Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Subway stupidity

Sent to my inbox by a reader, from WorldStarHipHop.com:

Caught On Cell Phone: Man Gets Cut In The Face For Laughing At A Girl's Wig Coming Off Her Head In A Queens Train Station! "You Aint Going No Where. Ill Knock Your Azz Out"(Passengers Try To Tame Her Till Cops Come.

"This woman gets upset when people laugh at her wig coming off of her head in a Queens train station. Passengers try to tame her, but when they let her go, she cuts a man in the face. The same guy she cuts and his friend chase her down and hold her until police come.


georgetheatheist said...

Human garbage and, as the great Frank of Queens would say, "verrrrrrmin".

This is why I drive a car through the streets of NYC - to avoid fetid, rancid dreck like this.

Down with public transportation! Down with public anything!!!

Long live the beloved internal combustion engine!

Anonymous said...

And thanks for your exhaust that needs to be power washed off of buildings in Manhattan and elevated train stations in Queens. There is many other cleaner fuels besides those toxic bezene clouds.

And stay off those public roads there too george if your against public anything as you say, not to mention the public tax subsidies for the wars for oil.

Anonymous said...

Maspeth Mom says...

Sick and tired of people acting like savages. Cant' wait to move away.... just biding my time sitting here watching my stupid neighbors litter, create illegal curb cuts and use their personal vans for commercial business, and park them on the street. SOOO sick of it.....

Anonymous said...

Bring back the draft and maybe these kids will get the discipline they are lacking. That is a very sad video.

Anonymous said...

Wow someone has a strong opinion about George's driving habits but none about the savagery on display in this video. Typical Queens logic.

Anonymous said...

Maybe some of these potential ghetto sows ought to be sterilized before they have the opportunity to become "moms" and proliferate their kind.

I dunno what the f-----g solution to this kind of barbarism is!

Queens Crapper said...

Scenes like this are what makes me laugh when my real lefty friends whine that there are so many kids in jail because there aren't enough after school programs offered. As if this ilk would attend an after school program. What they need is boot camp.

Anonymous said...

Did she slash him with a razor or her finger nails. It's kinda hard to tell because of the video quality/camera angles.

I doubt she is doing some rikers island razor/knife concealing and unloading on someones face.

It was probably her fingernails.

Queens Crapper said...

Why do you doubt it?

Erik Baard said...

Shortly after she is cornered and someone says, "You could have left it alone" and she replies, "I don't give a f***," you can see a person in a black nylon jacket enter from the left of the frame brandishing a knife or sharpened object as well.

Prosecutors should also seek the second person who was so ready to wield a knife.

Erik Baard said...

@QC: These are young adults or nearly so. You have to catch people waaaaay before "boot camp" is necessary.

@Anonymous about George's car driving: In fairness, I think comments are as often made about other comments as about the subject matter posted. After all, many people seek a discussion and I'm pretty sure the people in the video aren't reading this blog.

That said, it never occurred to me how much more money we spend scrubbing automobile soot from buildings and bridges than we do graffiti. Interesting perspective!

Also, yes, we can avoid senseless violence on subways until carjacking and road rage kicks in. Besides, the more oil we burn, the more senseless violence is inflicted. The only difference is that the murder and maiming happens abroad.

I'm more practical than "lefty." I believe in capitalism and democracy. I also recognize that capitalism fails without community, and democracy fails without education.

Anonymous said...

90 Nora Nora. Going 98.

Anonymous said...

@Maspeth Mom, about those personal vans used for commercial business, are you referring to those chinese
dollar vans or people who use their vans for contractor work?

They give out tickets overnight to vans parked in the street even if the van has regular plates, they look through the windows to make sure their are seats in the back, has
windows on both sides, etc.

Joe said...

Last week a N Carolina transvestite was slurping & spilling some really garlic loaded spaghetti on the #7 and attacked a man for commenting.
It escalated into an all out brawl.
--friggin animals

Anonymous said...

How classy to have the video filled with various logos. These are young adults who have grown up in a taunts and violence culture. Their identity is defined by laughing at the misfortune of others, making threats, and then acting out those threats with violence.

