Thursday, March 18, 2010

Finally - a reason to like Paterson!

From NBC:

Gov. David Paterson today courted some more controversy for himself as he took a relatively hard line during illegal immigrants on a morning radio show.

A caller on "The John Gambling Show" on WOR-radio asked Paterson about the cost burden illegal aliens put on the education system that is shouldered by legal resident tax-payers.

"There's a difference between illegal aliens and legal permanent residents. Illegal aliens obviously shouldn't be here," he told the caller. "And the only time that we aren't as aggressive in trying to find illegal aliens is when it's a health care issue."

"If you know any illegal aliens that are here that shouldn't be here, then the important thing is to report it to the INS and lets get moving so that we reduce that number," said the governor.


Anonymous said...

He's so desperate. RESIGN NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

If he runs again on this platform I would vote him back in.

Deke DaSilva said...

It's a refreshing statement, but it's easy for him to say it now, seeing how he doesn't have anything to lose politically.

If he was running for governor, do you really think he would risk the ire of his brothers in the "Hispanic Caucus" by saying such a statement? No way!

Joe said...

Paterson is a is still clueless with this issue.

1- The INS does nothing unless these parasites kill sombody or commit a sex crime on a child

2- Most of these illegals do have health care issues, so many they are going to bankrupt every hospital in the country down. Mumps, whooping cough, tuberculosis, rickets, worms, chronic alcoholism, chronic pregnancy, mental issues and a slew of other crap.

I hoping for Steve Levy but I know the news media (owned by the Bloomberg mob)are gonna destroy him like David Duke some years ago.

Brittanicus said...

Alert! Tell Washington that the pro-amnesty rally does not represent you... or most Americans!

This weekend will be a historical turning point in the illegal alien occupation of our country. We as Americans can stand back disinterested and watch, or do the right thing for 15 million US jobless labor force that is climbing to new heights? ITS INCORRIGIBLE that our President-Senate-House would try to pass a suspect CIR (AMNESTY) when Americans are hurting. Legal residents who entered the country through the main gate and didn't slither through the darkness past the under manned personnel of the US Border Patrol, should also join our ranks.. This weekend thousands of foreign nationals who are demanding rights to live here, when in the first place they cheated THE PEOPLE'S sovereign laws. They are being bussed to Washington, paid for parasite wealthy corporate owners, faith organizations, scab unions, so called non-profit foundations. BUT WE HAVE A RIGHT AS AMERICANS, TO LOBBY OUR LEGISLATORS. In addition Patriotic Americans are going to jam the switchboards at 202-224-3121. YOU CAN TOO?

Numbersusa. needs your--URGENT--assistance, whether you are member of the million citizen or resident plus pro-sovereignty anti-illegal immigrant organization. Remember this is a prelude to President Obama's Amnesty, that you will end up paying for as a taxpayer? Billions of your dollars will be committed from your paycheck to pay for processing these people, unifying their family members and the next rush to the borders or airlines, for expecting a third future amnesty. You will not only be squeezed for more money to pay for there health care, for their crippled and sick, but education for there children and incarceration of the criminal element, which has soared. With the legitimized settlement of at least 20 to 30 thousand, that will easily expand to 60 million more as families will be able to join those already here. THIS WILL BE THE BEGINNING OF UNSUSTAINABLE POPULATION GROWTH. THEN THEIR ARE THOSE POOR, DESPERATE, DESTITUTE WHO WILL TRY TO REACH OUR NATION, BEFORE THE NEW LAW IS SIGNED? Wonderful profit margins for businesses, but not for the US Taxpayer. Currently our schools are suffering terribly, crammed to the limit in the Sanctuary State of California. The majority of states right now are overrun by this spreading pandemic of red ink. Costing unaccountable dollars and tenuously balancing government entitlements for our own poverty stricken citizens.

