Sunday, December 12, 2010

Setting the record straight

It was brought to my attention that Ruschell Boone from NY1 filed a story on Friday, December 3rd about a tree stump and a broken sidewalk alongside the Van Wyck Expressway service road in Jamaica.

Greg Mocker from WPIX reported on the same stump/sidewalk issue on Monday, December 6th, the same day I posted Ruschell's story here on the blog. Mocker said in his followup report after the stump was removed that the City was watching. Well, they are, but it's not him they're watching. Got this official statement from Parks:

"We saw the story on NY1. We haven't watched WPIX since Kaity and Jim got the boot."

And there you have it. On the trail of a reporter trying to take credit for someone else's work, I'm the Queens Crapper.


Anonymous said...

Shame, Shame, Shame, Shame on You Mocker, your 15 minutes are up.

georgetheatheist said...

Alright, Mooker. Whadya have to say fer yerself? Huh?

Queens Crapper said...

I don't know if it was intentional or a coincidence, I just wanted to make sure Ruschell got the credit because she works hard and we have a history dating back to 2007.

Anonymous said...

While this does look suspicious, Mocker has credited this blog numerous times, and I would hope he would have credited NY1 as well had he been aware of the other story. I will reserve judgment until he makes a statement, if he does. A real man would also own up to it on air, with apology to Boone.

georgetheatheist said...

".. . we have a history dating back to 2007."


Anonymous said...

WPIX has gone to crap (but not in a good Queens Crapper way) ever since Jim & Kaity have been gone... Bring them back!

Anonymous said...

ironic coming from a blog that only posts others peoples stories.

Queens Crapper said...

Um I've posted hundreds of original stories over the past four years. Thanks for showing your ignorance.

Anonymous said...

That Mocker is an arrogant hack who rips others off all the time.

I recall him doing a piece about the Willets Pt. biker club a while back and he not only reported that he found the group by himself but went on to say that no one else was doing anything about it.

What he forgot to mention was that it was reported a whole year ago by the Flushing Times.

Here is their first report,

Here is their second.

Shame on you hack!

Queens Crapper said...

I recall him doing a piece about the Willets Pt. biker club a while back and he not only reported that he found the group by himself but went on to say that no one else was doing anything about it.

Actually, he said they called him. If that's the case, and they did not dispute that, he had every right to do a story on them. And the Times stories were focused on eminent domain, not the condition of the street.

What he forgot to mention was that it was reported a whole year ago by the Flushing Times.

Wow, a whole year ago? Steve Stirling would have reported about it on a weekly basis. I miss him.

You do a story, you have no right to demand credit for anything a year after the fact.

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