Thursday, November 11, 2010

Remember in November

From the Queens Courier:

We solemnly ask you to take a moment on November 11 and remember those who have given their lives in the current war against terrorism being waged in Iraq and Afghanistan and to say a prayer for every one of them. They died so that we may continue to live free.

As we approach the 91st Veterans Day observance this month, we hope your also remember the one million New Yorkers, men and women who have served in uniform and deserve our thanks, not only on Veterans Day, but on every day.

We hope that you support our politicians as they lobby for -- and win -- better benefits and programs, property tax exemptions, tuition education assistance, job training, employment assistance and counseling.

We call on newly elected Governor Andrew Cuomo to increase funding for veterans' service agencies and help returning citizen-soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan to reclaim homes lost to foreclosures while they were deployed and enact legislation to halt such losses in the future.

We hope that his year, each and every home in Queens displays a flag on Veterans Day.


georgetheatheist said...

How's Veterans Day different from Memorial Day? They're both military oriented. A lot of parades on May 31 with great attendance. Parades on veterans Day: very little attendance. People are "paraded out", the weather is cold, and Thanksgiving is around the corner. Many don't even take the day off. They switch it for Black Friday - a four day Thanksgiving weekend. More people "celebrate" Halloween, Valentine's Day, and St. Patrick's Day than Veteran's Day. Sorry, but that's the way it is. Sad, but true.

Anonymous said...

the difference between VETERAN'S DAY and Memorial Day can be detailed on wikipedia.

the former aka (Armistice Day) is the world's remembering of the almost 20 million military K.I.A. during WW l,between allied forces and germany.

the latter aka (Decoration Day) is the honoring of Union Military K.I.A. during the American Civil War. changed to include all American's K.I.A.,
in all wars.

i was proud to serve on a 220' sea going minesweeper during the Korean War.

Anonymous said...

Thanks,Dad. WW2,pacific theater.

Babs said...

My Dad too - the Phillipines.

Thanks Dad.

Anonymous said...

THANKS DAD - Fought and captured POW France.

All veteran deserve our support for fighting wars on our behalf. They were then as now start as children 18 years of age - some as early as 16 going way back. They did not know they were risking their lives and did so for you. Respect them and support benefits for them.

Anonymous said...

Rest In Peace Nathan Hale (1755 - 1776), you white Anglo-saxon American HERO!

Sarah said...

My Dad was a radio man on a Navy ship during the Korean War. Let's not forget the Soldiers fighting right now. They need our support and prayers. I thank God every day that I am an American.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Memorial Day and Veterans Day become photo-ops for politicians, most of whom did not serve even one day in our armed forces. They come late, ride in a car and do not march, and sit in a protected area while the rest of us stand in the sun or rain, and they go on and on how they respect vets and how much they're doing for us. What a bunch of phonies.
In these two solemn days, the organizers for the events should not invite pols to speak. Only those that have served deserve to address us.

Gary the Agnostic said...

Remember and honor our veterans and those who gave their lives for us.

Cj said...

Remembering my Dad who served in WW1 and WW2

georgetheatheist said...

Anonymous writes that Nov. 11, formerly known as Armistice Day, honors those KIA in WWI. Decoration Day in May honors the Union military KIA during the Civil War. One has to go to Wikipedia to understand all of this? Gary the Agnostic wants to honor and remember those who gave their lives for us. When do we do this? May 31 or November 11?

It's too confusing.

I thank every day the Founding Fathers that I am an American.

Queens Crapper said...

Veterans are people who made it back. Memorial Day is for the dead.

Anonymous said...

Hey, George, you a verteran?

georgetheatheist said...

Yes, I am a proud verteran.

I write this at Noon on Thursday, Nov. 11, Veterans Day. Almost every house on my block put their garbage out last night for the regularly-scheduled Thursday sanitation pick-up. The sidewalk is festooned with black garbage bags and newspaper bundles. I came home last night and saw this, scratched my head, and said "I thought tomorrow was a holiday, Veterans Day. There's garbage pick-up?" So, I joined in and now my garbage sits at the curb as well.

See, no one knows what the hell is going on.

georgetheatheist said...

BTW I do not fly the flag on Veterans Day. There's a flag on my door 365.

Anonymous said...

"In these two solemn days, the organizers for the events should not invite pols to speak. Only those that have served deserve to address us."

Like Maltese and Padavan.

Unanimous said...

Thanks for serving George. I'm going remember that garbage can story.

Unknown said...

It was the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month when the guns of war ceased fire.

It was a sad turn out today at the Glendale Memorial Triangle. Maybe next year you can all mark your calendars and come out. The service is from 11 till 11:15 every year on Veteran's Day. Myrtle Avenue and Cooper Avenue.

Queens Crapper said...

It was a sad turnout because a lot of people don't get today off.

Big Hairy Balls said...

Even though I never had the pleasure of knowing him my uncle died in battle in WWII. He was awarded a purple heart and the silver star. May the good Lord bless him always.

Anonymous said...

local politicians that march with name signs at Memorial Day parades:Gov.elect A.Cuomo,dem rep A Weiner,dem senator C. Schumer. they are a disgrace to our U.S.military dead.
these three did not serve in the military,and i bet not one of their relatives did either.
our dem dictatorship voted our military veteran's out of office recently,while the rest of the states have voted for former military patriots to represent them.

Queens Crapper said...

Middle Village had a Veterans Day parade last weekend and I bet those turkeys with the signs did the same there.

Anonymous said...

Anon no. 21:

English translation, please?

Anonymous said...

"Even though I never had the pleasure of knowing him my uncle died in battle in WWII. He was awarded a purple heart and the silver star. May the good Lord bless him always."

That's a beautiful thought. But I wonder if your uncle knows he has a nephew (niece) who refers to himself (herself?) as Big Hairy Balls?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Dad, (WWII, Europe and N. Africa). I miss you and I love you.

So sad NO ONE sells poppies to wear on your shirt these days. Can't find one on Veteran's Day now for at least the last 10 years.

And to make matters worse, when you talk about this wonderful tradition, most people just stare at you and say "what are you talking about?"

Babs said...

They sell them on Memorial Day - I buy them every year.

Anonymous said...

Unlike Memorial Day, Veterans Day is pure- no barbecues, beaches, discount sales, football games.

Actual reflecting on our veterans. A holiday that fulfills its purpose.

Anonymous said...

Sports Authority had a discount sale today. Maybe other stores?

georgetheatheist said...

I lost $13.87 in my mutual funds today. I thought today was a holiday.

Anonymous said...

I was told by my French friend that they also celebrate the veterans Day (but they call it something else) for the victory of WWI.

Babs said...

"Sports Authority had a discount sale today. Maybe other stores?"

The Today Show yesterday stated that Veteran's Day discounts were being given for veterans in Home Depot and Lowe's, veterans and active-duty service men and women ate for FREE at ANY Applebees in the U.S. - Hooters too.

There was actually quite a lot of discounts for them yesterday - if you google it you'll see the entire list. I'm sure most companies will do the same next year.

There seems to more interest in Veteran's Day than ever before -

Anonymous said...

"Middle Village had a Veterans Day parade last weekend and I bet those turkeys with the signs did the same there."

They were there, but no signs. I don't think the parade committee allowed pols to display signs.

BTW the parade was well attended, bigger than last years.

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