NumbersUSA is mobilizing there members in assisting in stopping every amnesty since 2000, and now revving up resources to do the same this time around. Starting FRIDAY (3/19) NumbersUSA on Day 1 will be begin a nationwide effort for activists to visit Member's local Congressional offices at 1:30 p.m. EDT with a signed letter.SATURDAY (3/20) -- On Day 2, they will launch our faxing and petition campaign. When the Members return to their Washington offices, we need them to see your HUGE RESPONSE. It's also a Social Networking Day, so they want members to join them on Face book and Twitter.SUNDAY (3/21) - Day 3, the pro-amnesty organizers will host their rally on the National Mall in Washington D.C., and many anti-immigration organizations will appear there too. MONDAY (3/22) - Day 4, it's NumbersUSA National Call Campaign. The pro-amnesty supporters will be walking the halls of Congress urging Members to pass an amnesty. So It will be very important for patriotic Americans make their phone calls and have the Capitol office phones ringing incessantly during their visit. Find all this information and more at Numbersusa You can also harass your Senator at 202-224-3121. jamming the switchboards in the capitol.

Anonymous said...

Would someone be kind enough to call Mike Bloomberg and let him know about this? Mike thinks illegal aliens should be welcomed with open arms and when they need medical assistance (on our dime) no one should ask any questions about their status. I guess Paterson knows the meaning of the word ILLEGAL. Wonder if Mikey B does.

Anonymous said...

I called INS and they don't listen and Bloomfuck is a shit that should get out of Dodge now.

cherokeesista said...

So if I call they'll start rounding them up Off Norther Bvd. in the morning:) WOOHOO!!!!! Lets celebrate:) NOT YOU KNOW THEY WON't do a damn thing but I'm going to give it a try anyway:)

linda said...


it's easier said then done! come on bloomturd tells the police to leave them alone and allows them to flood communities and parks hanging around all day for work.

Anonymous said...

"There's a difference between illegal aliens and legal permanent residents. Illegal aliens obviously shouldn't be here.

I can't believe he is getting around to saying this. Obviously illegals steal jobs and more likely from the Black community especially older less educated folks.

It's long late for his support, but there is so little money anywhere that illegal are very ripe to be the donkeys the Gov is looking to pin? Opps Gov watch out where your pinning!

This is a last gasp, so let him run with it, it will benefit all of us in NYS.

Anonymous said...

Wow, he really said this? Report them to INS??! I guess he is desperate.

Auntie Invasion said...

Paterson should put his money where his mouth is. send the ICE to Woodside, Queens specifically
65th Street, Broadway.
Hart's Playground.

suggestion: disguise the ICE buses as a free food truck. lure the illegals in with free food, politically sensitive nutrition , say taco's or burrito's.
Next stop, Emerald Isle Immigration Center, hang outside for an hour or two should net quite a few customers/illegal aliens/invaders.
then drive over to Roosevelt Avenue & 68th street. more day laborers/job thieves netted.

stop by the Duane Reade, Subway Sandwich Shop and the former Key Food now Champion Dominican dominated grocery store on Roosevelt Avenue all between 60th & 61st Street on Roosevelt Avenue. ICE will need to bring lots of buses.

try the car service drivers who menace women and litter on 61st street between Roosevelt Avenue & 39th Avenue, Woodside, Right in front of the LIRR under the trestle.
the Mexican/Ecuadorean/Peruvian/Bolivian woman selling ice out of a dirty cart with anchor babies in tow? net her. or what about the Mexican with the wooden cross with cotton candy dangling from ? when will he be given a summons for selling food with out a license or tax id number like Americans would?

the 52nd street subway stop on the 7 train? the fruit sellers outside the pigeon park are illegal aliens. round them up.

There's been an influx of illegal aliens from Nepal in Woodside starting in 2006. How do people fall off the plane and get a rent stabilized apartment the minute they get here? Try the Nepali restaurant on Roosevelt Avenue

how about the ICE puts agents on the #7 train.
suggestion to Paterson: give us $50 for information each on illegal aliens & we will find them for you, it's not too hard. they don't bother to hide anymore.

He's talking a lot of crap. too bad. it's the only sensible thing to fall out of Patterson's mouth.

Auntie Invasion said...