If I can humiliate and annoy you and somehow avoid a violent retaliation, I am a better person than you. If violence happens, well, that's why I carry a weapon or keep my nails hard and sharp as a knife.

This is cultural and you can't fix it by passing laws.

Queens Crapper said...

We helped create the culture by mandating cradle to grave handouts for people who don't work.

Anonymous said...

You're an asshole George.

Auntie Invasion said...

while I'm horrified by this news, I have to disagree with Crapper's reasoning on what flames violence like this.

It's a new fad: creating a scene where someone gets physically or emotionally harmed, videotaping and posting it online. it's usually done on the subway or buses, public transportation. This altercation might have been staged on purpose.

the people doing it get thrills from how far their video will be posted or how many news outlets pick up on their drama. sad but true. It's usually young black & Spanish youth. I have not come across white youth doing this, but maybe they are out there.

what I do agree with Crapper on is the way government benefits are handed out easily to specific populations. and if they don't get the cash and prizes, there are plenty of government funded non profits and elected officials falling over themselves to assist said population.

Walk into the welfare office on Northern Blvd in LIC. See whose working there, in a City job.

Anonymous said...

End days are just around the corner, cant wait!!!! Mass sterilization is the answer, NO MORE BABIES< THE PLANET NEEDS TO BE CLEANSED!!

Anonymous said...

I lived here in NYC for over 40 years and I seen NYC in worse conditions, You so called new Yorkers are a bunch of pussies and whiners, please toughen up! or move the fuck out of NYC!

Auntie Invasion said...

Crapper, please check out the origin of your material. the website the video comes from is chock full of videos like that one you gave space to today. These are staged incidents for the purpose of filming and posting them. When the little bastards get tired of having cockaroach races, they go outside with a video camera to find people to harass or stage it before hand with their freinds.

You've just created a monster.

Anonymous said...

georgetheatheist said...
Human garbage and, as the great Frank of Queens would say, "verrrrrrmin".
Here we have a classic case of typical lame-brained conservative who can't make any real debate so he childishly tries to "git yer goat".

-"Long live the beloved internal combustion engine!"

It'll be around a while, longer than you...that is not saying much.

Anonymous said...


De-humanizing rhetoric aside, calls for forced sterilization? I thought the Queenscrap crew didn't like authoritarian governments...who would have thought 'real' New Yorkers were Third Reichers?

Anonymous said...

Why is ok when they say nigger but its not ok to say they are acting the part?

Joe said...

New Yorkers has been sick and tired of rats and cockroaches since Kennedys immigration act of 1965.

Perhaps some authoritarian legislature is needed.
This place and all the free handouts has turned it into a magnet for some human garbage.
All who come here and multiply for the reasons stated above !

I pissed and livid I have to sell my house in Ridgewood. Decent people with good credit and background checks wont pay to live around 3rd world cockroaches and schools filled with brown cash baby's.
I'm gonna take at least 100K loss and more if I wait any longer.
Its not just my my Puerto Rickan friend neighbor is in the same boat.
The only renters he can get are sec 8's and 3rd world slobs who will drop a baby then default on the rent.
It's is near impossible to get a single female with a baby or child in school evicted under NYC's housing laws.

All this scum coming here needs to be sent back

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Totally Normal Behavior?

Anonymous said...

^^^ Who is this Joe character? He sounds schizo and a bit too paranoid. Dude, you sound a bit bipolar/going through a mania phase. Calm down a bit. Breathe. I see you comment on every other post in the same manner.
Anyways, this is the same s*** that goes around with the girl fights on youtube. It's all about attention. It's not surprising because it has become so commonplace. I hope this is indeed a fake video. Than again I'm wary about the website that this video came from. It doesn't seem too credible.

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice that in both of these incidents NO POLICE were to be found ANYWHERE. While I'm not a big fan of Guiliani at least during his administration there were cops EVERYWHERE. I personally witnessed one situation in which these animals (kids) were terrorizing the 42nd st Shuttle and when the train pulled into Grand Central a plain clothes cop in the car put on his badge and literally a platoon of cops descended on the miscreants.

