Thursday, January 13, 2011

Now that was a bad decision

From the Daily News:

An ex-con who used his cell phone to snap photos of jurors in a buddy's murder trial was busted by Queens court officers Monday, the Daily News has learned.

Anthony Lalor, 24, was charged with disorderly conduct and obstructing governmental administration in the illegal stunt.

Lalor was nabbed around 1 p.m., shortly after jurors filed out of Justice Gregory Lasak's third-floor courtroom for a lunch break.

He managed to take at least one photo of a juror before he was caught, but his cell phone was confiscated, a source said.

State court officers feared Lalor would use the photo to intimidate jurors trying to decide whether his pal, Christopher Chisholm, is guilty of murder.

"He wasn't using it for his scrapbook," said one court official.


Unknown said...

Even members of the jury are prohibited from cel phones with cameras. (a few years ago, undercover police officers where photographed when giving grand jury testimomy.

I think taking photos like this should be a felony.
NO ONE would want to serve if they knew they could be photographed and identified!

Anonymous said...


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