Sunday, December 5, 2010

Newtown students protest closure

From the Queens Tribune:

With the Dept. of Education eyeing their school for possible closure, dozens of students from Newtown High School in Elmhurst implored Black Friday shoppers at Queens Center Mall, only a few blocks from the school, to help save their 113-year-old home.

"Where will we go?" asked one student, standing in front of the mall entrance, handing out flyers. Another group of students stood along 57th Avenue in front of the Newtown athletic fields, the iconic green cupola of the school in the background.

Another student, who said she immigrated to Elmhurst from Ecuador only a year before attending Newtown, was concerned about others like her. Because of Newtown, she said, she was able to learn English and plans to attend college. "What will others who were in my position do?" she asked.

The flyers asked passers-by to contact the school's DOE representative, demanding the school remain open.

"What a shame," said one woman looking at the flyers. She promised the students her help.

The DOE pondered closing the school earlier this year after it received a "C" on a 2009 progress report, and the school's graduation rate slipped to around 50 percent.

Students, parents and school officials say the problem is not with the school, but rather with statewide standards, which do not work for Newtown High School, where 40 percent of students were recently-arrived immigrants, most of whom do not speak fluent English. Though many high schools will not accept teenage immigrants who are not English-proficient, Newtown does, and though these students do not graduate on time, they do eventually. That, according to the school's administration, is what affects the graduation rate.


Anonymous said...

School closures are going to increase tenfold for the next 3 years.

Anonymous said...

"where do i go ? " she said . Why not go back to your native country and have those people pay for your education?

n.y.c.taxpayers are paying $20,000.00 per pupil per year for all of these "anchor babies".
plus n.y.s. medical insurance premiums until they are 26 years old.

what a ripoff by our "sanctuary city " democrat and rino politicians .

Anonymous said...

I agree. Time to go home. Americans have trouble paying their own family bills and taxes. Why should we educate your child? Go back to your country and demand a quality education from your government. The city is broke because of this problem.

georgetheatheist said...

Italian Girl. Can't you stay with one logo?

Anonymous said...

Georgie, I told you I get bored and like to mix things up. Don't you remember?

I gotta a new song for ya...

Joe said...

Athletic fields -that's right there must be acres of them
Oh I get it now the Mayor wants to flip the property for big $$ and put the kids in slap up barracks and trailers.
I know a couple city teachers, they are all miserable. It must be the worst job and working environment in the country.

Anonymous said...


It is more miserable than you can imagine.

This country is going to have a huge problem in the next few years. We won't be able to recruit decent people to go into teaching. At least, not people who will be dedicated to education.

Because of the low salary and little support for new teachers, we already had a huge problem retaining teachers especially in poor neighborhoods. Now it will be even worse.

A Better NYC said...

Hold on a second...ha, ha, ha...

Just wait....ha, ha, ha...

Seriously, I can't stop laughing... we go...

Maybe we should spend BILLIONS and BILLIONS more on public education...(burst out laughing)


Yeah, that should fix the problem...

georgetheatheist said...

"I gotta a new song for ya."

One too many indefinite articles.

-Joe said...

True, I cant imagine.
A friend of mine (Math teacher) has become an absolute loonatick from the stress and aggrivation.
His wife has since left him and he is now drinking heavey. This all started when he failed a couple nasty disruptive kids who did no work in class. The school and DEA then put him in thumbscrewes with some other teachers (all good teachers). He is still going to court over stuff. After 30years the DOE administrators want him to quit so they can steal his pension $$.
According to him over 50% of the students are anchor babys who's parents are no good, most dont have fathers

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 2: Where does it say that she's here illegally?

Anonymous said...

"what a ripoff by our "sanctuary city " democrat and rino politicians ."

..And working for righteous republican bosses who want cheap labor.

What an asshole you are.

Anonymous said...

-Joe said...

True, I cant imagine.
A friend of mine (Math teacher) has become an absolute loonatick from the stress and aggrivation.
His wife has since left him and he is now drinking heavey.

UGH! "Joe" Obviously you didn't many a school doorway.

Anonymous said...

read the post closely:" Newtown H.S.,where 40% of the newly arrived immigrants go to school."illegal...illegal...illegal....."just like me from Equador"

n.y.c.department of education budget for 2011 is $23,000,000,000,00 (BILLION).

Anonymous said...

where is" your proof "that they are not illegal aliens ?they arrived here one year ago and do not speak English.

if they were born in the U.S,by high school ,they would be english speaking.

your pro-illegal alien political agenda is damaging to our country. get out now ,you traitor....

Anonymous said...

Anon. No. 15: I was talking about that one person. There's no doubt that there are a lot of illegal aliens there.

BTW: I was born in New York City -- I will live my whole life here. If you've ever read the United States Constitution (somehow, I doubt that), you know that I have a right to express my opinion. Just because I expressed my opinion does not make me a traitor. It's people like you who have forgotten things like constitutional rights who are the ones who betray the principles that this nation was founded on. Look at the John Adams quote that Crapper uses here.

I'm here, I'm staying. Deal with it, bub.

Anonymous said...

the problem is not with the school, but rather with statewide standards, which do not work for Newtown High School, where 40 percent of students were recently-arrived immigrants, most of whom do not speak fluent English.

