Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas concert fundraiser this Friday

From Rego-Forest Preservation Council:

The historic First Presbyterian Church of Newtown NEEDS YOUR HELP! All are invited to a Christmas Concert & Restoration Fundraiser on Friday, December 17th at 7:30 PM at the south side of Queens Blvd & 54th Ave in Elmhurst, near the Grand Ave subway entrance. For more information, contact Church Historian Marjorie Melikian at (718) 897-5668.

This church is endangered not by developers which have recently undermined the integrity of historic religious institutions, but is endangered since it is in need of some major repairs to its 1895 building, including weatherproofing, electrical work, roofing, refinishing, and the cleaning and repair of stained glass. Although there is no admission fee, a free will offering will be collected, to benefit the restoration and upgrades of one of Queens' greatest "Landmarks at heart!" Please help by spreading the word, and bringing your family and friends.

The concert is a joint venture of the First Presbyterian Church of Newtown choir with another choral group, known as the Harmonious Chorus. It will be directed by Victor Lui, and the organist is Kiyomi Kimura. Refreshments will be served afterwards.

The First Presbyterian Church is a greatly intact Gothic brownstone masterpiece with a bell tower, has a 358 year-old congregation, and was an engineering marvel as the 5 million-pound church was moved 125 feet in the 1920s, to spare it from demolition during Queens Boulevard's widening.

The congregation began in 1652, and is one of the oldest in New York City. Originally a community church, it became officially Presbyterian in 1715. It was founded in the wilderness (now Elmhurst) of the Dutch Colony of New Netherlands, and has survived war, invasion, and religious and political persecution. The bell and church are symbols of the lost history of Queens, and have withstood the test of time. Your help is most crucial towards preserving this historic site for future generations to cherish.


Anonymous said...

This is a grand church and it is taken for granted as thousands pass it each day. Help raise repair money!

Babs said...

I'm glad this was posted - this is one of New York's grandest treasures - 1652? wow - that's the original settlers!

Anonymous said...

Interesting that their congregation was founded ten years
before First Presbyterian in Jamaica, which traces its origin to 1662:
Maybe it was safer for the non-Anglicans to be as far away as possible from the English settlers.

Anonymous said...

The church was founded by the English, moron.

Anonymous said...

The church was founded by the English, moron.

I meant to say, "Maybe it was safer for the non-Anglicans to be as far away as possible from the Anglican settlers." Nice to see such intelligent comments.

Rego-Forester said...

Thank you for publicizing this holiday concert and noble fundraising cause!

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