Thursday, December 9, 2010

Unsolicited opinion

From the Daily News:

Mayor Bloomberg's big jobs speech at the Brooklyn Navy Yard Wednesday was beautifully staged, artfully promoted and unmistakably aimed at presenting him as a man who could run America.

Expect more such speeches in the months to come - plain-spoken advice better suited for a President than a mayor.

Bloomberg's half hour in the spotlight was light on details about how to boost the economy - cut business taxes! Promote trade! - but heavy on the kind of optimistic, jobs-oriented talk that both average Americans and business leaders want to hear.

"As families struggle to get by, they have seen little but partisan gridlock, political pandering and legislative influence-peddling," the mayor said. "When did success become a bad word in America? When did cooperation in government become treason?"

There will be more like this: Aides say to expect a series of similar speeches on the country's big issues, delivered both in New York and in other states, in forums designed to make him an appealing independent alternative as the Democrats and Republicans shape their fields for 2012.

From Restless:

Just what America needs -- a Wall Street billionaire running as a "centrist" to split the difference between "blue dog" corporate shills and the billionaire-bootlickers of the GOP. Maybe he can bundle the federal debt in a financial instrument and swap it for swampland on Uranus.

It's hard to believe that anyone would be sucker enough to buy his hogwash, or see him for anything but the arrogant Wall Street prince he is, but it's become obvious over the years that lies financed by billionaires can turn night into day and voters into self-sabotaging fools.

Bloomberg for President!


Anonymous said...

Sit down Bloomberg and shut up already.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg for President!

I hear that anywhere that Bloomtard isn't is beautiful this time of year!

Anonymous said...

Where did we put the duct tape and the rope???

Anonymous said...

He (Bloomberg) is a vain man, having people speculate about him running for the Nation's highest office suits that vanity.

Reality: A billionaire with a whiny, Jewish accent is not going anywhere. Being from New York (now) won't help in the hick-sticks either.

Anonymous said...

Not a chance in hell.

And that's exactly where the dictator is heading this city.

rashid1891 said...

As families struggle to get by, they have seen little but partisan gridlock, political pandering and legislative influence-peddling," the mayor said. "When did success become a bad word in America? When did cooperation in government become treason?"

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