Report suspicious activity (ILLEGAL ALIENS)

Toll free: 1-866-DHS-2-ICE
Media inquiries
For media inquiries about ICE activities, operations or policies, contact the ICE Office of Public Affairs at 202-732-4242.
To reach the Secretary

Secretary Janet Napolitano
Department of Homeland Security Washington, DC 20528

Assistant Secretary John Morton
Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Washington, DC 20536

shouldn't the guv call them up, ask why they're not doing their job?

Anonymous said...


To contact the Office of Intelligence at our Washington D.C. headquarters, please e-mail us at
Field Offices

Field Intelligence Groups (FIGs) are established to receive intelligence information from the public, law enforcement agencies and other sources and provide actionable leads and intelligence products to ICE law enforcement units. These units routinely exchange intelligence with other Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agencies and other law enforcement and intelligence agencies. The public is encouraged to provide information relating to known or suspected threats or criminal activities under the jurisdiction of the DHS. Each FIG has a defined area of responsibility. Law enforcement agencies are encouraged to contact the FIG director responsible for their area and request materials or intelligence products that may be beneficial to their mission requirements.

FIG New York
Office of Intelligence

FIG New York
1 Penn Plaza, # 720
New York, NY 10119
Phone: (646) 733-3190

Auntie Invasion said...


To contact the Office of Intelligence at our Washington D.C. headquarters, please e-mail us at

email ICE at this address

Anonymous said...

So, so sad to see the abundant hatred against illegal immigrants (the majority of whom are simply trying to SURVIVE). Imagine what a prosperous/wonderful nation we would be if we applied ALL this activism and energy to bringing down the REAL JOB ANNIHILATING/MONEY GRUBBING BLOODSUCKERS(ie. corrupt politicians, fraudulent bankers, immoral corporate executives, the list can go on and on...). Shame on you all - Get your HUMAN priorities in order!!!!!!! Oh and just for the record: I am a natural born American Citizen and so are my parents and grandparents.

Queens Crapper said...

How about we let you and people who think like you pay for them and the rest of our tax money can go toward people here legally.

You'll be bankrupt in a day.

Anony2 said...

Who hates who? They come here, suck off the system (us) spread disease, don't assimilate, overcrowd apartment and train stations creating more disease and fire hazards and you think we hate them? No, they hate us! They have no respect for us or they wouldn't be here illegally. Crapper is correct - You house em, hospital em, feed em, etc. I'l use my tax money to help citizens and legal residents, thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but what does ILLEGAL mean again?

Anonymous said...

I agree about what's unfortunately happened to Woodside in the last 8 years. Iy is outright criminal but you have to include half of Flushing at this point.

I love the whole "7 train / how diverse Queens is and isn't it wonderful" cry from our local politicians. Next they will try to give illegal aliens the right to vote. It's bad enough our ever increasing taxes are paying for their free emergency room healthcare.

What a load of crap this city has become.

cherokeesista said...

Anonymous said...
So, so sad to see the abundant hatred against illegal immigrants (the majority of whom are simply trying to SURVIVE). Imagine what a prosperous/wonderful nation we would be if we applied ALL this activism and energy to bringing down the REAL JOB ANNIHILATING/MONEY GRUBBING BLOODSUCKERS(ie. corrupt politicians, fraudulent bankers, immoral corporate executives, the list can go on and on...). Shame on you all - Get your HUMAN priorities in order!!!!!!! Oh and just for the record: I am a natural born American Citizen and so are my parents and grandparents.

Friday, March 19, 2010

No one said they hated illegals?? Hello!!! THE LAW IS THE LAW and they are breaking it:( Everyone wants a good life and everyone has a right to a good life!!!! COME HERE LEAGALLY RESPECT OUR LAWS AND OUR COUNTRY OR DON'T COME AT ALL. Our plate is full we have plenty of AMERICANS " JUST TRYING TO SURVIVE" and by the way MY ANCESTORS WE HERE LONG BEFORE THE FIRST INVASION:) SO WHAT!! THAT WAS THEN, THIS IS NOW!!! Bottom line THEY ARE FUCKING BREAKING THE LAW!!!! and I be Tsalagi Be Blood:)

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