Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bloomberg destriping the NYPD

From the NY Post:

The Bloomberg administration is studying a plan to demote scores of police sergeants to rank-and-file cops to save money, The Post has learned.

City budget officials have started to crunch the numbers at Deputy Mayor Stephen Goldsmith's behest, analyzing how much would be saved by demoting newly promoted sergeants, said a high-ranking City Hall official.

The city vehemently denied it was even contemplating the move. "That's totally untrue," said mayoral spokesman Jason Post.

Goldsmith, the former mayor of Indianapolis, has vowed to streamline the city's workforce. Last week he demoted 100 sanitation supervisors in an effort to increase the number of front-line sanitation workers.


Anonymous said...

THe city charter mandates a 1 sgt -8 cop ratio.After all the lawsuits,where is the savings.

Anonymous said...

It's a union thing - so then they should change the contract at the next negotiations.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with that one....

neversleep said...

Totally untrue could mean that they're done considering it...

Anonymous said...

The city must get rid of all the waste it has on their payrolls. All the different agencies are loaded with them. Eliminate all the appointed positions, jobs given to relatives etc. and a ton of money would most definitely be saved.

Anonymous said...

"The city must get rid of all the waste it has on their payrolls."

Never, ever will happen. This is NYC. It's been like this since the 80's. It's systemic and entrenched.

It's not "politically correct" to do otherwise.

cherokeesista said...

Bloomturd do you really want to save MONEY? NO MORE SANCTUARY CITY!!!!! Deport all Illegals and their sweet Lil LOTTERY BABIES:)

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