Saturday, January 15, 2011

If you can afford it here, you can afford anywhere

From Urbanite:

The Brookings analysis of Census data for 2007-09 shows that the New York/Northern New Jersey area lost a net 29,292 of 25-34 year olds in that two-year span.

On the opposite end is the Austin-Round Rock, Texas, area, renowned for its music scene, which had a net gain of 14,318 so-called Millenials, followed by Denver-Aurora, Colo., which had a gain of 11, 207.

The loss of these folks also reveals “a serious problem in finding jobs,” probably as a result of the cratered finance industry, said John Logan, a demographer at Brown University.

In the long term, the trend will hurt Gotham, said the experts, as young, creative people are essential to a city’s future. These are “the generation of people who will be the leaders,” Logan said.

Young single people may not mind sharing a one bedroom with room mates, but when the nesting instinct hits, New York is an economic nonstarter, noted Sean Thompson, a 29-year-old bartender who shares a $2,000 a month studio in Battery Park City with his 30-year-old wife, a public school teacher.

“We both agree completely that New York is not the place to raise a family,” Thompson said.


Sheik A. Spear said...

There was a NYC mayor from Boston
Who pushed the young out to Austin
As per the Census
They came to their senses
It's a shame that our city lost 'em

Anonymous said...

is not democrat/liberal city, and federal(obama ) government grand?

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with being a democrat or a liberal. President Obama is doing a great job and you can bet your bottom dollar that he will be re-elected with nary a problem.

The problem is that no one is concerned with the public good. It's me,me,me.

I'm not just talking about politicians but also a great percentage of business and individuals.

Anonymous said...

"In the long term, the trend will hurt Gotham, said the experts, as young, creative people are essential to a city’s future. These are “the generation of people who will be the leaders,” Logan said."

The Chinese/Koreans have taken over QUeens. Hipsters/Yuppies have taken over Brooklyn. Manhattan has become some downgraded wannabe replica of Sex And The City. There's no more creative people in this city and IF there are the media (tv, facebook, myspace) has molded/configured people to not recognize real creativity.

Anonymous said...

Anon #1 don't spout nonsense. It's Wall street and a lack of jobs that is causing people to move.

Anonymous said...

“We both agree completely that New York is not the place to raise a family,” Thompson said.

Ahh, but it's a glorious place to be a republican landlord.

The Leech chases another tired victim away.

Babs said...

"The problem is that no one is concerned with the public good. It's me,me,me."

Agreed - and that's why the Republicans will probably again.

Anonymous said...

No more likely the me, me, me crowd is Democrats. They want the country to pay for everything. Welfare, food stamps, section 8... For Christ's sake, get educated and get a job and stop sponging off the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

2,000$ a month studio in battery park??? move to queens douche,your wife is a public school teacher you can afford the mta.

Joe said...

To many of these hipsters expect to put a roof over their heads in NYC doing liberal arts.
That stuff no longer pays, there are to many musicians and most these people refuse to create what the likes od Disney, Warner are looking for. To add most of these hipsters look like total slobs. If they walked into a Sony office they would be ejected as a bum

In 2011 the Image, marketing and money comes first, music and art last.
Thats why these talantless rap and hip hop people are making the $$

Anonymous said...

"Agreed - and that's why the Republicans will probably again."

Blabs, that sentence is not even in English.

Anonymous said...

where is your documented proof the landlords in nyc are not democrat/liberals?

nyc has five registered democrats to one gop registrant,presently.

Park Avenue and Fifth Avenue and your U.E.S area has many,many liberal/democrat voters.
check the campaign finance records,if you dare. the truth and confession is good for the soul. especially for MASTERS OF DECEIT.

Anonymous said...

Where is your documented proof that they are not Repub/Cons? Registation ratios do not prove anything.

Speaking of Deceit, there's a great book out: "How to Lie With Numbers."

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