Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I'd like a plot facing that, please!

June 2008:

September 2009:

June 2010:

Damn that's one stunning piece of architecture. Even the realtor on the sign seems to have flipped for it...

One reason it hasn't sold yet may be that there's no C of O.


Anonymous said...

Ugly home. Is that a draw bridge leading into the entrance?

Anonymous said...

Ha, I like the change of design from when the site was stalled till it got finished.

Queens Crapper said...

I think that's because they got shut down for not conforming to approved plans.

Anonymous said...

I figured as such.

.. said...

This might be the crappiest crap that's ever been posted....

I need some eye bleach.

Patrick Sweeney said...

I wonder what the front of the place was supposed to be originally? Garages? Complete "basement" apartments? The lateral stairway makes no sense at all. It looks like a matter of inches between the outside of that ugly stairway and the property line.

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