Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Michael R. Bloomberg: The sensitive environmentalist

From SI Live:

The group hand-delivered a letter to Mayor Michael Bloomberg -- who marched in the parade -- reading, in part "...To lose Pouch Camp would mean Scouting would lose its heart and Staten Island -- and our entire city -- would lose a natural treasure."

Bloomberg, who spoke to a few supporters of the cause, said that being a Boy Scout had "changed my life," and asked why Pouch Camp was in danger. But whether the mayor would throw his weight behind the effort went unanswered.

"I'm not sure I can do anything about that; the city has a lot of other things to worry about," Bloomberg said.


Anonymous said...

What a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Moneybags will use eminent domain to take away pouch camp!

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg has the teeth and claws of a vicious predator, the eyes of a cold blooded book keeper and the soul (did I say soul?) of a concentration camp commandant!

WTF does he care about anything but his personal bottom line!!!

"The city has a lot of other things to worry about"...yeah like the Atlantic Yards development BS, the Willets Point boondoggle and ramming TDC/Rockefeller Group's Flushing Muni Lot #1 atrocity up the asses of the masses!

Anonymous said...

Der Mayor is using NYC's fiscal crisis to take advantage of everyone.

So who's going to get Pouch Camp...Bruce Ratner or some other rich friend of yours?

This neo fascist intends to piss all over an American tradition.

Seieg heil mein fuhrer (you wet fart of a little turtle turd)!!!

Anonymous said...

The saddest part about this is that Bloomberg is himself an Eagle Scout.

I'm not saying that the scouts should recieve special treatment because of this, but he should understand the importance of the scouting program for city youth especially since he was so involved in it. But he will still go on trying to give the land to developers. What a shame.

Anonymous said...

I think this has nothing to do with the City or the Mayor, so no one has their facts right. CAmp pouch is Scout property. If they sell to developers, it's their own fault.

Queens Crapper said...

The City has the opportunity to add to its parks inventory and protect the environment. This is the green mayor, after all. So yes, it would be his fault, especially since he was asked personally for his help.

Anonymous said...

Willets Point is privately owned too, but the city has no problem shelling out hundreds of millions of dollars to buy property there so a developer can benefit. How about spending money on something that will benefit the people for a change?

Anonymous said...

So much for being the Green Mayor. It's all about the money and the color of money is Green. He will make sure his developer friends get a sweet deal. He doesn't give a shit about what a great program the scouting program is and how many kids are kept on the straight and narrow because of it. He is destroying this city a little bit every day. In ten years you won't recognize this place. Send him back to Boston where he belongs. He's a horrible human being -- if you can call him human.

Anonymous said...

That man seeking Mayor Moneybags help is making a huge mistake. The mayor along with the EDC will find "blight" at the camp, seize the property using eminent domain, and build over it.

In ten years or less pouch camp will be nothing but gleaming glass towers and luxury condos. Pouch camp will be a playground for the very rich.

Anonymous said...

So much for "Green" space in this city. Anything the city can take by way of eminent domain will be bulldozed and cemented over. The Mayor has a chance to broker a deal with the Boy Scouts of America and preserve this lovely green space. Will he do this for the youth of America? He stated himself that he has more important things to do. That in itself is very telling. It indicates that he's already reving up the bulldozers and will take over the space for development.

Anonymous said...

wow what a piece of crap.. with all of his millions he couldn't throw some money and write it off at the end of the year. bloomberg is going to rot in hell.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that! He's a piece of crap. With all his millions that he has made for himself, you would think he would want to preserve something beautiful for the youth of New York. Staten Island is the forgotton borough. You would think that he would want to make it up to Staten Island.

Anonymous said...

Billions, billions, not millions. Let's get our zeros right. Millions are spare change to Bloomberg.

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