and jump to the front of the line.

Anonymous said...

"Please explain what was xenophobic in what I posted."

The excerpt from the article that you posted is about the government reaching out to immigrant groups to show them what city services are available to them.

You then go on to about sponsorship and immigrants being a burden. How does telling immigrants about community boards relate to tweeding?
I didn't see anything in the article that the immigrants at these events were unemployed and not benefiting the community.. did you?

Queens Crapper said...

"At a Haitian church in Canarsie, Brooklyn, officials from the mayor’s office spent a recent Saturday morning discussing food stamps and discrimination in the workplace, their words translated into Creole for an audience of some 50 people."

Did you miss that part? Why are we discussing food stamps?

Anonymous said...


in 1607 at Jamestown,Va.,Capt. James Smith said "He who does not work,neither shall he eat ".

A mandate ,after the Jamestown common store experiment FAILED. their form of SOCIALISM, the first in the new colony.

btw, this is he end of EARTH WEEK,April 22, and also the birthday of Vladimir Lenin, of the MARXIST/LENIN communist /socialist gang.

Anonymous said...

A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.

- Marx (Groucho)

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 10 -

You know, that line about April 22nd was a load of nonsense when Richard Nixon's guys raised it back in the early 70s.

Anonymous said...

was Capt. J. Smith one of Nixon's guys?

Anonymous said...

At a Haitian church in Canarsie, Brooklyn, officials from the mayor’s office spent a recent Saturday morning discussing food stamps and discrimination in the workplace, their words translated into Creole for an audience of some 50 people.

You think maybe you would have a better chance at getting by and holding a job if YOU DIDNT NEED A TRANSLATION TO CRELOE???

Are people retarded???

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 13:

Not sure. But Capt. Jeffrey Spaulding wasn't, either.

Anonymous said...

"in 1607 at Jamestown,Va.,Capt. James Smith said "He who does not work,neither shall he eat ".

A mandate ,after the Jamestown common store experiment FAILED. their form of SOCIALISM, the first in the new colony.'

That would extend to old folks like yourself. Remember your predecessors?

Without what you decry as "socialism" old people ate catfood.

As you get older, you should thank those socialists whose programs cradle you in a degree of security.....You would have a hell of a time without them.

Anonymous said...

when you grow up ,socialist sonny boy, you will become more conservative .

unless your illness gets worse.

Anonymous said...

Or, in other words, you can't think of a good response so you're tossing the insults.

Space after the commas, rather than the other way around.

Anonymous said...

The illegal immigrants who come to New York are not stupid. They want to take advantage of every program that gives the a FREE BENEFIT. Free food, free education, free medical, subsidized housing. For them, "free" is as in "free beer", not "free" as in "free speech". The provision of all this free stuff benefits government employees and the politicians of the political party that is giving away all this free stuff. All the pols are counting on is perpetual gratitude in the form of votes.

This idea that you can put millions of beneficiaries of government direct payments and the government employees in the cart and have it pulled by the others, the net taxpayers in the private sector, is sustainable in a confined place like New York for a few decades. New York will take longer to die than Detroit.

Nationally, though, this system is going to break down soon, and the money is going to stop. Either find a way to get these folks earning a living and paying taxes or there will be a breakdown of life as we know it.

Anonymous said...

a honest, successful, marketing of my company's excellent inventions, enabled my family to own property and live a good quality of life.

as seniors , we maintain a frugal spending pattern.

our government mandated(involuntary paycheck contributions) social security and medicare deductions during our years of employment,were earned by our labor, NOT YOUR SOCIAL ENGINEERING pals.

btw, the implications are that the socialists systematically pilfered the funds,during their long majority stay in congress.

as a RX for your liberal illness, read "RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION", by Andrew Breitbart (who suffered liberal illness and has been cured) or David Horowitz(a FORMER COMMUNIST)

Anonymous said...

"btw, the implications are that the socialists systematically pilfered the funds,during their long majority stay in congress."

Might you be referring to the surplus left by that "socialist" President Clinton and pilfered for two pointless wars, huge tax breaks for the wealthy and bailouts from and under-regulated banking scheme run as a casino?

Time for Bingo old man..

Anonymous said...

Andrew Breitbart has one heck of a lawsuit to deal with now because of his actions. Let's see where that goes.

Anonymous said...

while our sailors on the U.S.S, Cole were being murdered by Al Queda in Yemen,and our embassy's were being bombed in Africa,Clinton either did nothing or missle attacked an aspirin factory in the mountains.

by abstaining in defending our great nation from 1992 to 2000, he enabled the W.T.C.and,the Pentagon attack to occur on 9/11/2001.
he did nothing when the Al Queda terrorists bombed the W.T.C. in 1993.

he saved money,but his successor and the entire congress,(including democrats), declared war on the Al Qaeda muslim terrorists. in Iraq,Afghanistan and in the Middle East.

when you get smacked in the face,and cower, you lose face. sonny-boy.

you omit comment on d. horowitz exposing of your leftwing pals ,for years. why? can't you accept your illness?

Anonymous said...

I'm probably the same age as you, gramps, and I'm not the guy who mentioned Clinton. You think I'm the only one who thinks that you're full of it?

By the way, I didn't mention "d. horowitz" because he has yet to do anything worth commenting on.

Unknown said...

And as far as illness is concerned, I'd say that someone who repeats the same lines and insults over and over again like a robot is closer to being sick that I am.

Speaking about repeating, spaces after commas, not before.

Anonymous said...

i suggest you read Bernard Goldberg's recent books about the democrat/liberal/media /complex.

when chuck schumer puts out the "talking points ", they become the robots that repeat and repeat and repeat the b/s.

why not debate my comments, if you have the ammunition?

i was like you liberals, in my youth, when i did not pay much tax or many expenses.

the chickens have come home to roost. it is a great line for the present situation that your spenders and political gangsters have dealt the citizens.

Anonymous said...

Nice try, Gramps.

I do debate your points and you reply with insults.

I put Bernard Goldberg in the same class as "d. horowitz." You don't read left-wing stuff; I don't read right-wing stuff.

Anonymous said...

my grandparents had to have a sponser and a job when they came to the USA.they worked hard and were proud to be a citizen,this was their I'll overhear someone saying I have to send money to my country and how they dont like the USA.Well then GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY!!!! Leave mine alone. ILLEGAL Aliens are even getting free education on the american taxpayer.My children have to pay! Remember Charity begins at home,come here legally and pay your fair share and be proud to be in the USA and not laugh at us and steel from us. Anonymous

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