Saturday, April 24, 2010

25 people walked past stabbing victim without calling 911

From the NY Post:

A heroic homeless man, stabbed after saving a Queens woman from a knife-wielding attacker, lay dying in a pool of blood for more than an hour as nearly 25 people indifferently strolled past him, a shocking surveillance video obtained by The Post reveals.

Some of the passers-by paused to stare at Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yax last Sunday morning and others leaned down to look at his face.

He had jumped to the aid of a woman attacked on 144th Street at 88th Road in Jamaica at 5:40 a.m., was stabbed several times in the chest and collapsed as he chased his assailant.

In the wake of the bloodshed, a man came out of a nearby building and chillingly took a cellphone photo of the victim before leaving. And in several instances, pairs of people gawked at Tale-Yax without doing anything.

Later, another man stopped, leaned over and vigorously shook Tale-Yax’s body. After lifting the victim’s head and body to reveal a pool of blood, he also walked off.

Not until some 15 minutes after he was shaken by the pedestrian — more than an hour and 20 minutes after the victim collapsed — did firefighters finally arrive and discover that Tale-Yax, 31, had died.

Firefighters were responding to a 911 call of a non-life-threatening injury at 7:23 a.m. when they found his body.


Babs said...

No good deed goes unpunished!

Anonymous said...

Everyone of those people who saw a bleeding man without calling police or fire are murderers, and the biggest murderer was the person who he saved and who did not call anyone on his behalf.

First Aid could have been administered, it's as simple as putting pressure on a wound, then someone should have been called, everyone has cellphones now.

This is worse than Kitty Genovese.

Anonymous said...

fucking people should die and why didn't the woman that he rescued help either? Damn, this is sick

Babs said...

Find the woman who was being attacked - and they'll most likely find the man who stabbed the dead good samaritan.

The fact that she never called the police for the poor guy is very telling - she was afraid too - drugs maybe, prostitution - for sure she was no innocent.

georgetheatheist said...

Hugo Tail Yax's assailant: 5'6', medium build, green pants and green hat.

What description is missing?

[x] Male
[x] No, not of Latino, Hispanic, or Spanish origin
[x] White

georgetheatheist said...

PS 5-6 short blocks from Club Kahlua and the Sean Bell venue.

Anonymous said...

the woman was in on it

Snake Plissskin said...

The problem is our new residents, from illegals to Tower People, don't give a shit about the broader community (from the displaced of LIC to the Archie and Ediths of Glendale), but, taking the cue from our politicans, the are here simply to take.

But boy oh boy ....

if you want to put a bike lane in 200 bike nuts show up,

or if you want to talk about legalizing the gays 1000 show up chanting,

and if you want to celebrate (your favorite ethnic group)independence day, well hell, you have half of Flushing Meadow/Astoria Park filled,

and if you want to hit the grand slam - where a six figure amount show up, stage a DRAGON RACE! in a local lake.

Works every time.

The Dentist said...

What a heartbreaking story, any way you think about it. The saddest part about it is that if 911 had been called immediately, the poor guy would probably still be alive.

Anonymous said...

From Italy all the simpathy for that man. Is not just America then Sadly here ...everything changed deeply is the same such hearthless indifference... unbelivable nobody aids like it was in the past.But the woman saved by him she should be shamed of herself The whole world is sick and we need to reflect giving to human life more and more values than just at what we have in our damn pockets Claiming back for the real values ! That is. God bless that man and his sacrifice for sure he is in paradise now.RIP

Anonymous said...

Civilization....or so they call it

Anonymous said...

God bless that man and his sacrifice for sure he is in paradise now.RIP
I say AMEN to that.....

Anonymous said...

Mayor Bloomberg should propose that his own block, 79th St. between 5th and Madison be re-named for this man. Of course, he won't.

Anonymous said...

Just call 911 - "there's a guy lying here, he might be unconscious or dead." You don't have to stick around. The location is also 6 blocks from the recently closed Mary Immaculate Hospital. I don't know the neighborhood that well but it may be the case that people just sleep on the sidewalk after passing out drunk and the residents don't care.

Anonymous said...

Maspeth Mom says...

So this homeless guy is now the "Kitty Genovese" of 2010.
I think anonymouse #2 is correct "The woman was in on it".
But no matter, 25 peple walking by - and I'm sure they all have cell phones!!, someone should have some human decency and place the call. Th people who ignored this man are barbarians!!!

Anonymous said...

It was 4am in the morning in Jamaica. I'm sure the 25 people walking the street at that hour had personal reasons not to call the police. Like they were dealing drugs, prostituting, etc.

Anonymous said...

I'm more surprised that no one tried to take his shoes or wallet.

LibertyBoyNYC said...

I bet 911 WAS called. When the call center heard it was a bum, they probably filed it under "non-life threatening" to keep stats in line with Bloomie's QOL reqs.

Anonymous said...

There were these strange interviews on TV from people living in the neighborhood who were denying that people in the neighborhood would walk past a homeless man on the sidewalk without calling 911 -- as if the 25 who walked past the victim a few days ago were somehow not from the neighborhood.

It reminds me of the Germans in 1945 who denied knowledge of the death camps because they couldn't face the reality that they did nothing about it.

Anonymous said...

Yet another reason to put a wall around NYC and consider it a federal prison!

Anonymous said...

With the NYPD being as corrupt and unintelligent as they are I'm not surprised people did not call 911. ((This is no excuse though I know!! I'm not excusing it.))But unintelligent cops would probably pin it on the person who called. These men are unthinking, brutes. I experienced having to deal with incompetent cops who could not assess a simple fender bender. I was the car in front who got hit and the cops kept insisting it was MY fault. But then again I was in a jewish neighborhood - man who hit me was white and I was ethnic. What can you say?

Helen said...

The people who walked past this dying gentleman weren't even fit to tie his shoes.

Rest in Peace, Mr. Hugo Tale-Yax.

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