Stop accepting illegal citizens who do not speak English. Or if holders of green cards need supplemental education own, then it should be on their own dime to learn English at language schools.

Anonymous said...

If you believe that a student who entered this counntry from equador is not an illegal alien than, I have a great deal on bridge. I live in Elmhurst and because of the illegals dumping out anchor babies, citizens cant get their children enrolled into PS 89 & PS 7
Although there arent that many citizens in Elmhurst anymore.

Anonymous said...

You don't know and I don't know.

Anonymous said...

the U.S. Constitution does not apply to illegal aliens,who are in this country against the laws.

they must wait their turn,and allow the legal immigrants entrance to our great Nation first.stop making excuses and supporting the amnesty elite lobby.

-Joe said...

The anchors babys dont eather.
The "Born Right" was for childeren of slaves.
It appears everybody has forgotten this.
Slavery is long gone, this statute needs to be removed

Anonymous said...

Boy, do I wish that some of you would use your spell checks before you post your items.

"Eather", Joe?

Anonymous said...

The Cosntitution applies to everyone, Anon No 20. Where does it say that it doesn't?

Anonymous said...

Amendment #14: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws"
Related: Art.IV: The States..Section #2 /Part 1: "The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States."

Anonymous said...

"subject to the jurisdiction thereof" is the controversial phrase.

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for the kids who actually work hard to pass. As for the rest, they just look at it as a place to hang out.


Anonymous said...

"Boy, do I wish that some of you would use your spell checks before you post your items.
'Eather', Joe?"

Wait, you mean there's a correlation between ignorant bigotry and having no fucking idea how to write a coherent, grammatically correct sentence?

I wonder if they have the capacity to see the irony in spewing venom toward kids who may not have learned English as their second language, when they can barely handle their own.

But this is my favorite - the genius above who uses this as a "quote" - "just like me from Equador." A. Nowhere is that in the story. B. If it were, I'm pretty sure it'd get the spelling right.

Anonymous said...

That's what I meant when I pointed out Joe's spelling.

Anonymous said...

Karma - we raped & stole this land from the natives & are receiving payback tenfold, this is beautiful - from a white American

Queens Crapper said...

Who is "we"?

I am also a native.

georgetheatheist said...

"we raped & stole this land from the natives"

Actually the "natives" stole this land from the Europeans. The first settlers of the continent, the Solutreans, came via the Atlantic Ice Bridge during the Ice Age circa 20,000 years ago. They originated from the Pyrenees Mountains between modern Spain and France. The so-called "natives" were latter-day interlopers to the continent coming there from the West via the Bering Strait. These "native" interlopers than mercilessly slaughtered the indigenous white settlers.

"Karma" for the Beringian "natives".

Anonymous said...

Karma - we raped & stole this land from the natives & are receiving payback tenfold, this is beautiful - from a white American

Karma - we raped & stole this land from the natives & are receiving payback tenfold, this is beautiful - from a white American

Karma - we raped & stole this land from the natives & are receiving payback tenfold, this is beautiful - from a white American

Karma - we raped & stole this land from the natives & are receiving payback tenfold, this is beautiful - from a white American

Karma - we raped & stole this land from the natives & are receiving payback tenfold, this is beautiful - from a white American

Karma - we raped & stole this land from the natives & are receiving payback tenfold, this is beautiful - from a white American

Anonymous said...

While there is general agreement that America was first settled from Asia by people who migrated across Beringia, the pattern of migration, its timing, and the place of origin in Asia of the peoples who migrated to the Americas remains unclear.

Anonymous said...

the truth is that one "can "see Russia from Alaska.

Anonymous said...

do not fall for the progressive's tactic of "demonizing"
a commenter. it is their attempt to justify their sick minds.

Anonymous said...

I think you're the last one who should talk about demonizing, pal.

-Joe said...

"Eather", Joe?
Yes Eather.
Live it to the libs and "educated" do dismiss facts based on spelling.
Take it your autocorrect issue up with Samsung.
Fact remains the schools are going to hell due to the spread eagle champs the dems 7 libs call immigrants future voters.

Take a walk down Grand ave, at any time you will see an latino female with a baby carrage with +3 in tow.

Anonymous said...

Just wait a couple years when these 700K+ cash babies are mature enough to get pregnant and repeat the parents behavior.
The the cost load on everything will triple overnight.
Where will this "street" generation live and and get money to live ?

The country is finished !

georgetheatheist said...

Joe, right on with the baby carriage vignette.

Anonymous said...

Leave it to you to foam at the mouth so much that no one knows what you're talking about, Je.

Clay Boggess said...

People are fed up and money is running out to pay for the "anchor babies". The closing of this school is merely a symptom of a much greater problem. Enough is enough! We need to change the laws and secure the borders before it's too late. It used to be that immigrants were motivated to work hard and contribute to making this country great. Unfortunately now we seem to only hear about them feeding off the system as they make more babies...

Anonymous said...

The teachers are not to blame for the poor performance of students in the classroom. Blame the disparity on the distribution of wealth. The more money the family has the better the performance and of course the less money the worse the performance. While there are variations within this model it is generally true. However, I am sure there are other variables. You can't teach someone that doesn't care a hoot for school. Take a walk past Newtown and look at the scholars hanging around with their pants hanging down their rear ends, the crooked hats, etc.

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