Thursday, December 9, 2010

Still crapping ...

Telling it like it is for 4 years.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Long may you poop on those who richly deserve it :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Crapper!!!

Pope Of Collefge Point

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

Happy Birthday Queens Crap!!!! Thank you for helping me to get my YouTube account restored when it was mysteriously removed before the mayoral election.

You and crapsters rock!

Gary the Agnostic said...

Happy Anniversary, Crapper!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Crappy! Thanks for telling it like it is. Long may you live!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations from Elmhurst!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Crappy - Happy fourth crap. Please keep up the good crap!

We love you - what are your plans for the blog in 2011? Facebook or twitter ?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Crappy - Happy fourth crap. Please keep up the good crap!

We love you - what are your plans for the blog in 2011? Facebook or twitter ?

A Better NYC said...

Here's to another 4 years of crapping on our beloved boro.

Happy Birthday Mr. Crappy.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, but unfortunately the destruction of Queens continues.
Loyal Reader that is finally getting out of Elmhurst!

Anonymous said...

Long may you sit on the blogger throne of Queens!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Crappy. I salute you with four flushes and a wish for many more years to come. You do Queens a huge service and I thank you. Keep up the good work. Happy Birthday!

Auntie Invasion said...

while I commend you on your four debris filled years in the blog-o-sphere, I am appalled, simply shocked, at your poor choice of images. The Flushing Park Unisphere seated on a standard American flushing ceramic toilet is not a suitable image that we want to project for our boro.

I can only thank heaven that this blog does not have odor-rama. Yet.

If one follows Queens Crap,why one would begin to think that the county is a melting pot of vibrant diversity where the scams beget the cons and all roads lead to aid and abet a successful illegal alien invasion. Is Queens really a waste land of corruption where the back room has a trap door into the pay off booth?

A reader might then believe that the stench coming out of Queens Blvd in the environs of Boro Hall can not be squelched with air freshener and begs the question, how many dead bodies and skeletons can they cram into that place before somebody notices? Is that smell coming out of the HPD or the DOB offices where the do as little as possible inspectors eagerly await the slumlord's year round Christmas presents?

I would not be surprised if all of a sudden Queens Craps began endorsing brands of toilet paper. Now, that would be a scandal worth writing about.

Auntie Invasion said...

while I commend you on your four debris filled years in the blog-o-sphere, I am appalled, simply shocked, at your poor choice of images. The Flushing Park Unisphere seated on a standard American flushing ceramic toilet is not a suitable image that we want to project for our boro.

I can only thank heaven that this blog does not have odor-rama. Yet.

If one follows Queens Crap,why one would begin to think that the county is a melting pot of vibrant diversity where the scams beget the cons and all roads lead to aid and abet a successful illegal alien invasion. Is Queens really a waste land of corruption where the back room has a trap door into the pay off booth?

A reader might then believe that the stench coming out of Queens Blvd in the environs of Boro Hall can not be squelched with air freshener and begs the question, how many dead bodies and skeletons can they cram into that place before somebody notices? Is that smell coming out of the HPD or the DOB offices where the do as little as possible inspectors eagerly await the slumlord's year round Christmas presents?

I would not be surprised if all of a sudden Queens Craps began endorsing brands of toilet paper. Now, that would be a scandal worth writing about.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Many Many more my friend!
Keep on crapping!

Alan said...

Happy 4th, Crappy! Over 3 1/2 million visits and counting. Keep up the good work. You keep corrupt officials shaking in their collective tweed boots!

Anonymous said...

Knowledge equals power! Thanks for four informative years of fighting the good fight, Crappy... Long may you reign!

georgetheatheist said...

Congrats Crapper.

4 years of blogging and all we get is a bridge named after Ed Koch.

R.I.P Mitch Miller.

Deke DaSilva said...

4 Craptacular years!!!

Keep up the fight!!!

You are the Julian Assange of NYC!!

(That's a compliment!!!)

Missing Foundation said...

Crappie, kiddo, you are the only game in town.

Please keep on crappin'.

Anonymous said...

many thanks for giving us a forum to vent our frustrations at local government corrupters.

let the CRAP stop here.....

to be continued GOD willing.....happy birthday....

Anonymous said...

This is where I get the best local news, period. Happy Birthday, and many more to you.

Detective McNutty said...

Congratulations Crapper

Hopefully you don't get tired of blogging. Stay honest and don't sell out to the Man :P

Babs said...


Katheeeeee Blaque said...

Keep on Crappin', Queens Crapper, and crap my blues away!!!

Anonymous said...

A very, very Happy Crappy. Thanks for telling it like it is. This blog is most informative and gives us insight into all the crap that goes on behind the backs of the taxpayers. Keep up the good work. Happy Birthday! Hope there is many more to come.

Anonymous said...

Keep Crapping!! Crappy

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday from Elmhurst! Keep up the good work Crappy!

ew-3 said...

Happy Birthday from Taxachussetts...

Keep stirring it up ;)

Malba Gardener said...

Happy Birthday and may you have many more. You have been a blessing to community organizations that have come against the brick wall of politicians and government agencies.

Thank you,

Alfredo Centola

Anony2 said...

Happy Birthday & thank you!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY from Maspeth!

CJ said...

Congratulations Crappy,

I lift a glass of EXLAX and toast many more years of crap.

Seriously, good work. You are a voice in the wilderness, and I've been a loyal reader for almost all of that time.


Helen said...

Mr. QC ~ Happy Birthday/Anniversary and thank you for this excellent site!!!

Sarah said...

"Nalliuniqsiutsiarit", means Happy Birthday in Inuktitut!

Soon-to-be-ex-gov.a.schwarzenegger said...

Nalliuniqsiusiarit. Dot's not all vat zat means. Hahr, hahr. Iff you get mei driff.

Anonymous said...

I start every day with a little crap.
Happy Birthday Crappie

Steve Behar said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work, I read every day. Keep tellin it like it is here in Queens.

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