Saturday, March 13, 2010

Counting illegals in the census

From WNYC:

The census is depending on the street smarts of groups like NICE –- they’re the ones who know, for example, that new immigrants flock to Herbalife meetings to become vitamin sellers. And Treves says her group also knows housing in this neighborhood.

"And this is where it gets interesting with census issues. The conditions are very overcrowded. There’s a lot of informal and, I would say, for many people, unconventional rooming or shared housing situations."

Marta Moreira is 25, from Ecuador. She shows me around the cramped apartment where she lives with her husband and daughter and several strangers. It’s little more than four small bedrooms with a bed in the hall. Marta and a housemate named Francisco say they don’t want to be living this way, but jobs have dried up and it’s too expensive to live alone.

I ask Marta the first question on the census form: How many people will be living here on April 1?

She says she thinks seven. She lives with six adults and her baby -– and she says she doesn’t think anyone is planning to move.

When it comes to the census, a home like this presents more than one issue. First, who is the head of household, the person who fills out the census form? Marta says she’d play that role, but could she provide information about her housemates? The faces change so often that as she points from door to door, she has trouble remembering each of their names.

Picture tens of thousands of housing units like this and you get an idea of why they call this neighborhood hard to count. Still, state Assemblyman José Peralta, who represents this area, says he thinks this year’s count will be more accurate than it was 10 years ago, in part because of the "trusted messengers."

"I’ve been working closely with them to make sure that we spread the word that it’s okay, because the bottom line is, if we’re not counted, we lose hundreds of thousands of dollars in this neighborhood and those dollars are necessary so that we can fund more of the schools, so we can fund our hospitals, so we can pave our streets, so we can improve our quality of life," Peralta says.

Good luck in Richmond Hill.


Anonymous said...

United States Bootdello

Anonymous said...

obama is cutting $500 billion from medicare benefits
for senior citizens . in order to spend the money for medical care for illegal aliens ,when he gives them amnesty.

Anonymous said...

Do these census workers know that they need to go around to the back doors instead of front doors to count all the illegals?

Deke DaSilva said...

This whole process is a joke. They send the form to us bona fide Americans, and if we don't respond, they send some lackey from the Census Bureau to threaten us, and who knows what else.

If you're here illegally, they'll send some nice folks from an Orwellian community group known as "NICE". These people aren't interested in a scientific count of people - they're only interested in boosting the number of minorities in this country, so that they can spread the spoils to them, and take even more from the productive members of society. "Well, let's see here, I was told by Mr. Akbar that there are 27 Bangladeshis living in this studio apartment. Do I need to bother verifying this? No! 27 people, that's good enough for me!!"

faster340 said...

Why not count illegals! Even though they are illegals they are still sucking off the tit and getting all our tax dollars...

Anonymous said...

to the second Anonymous:

you are so right. I am sick to death of these illegals taking jobs and yes, we WOULD do construction etc, they pay well. I am sick of them popping out babies we take care of, sick of them dumbing down the schools, sick of them killing, raping and robbing, sick of them forcing hospitals to close - our politicians only want votes. When are WE THE PEOPLE going to run these anti-American politicians out on a rail? Even now, with high unemployment, our stupid government is allowing more and more "legal" workers into our country too. Then they ridicule us for needing unemployment or welfare.

And I don't want to hear that they can't find the illegals. Here's where to go:

upper east side - second avenue - all the restaurants and pizza joints

Queens, Long Island etc - day laborer places

The huge rally in CA a year or two ago

In the 1980's I was in San Diego on a city bus, and IMMIGRATION got on the bus and rounded up at least ten.

I care more about Americans and American seniors. What don't the dummies that want this health care plan understand? Some of them are going to get screwed while they rah! rah! for the illegals. How stupid can you be when you don't care about yourself?

Anonymous said...

"...they're only interested in boosting the number of minorities in this country, so that they can spread the spoils to them, and take even more from the productive members of society."

And I presume the Productive Members of Society is supposed to include you, Wade?
Please explain how this paranoid fantasy of yours is played out in reality. Use specific examples that directly support your point and that come from sources we all have access to. In other words, "cause I said so" won't work, nor will steering off on a raving tangent in which you accuse me of vague liberal crimes because I called you out on this... that would just be changing the subject.

Anonymous said...

Productive members of society = people who not only have been granted permission to be in this country or have citizenship by birth, but who also have jobs and pay income taxes.

How's that?

faster340 said...

"And I presume the Productive Members of Society is supposed to include you, Wade?"

Please stop feeding Wade's ego. It's large enough as it is!

Anonymous said...

To the 4th anonymous: now I understand. The United States was a picture perfect paradise in a literal sense...until the Fucking illegals arrived.

Illegal immigrants brought with them crime, overdevelopment, disease, corruption, unemployment, eminent domain, inflation, scandals, garbage, ozone layer depletion, hate, murders, etc.

As if these things never existed before the arrival of the Fucking illegals.

Now I understand.

Queens Crapper said...

No, those things were always around. Illegals just made them worse.

Anonymous said...

No, those things were always around. Illegals just made them worse.

Crappy, crappy, crappy... you're confusing symptoms of the disease with causes. Maybe you should have your logic circuits cleaned.

Queens Crapper said...

Symptoms? Causes? Let's see... my taxes go up every year and there's a school on every other corner now because of what if not illegals? The birthrate here is, quite frankly, not that great without them. And the jails are full of 'em as well. There would be less crime if we had fewer illegals.


Anonymous said...
To the 4th anonymous: now I understand. The United States was a picture perfect paradise in a literal sense...until the Fucking illegals arrived.

Illegal immigrants brought with them crime, overdevelopment, disease, corruption, unemployment, eminent domain, inflation, scandals, garbage, ozone layer depletion, hate, murders, etc.

As if these things never existed before the arrival of the Fucking illegals.

Now I understand.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hello!!!! many things existed before the arrival of FUCKING ILLEGALS, Are you Blind or do you live in some FANTASY World in NEVER NEVERLAND:) Look around Jackass ESPECIALLY IF YOU LIVE IN FLOOSHING:) These Newcomers are Foul and UNCIVILIZED!!! Crime is way up, I'm tired of seeing useless migrant workers drunk and passed out on the corner, I'm tired of them using my driveway as their FUCKING TOILET or the best is when they wander in my backyard go through my friggin garbage, NOBODY SPEAKS ENGLISH!! PLEASE,EXCUSE ME and THANK YOU DON'T EXIST!! AND DEAR GOD IF THEY CAN'T EVEN FEED THEMSELVES WHY KEEP HAVING BABIES?? OH YEAH LOTTERY BABIES!!!!

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