Sunday, April 17, 2011

400 cops to be pinched?

From the NY Post:

As many as 400 cops could face disciplinary charges for fixing tickets in a widening corruption scandal, The Post has learned.

Two NYPD lawyers were recently transferred from the department's legal bureau to its advocate's office, which handles departmental trials against officers, and told to expect hundreds of cases, according to a source in the unit.

"This is huge," said the source. "That's a lot of cops all in one shot. I've never heard of something like that before, this many police officers charged in one period."

"It was a systemic thing," said another source familiar with the probe.

The department will charge cops internally in all 12 Bronx precincts -- and possibly other boroughs -- for allegedly helping out friends and family by "losing" paperwork and missing court dates. In turn, parking tickets, moving violations and quality-of-life summonses would be dismissed in court or vanish before ever getting near a judge.

Officers found guilty in department trials could get fired, lose benefits, or be reprimanded or warned.

Those who tampered with documents might face criminal charges of obstruction or filing a false instrument, while cops who took money could be hit with felonies such as bribery.


Anonymous said...

Patt Lynch, where are you now?

You filthy piece of garbage.

Anonymous said...

Should be awesome for morale and recruiting purposes. Any cop who writes tickets after this, or anyone who becomes a cop in this city after this is an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Straight and narrow. That's the ticket. If you don't break the law, you have no worries. Personally I think it should be better for the morale of all honest cops.

Big Hairy Balls said...

Police corruption in NYC? Nah that could never happen, just ask Frank Serpico. Long live Queens Crapper! Long live Israel! Death to the Palestinians!

Anonymous said...

This would never happen in Queens, especially the 104 or 112 Precincts. Cops there are very honest.

georgetheatheist said...

And "Gene Krupa" Kelly is still the Police Commissioner?

Tubby Stashitsky said...

"400 cops to be pinched?"

Maybe I shoulda been a cop?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Word is that this all started as retaliation from the Bronx DA's office against a cop who arrested one of their Assistant District Attornies for DUI. If they go after the cops, wait until THEY start naming names of people who forced them to fix tickets. Police brass, politicians etc are all going to get implicated and taken down. The cops won't go down alone. This is going to be one big shitstorm if they pursue this, and I can't wait to watch the fireworks!

Anonymous said...

"If they go after the cops, wait until THEY start naming names of people who forced them to fix tickets."

Forced? With the Law and a (too) powerful union behind them?

-If true- these cops did what their predecessors here, and all over the world have long done; abuse privilege and power for personal gain.

Anonymous said...

Every cop,including Kelly has done this.But if you ask/receive for $$$,you're a collar,and a pos.

Anonymous said...

The biggest criminal resides at City Hall. He's the one raising your taxes and collecting them through ticket writing at the point of a gun!

Anonymous said...

Forced? With the Law and a (too) powerful union behind them?
Under these circumstances, does the PBA REALLY look powerful at all to you?? Cops might lose their jobs, but whoever initiated this investigation just opened the pandora's box into the whole dirty business of municipal ticket fixing on EVERY level.

Anonymous said...

If the PBA DOES have any power left, it will see to it that plenty of police brass, judges, politicians etc go down as well.

Anonymous said...

I know some here are portraying this as some huge city scandal that will bring down pols, judges etc.

But, this morning's coverage on WCBS-am has it simply as a scheme to fix tickets for cop's family and friends.

THAT is how it will be spun..and probably how it mostly is.

Anonymous said...

Do you really think the police unions are going to let their members get burned without exposing some of the powers that be who call precinct commanders on a daily basis to bully them into making tickets disappear? What about the big shot loudmouth last year who bragged about how he has the chief of IAB fix tickets for him all the time? I agree, they are stirring a hornet's nest with this one.

ConcernedQNZ said...

This happens all over all the time and I wouldn't be surprised if a few readers on here once got a ticket and called up a cop buddy to have it taken care of. There's much worse corruption so lets not get hung up over stupid ticket fixing. Its a small problem amongst all the other issues that are wrong with City agencies

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