Under Bloomberg, we all pay higher taxes and metrocard fees and get less and less so that his billionaire buddies who never ride the train get a free ride.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit. Go read a European newspaper if you want to find out what's going on this world.

Joe said...

Schizo, paranoid "Dude" ?

Your clearly a renter go back to California Iowa whatever "Dude".

My property (a 1920s Stier) has been in the family 3 generation's. Its on a block that's turning to shit due to many ghetto sows, illegal criminals and eastern euroshitz flooding into this part of Queens.
To add: I'm paying more and more taxes to support the very same people and DIVERSITY bullstuff causing the problems. Now add receiving ZERO representation from the local police & government for paying those taxes.

Its a quadruple screw job for me and their is more.
I pay all these taxes and bills myself now since loosing all my renters.
Both good Italian and Polish family's went into hock, moved to Long Island to save their kids from enduring that cercopithecidae menagerie called the NYC public school system.

What you see in the video is very real and the future of New York City.
Planet of the Apes...and Sheep

Anonymous said...

"I personally witnessed one situation in which these animals (kids) were terrorizing the 42nd st Shuttle and when the train pulled into Grand Central a plain clothes cop in the car put on his badge and literally a platoon of cops descended on the miscreants."

That's Manhattan in the heart of tourist land - not the Jamaica-Van Wyck Station of the E train.

This bullshit behavior is nothing new. These turds are happy and proud to behave like animals The only thing a bit different is now they have the technology to capture the moment and share it with the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Down with public transportation! Down with public anything!!

That was the issue thats absurd when he says down with public anything when theres public roads everyone drives on.
keep your car, just start already with a clean burning fuel. The unregulated private sector bailed out with public tax payer corporate welfare funds hates anything for the public also.

Of course this subway violence or wilding whether its done for the sake of provoking for a video and most are in on it is sick.

Yes it would be nice to have proper police force around as when Guiliani was around even though he had many faults. Bloomberg is a train wreck liar so you see what happens when we have unregulated capitalism funding the financial district which can take care of itself rather than funding police, fire depts, parks, schools, and libraries.

Queens Crapper said...

You guys really need to understand George's sense of humor before you get your panties in a bunch over things he writes.

Anonymous said...

It's what you may face day to day in this city and other urban areas. One need to have a guard up otherwise you could quickly be enveloped into a dangerous situation.

This was a weird incident but most are like this triggered by obnoxious folks who set off unstable individuals that results in violence.

King Ning said...

Why weren't subtitles provided?

georgetheatheist said...

Why did the cercopithecidae cross the road?

georgetheatheist said...

It was funded by the beloved Koch Brothers and not the commonweal.

Archie B said...

George: It crossed the road because it was running (likely south) from the cops. That or Colonel Sanders opened a new fry shack on Knickerbocker ave

Anonymous said...

Glad I moved away from complete trash like this in Queens/Brooklyn. Way out of NY in a place where I finally see how HUMAN's really live.

Animals in NY belong in cages. Especially these pieces of s**t.

King Ning said...

Why did the cercopithecidae cross the road?

To get to the H.R.A. office and apply for benefits. Plus, that's where the newstand selling lottery tickets is located. Gotta invest dat cake wisely, aight?

King Ning said...

This was a weird incident but most are like this triggered by obnoxious folks who set off unstable individuals that results in violence.

That is the most concise description of contemporary black culture to date. I read that Jane Goodall is planning an expedition to Bed-Stuy and Brownsville in order to research behavioral habits of lower primates.

Anonymous said...

I always carry a glass bottle of soda in a strong plastic bag.

No "Evian" spring water for me.

Makes a great improvised defensive black-jack type weapon if I'm attacked.

Don't need a permit either.

Can I buy you a drink?

Joe said...

Diatomaceous Earth (DE Pool filter sand) is good.
Its legal, you can disable 2 at once and its almost impossible to miss.
Always watch for a gun and object to grab or duck behind "just in case" when engaging 2 legged animals.


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