Saturday, June 26, 2010

Warehousing the kids

From the Queens Ledger:

P.S. 128 needs more space, yet again.

After switching to a new building this year, the school found that it was in need of more space for its 650-student body. So, the school, which is located on 65th Drive in Middle Village, acquired an ancient and abandoned tobacco warehouse across the street and made it the home of their new annex.

That's right - we opened a brand new school building this year that towers over the homes around it but it's already overcrowded we needed to open a second annex for it...


Anonymous said...

The annex has been open for 20 years. Let's get our facts straight. The plan was ALWAYS to keep the annex open. What happenened to real reporting when the reporter checked that the facts were correct. This would have been a slam dunk. They could have just asked. And the SCA did a wonderful job 20 years ago on the annex, it is still in pristine shape. I had kids in that school before the annex was opened and I still have one child in there.

Anonymous said...

"If you build it, they will come." Well, that's what they did and everyone wants to go to a new school in a nice area. I'm not surprised that it's overcrowded. You can't tell me that all those kids are from Middle Village and Maspeth. I'm sure they bus them in from Corona and Ridgewood.

Anonymous said...

How come this school only has 650 students when PS 153 in Maspeth has 1400 students? We have Middle Village children going to our school send them to 128 since they have fewer students. 128 should not be complaining.

Queens Crapper said...

Because Nick Comaianni is protecting the district he is running in.

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