Thursday, December 16, 2010

He hopes to be NYC's best mayor ever!

From the Daily News:

Mayor Bloomberg's ego got the best of him Sunday when he confessed he wants to be remembered as "the greatest mayor ever."

The confession from Hizzoner, who usually says he hopes his eventual successor will do a better job than he has done, came as he once again denied any interest in running for President.

"I've got a great job. I want to go out being, having a reputation as a very good, maybe the greatest mayor ever," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

He again wore a purple tie, which some have seen as his attempt to brand himself as a bridge between the red and blue states in a divided America. But he once again insisted he's not thinking about running for President and said any of his advisers who may be plotting those moves should "cease and desist."

He also thinks the founding fathers weren't interested in party politics, which is news to anyone who paid attention in history class in high school.


Deke DaSilva said...

He again wore a purple tie, which some have seen as his attempt to brand himself as a bridge between the red and blue states in a divided America.

Ha Ha Ha!!!!

No, media dimwits!! It's not purple, it's lavender!!!

Bloomberg's not trying to tell us where he stands politically - he's trying to take tentative steps - out of the proverbial closet!!!

Don't you numbskulls know what lavender symbolizes?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Right along Koch and Dinkins, he will be remembered as one of the worst mayors N.Y.C. ever had! I don't know who he thinks he is fooling! And the reason he isn't running for president is because he knows he wont win. He barely won when he ran for his illeagal third term. That little troll should just go back under the rock he came out of....

Anonymous said...

Maspeth Mom says....

He should have thought about "Being remembered as the the greatest NYC mayor" along time ago ... maybe when he first was elected...too late now silly boy.

Velvethead said...

QC, I was so hoping you'd pick up on that line. Good eye.
There has got to be a photoshop photo of "The Vampire" in full Napoleon garb.
He is some piece of work. Loves to pin medals on himself.

Anonymous said...

Worst. Mayor. Ever.

Anonymous said...

Too BAD, I won't remember him as the best Mayor EVER! Hopefully the next Mayor will strive to be modest and a superior caliber such as Mayor Rudolf Giuliani who really stepped up to the plate and knock homes out of the park during his term.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we can name a bridge after Bloomberg, too!

Whitestone, Throgs Neck, and Williamsburg are still available.

Anonymous said...

Why does he always sound like he's whining? He could never be President.

Anonymous said...

Bloomturd should rot in hell!

Anonymous said...

Chief cheerleader for oligarchy, not democracy.

Anonymous said...

With luck he might make it to the level of the illustrious John Lindsey-maybe.

Anonymous said...

I think Bloomberg is already there. He IS the reincarnated version of Mayor Lindsay. The similarities between Lindsay and him are striking.

HE is a grossly overrated executive still living off the coatails of his predecessor, the vastly underrated and underappreciated pre-Judi Nathan version of Rudolph Giuliani.

D. Truth said...

"He hopes to be NYC's best mayor ever!"
In his "humble" opinion? A legend in his own mind!

Gary the Agnostic said...

The only thing that Bloomberg has in common with Fiorello LaGuardia is physical stature. As a Mayor, LaGuardia was a giant and Bloomberg is a pygmy.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 6 --

Rudy Giuliani was modest????? When?????

Anonymous said...

This little twerp is delusional. He hopes to be the best mayor ever. I hope to win the lottery. I have a better chance at my wish than he does. He is the worst. Hope he moves to Bermuda and tries to develop it. See how long it takes before they throw him out.

Anonymous said...

This shitbag is dangerous. If he doesn't get his way, he buy's his way. I'll bet he buy's his way into the presidency. Pays off the Sarah Palin crew to shut up. Then, we'll see him whine his way into the hearts and minds of the midwest on Glen Beck's National Joke Show.

This guy is a shoe in. Americans are way too dumb and complacent to pass this criminal up. Has no one noticed the plethora of southerners on TV commercials lauding the advantages of big oil in their communities and "all the good they are doing" for them, just mere months after the worst oil disaster the earth's ever known? Ridiculous.

This country is already blaming Obama for the Wall Street bail outs when they were in reality done by Bush. What makes you think people will wake the fuck up?

Bloomberg is COUNTING on the complacency of Americans to win. And he will. There's already been several fund raisers out of Columbia University, once a bastion for progressive thought, now a sad relic and out of touch with the reality in NY and the world.

He will win. You watch! And Christine Quinn will be his second man.

Anonymous said...

he wore a purple tie because he's gay

Anonymous said...

He's probably the only person in New York who has trippled (speaking of billionaires) his worth in the last 8 years

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So sorry Mayor Bloomberg, you will not be remembered as one of New York's best Mayors. The only good thing you have done is 311 otherwise your legacy will be eminent domain, bike lanes that no one wanted, street parks that are ridiculous, trying to shove congestion pricing down our throats, etc. etc. etc. And by the way your P.R. people stink!

Anonymous said...


AlixG said...

Bloomberg the best mayor? How about the most self-serving, self-righteous, person to have ever bought an election?

As to DDS' comment about Michael "Boom-Boom" Bloomberg's lavander tie?

Right on the money! All this faux-posturing about being a he-man conservative reminds me of sleazebag US Attorney Roy Cohn of the McCarthy era.

Every once in a while

Anonymous said...

In Boro Park Brooklyn N.Y. snow is just every where it is already Tuesday not 1 snowplow came by yet

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