Saturday, June 19, 2010

"Off the hook" is an appropriate name...

This boat has been parked on Cypress Avenue near DeKalb Avenue for almost a week.
It's bad enough when cars are parked up on the sidewalk, but now we're dealing with boats, too?


Anonymous said...

There is always a boat named "Oh Brother" parked on twenty-first avenue between twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth street in Astoria.

Anonymous said...

That would look pretty good hanging on the end of a tow truck.

cherokeesista said...

That trailer looks a bit small for that boat:( People are friigin IDIOTS!!! The asshole probably doesn't even have the boat secured properly, so what happens when some kids start playng on it:( SMOOSH!!!

Anonymous said...

two words: cordless drill.

Anonymous said...

311? Local police department to have it towed? No biggie. I can't park my scooter on the sidewalk but they can park a boat????

Joe said...

That Bayliner is to big and heavey for that 1/2 ton 2 wheel trailor.
The axel is bending, its an accident in the making. One good pothole and its taking a dump.

cherokeesista said...

Joe said...
That Bayliner is to big and heavey for that 1/2 ton 2 wheel trailor.
The axel is bending, its an accident in the making. One good pothole and its taking a dump.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I thought it was just me Joe:) But aren't they also suppose to have cinder blocks by those wheels? And are you a boater to:)

Joe said...

Usualy the jack foot is enough if the ground is level. Those wheels should be chalked anyway. I have a 21 foot cruser with a small deisel.

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