Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Something stinks in Brooklyn

From the NY Post:

Pentatomoidae -- insects called stinkbugs because they emit an odor like rotten cheese -- have landed in Brooklyn, and they're spreading.

The fingernail-sized flying beetles are native to China, Korea and Japan, but made landfall in the US in 1998 in Allentown, Pa., according to Rutgers University entomologist George Hamilton.

"They're good hitchhikers," said Hamilton of the insects, which can lay up to 30 eggs at a time. "They get into clothes and suitcases and spread."

Robert Macri, a pest-control specialist, advises: "If you smash them, the odor comes out. The best is to pick them up and flush them. The problem is they're hard to catch because they fly."


Anonymous said...

Too bad we couldn't get rid of politicians as easy as that.

Anonymous said...

If disturbed, stink bugs emit a pungent liquid containing cyanide compounds with a rancid almond scent.

MMMMmmmm thank you korea and china. Welcome to Flushang! You can take a trip over to the next neighborhood known as Beijing *cough cough* I mean Bayside.

Anonymous said...

And yet another wonderful import from those savages in asia. Thanks.

Why is it that 95% of the invasive plants, invasive animals, and pandemics seem to start in that shithole?

Anonymous said...

Why is it that 95% of the invasive plants, invasive animals, and pandemics seem to start in that shithole?

Like Snakehead fish?

Anonymous said...

"Welcome to Flushang! You can take a trip over to the next neighborhood known as Beijing *cough cough* I mean Bayside."

Hey Anon2 Dickhead. Don't you know how to read.
The case is reported to be in Brooklyn, not in Queens. Or go take a Geography class.

Anonymous said...

Like Snakehead fish?



Also, the super-aggressive Tiger Mosquito (black and white, not brown)

Asian Longhorn Beetle

Emerald ash borer

etc, etc

Anonymous said...

It's a small world after all...

Anonymous said...

"Why is it that 95% of the invasive plants, invasive animals, and pandemics seem to start in that shithole?"

Do your research. Invasive species has been exported from the US too, causing extensive damage to other nations. It goes both ways due to export/import. What's a native specie in the US can very well be a invasive and damaging one in another country, and the other way around from other countries to the US. It affects all nations. Unfortunately there's not much coordination around policies nationally and internationally to help this.

Lakota said...

"Why is it that 95% of the invasive plants, invasive animals, and pandemics seem to start in that shithole?"

That's what the American Indians said when your ancestors brought their STDs, rats and plague over from the old country.

Custer said...

Lakota? (LOL) more like Sioux!

Anonymous said...

They make a great brown sauce ground up.

Don't eat what you don't see cooked right in front of your own eyes.

Especially in Flushing's restaurants!

Anonymous said...

wtf!! it's getting out of control. bugs that smell when you smash them. are these the same bugs that are destroying the trees? this is the governments fault for allowing imports and too many folks in..

The Congressman's Shadow said...

I wonder if those whores that advertise in the "Trib" are carriers.

Whew...worse than a case of the crabs...eh Mr. Nussbaum?

No wonder Gary Ackerman always wears a carnation...to mask their smell.

Lino said...

" Anonymous said...
And yet another wonderful import from those savages in asia. Thanks."

You won't thnak me for this but..if you want "savages" try the Balkans-Subsharian Africa..and all of the Arabian diaspora.

East Asian people are definitely among the most civil and decent you'll find and don't be misled by some of the crude go-getters you find in ethnic neighborhoods here..or you own prejudice.

BTW: Over in Bangkok there is widespread fear of our H1-N1 flu to the point that most workers dealing with the public at Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK) wear gloves and masks if they have to deal with the public. Taxi drivers as well.

Anonymous said...

The country that gave us SARS, the bird flu is scared of "our" swine flu, which started in Mexico. That's pretty funny.

Lino said...

" Anonymous said...
The country that gave us SARS, the bird flu is scared of "our" swine flu, which started in Mexico. That's pretty funny."

Aw geez Archie..I know they all look the same to you but, SARS started in China....Bangkok is in Thailand.

The Thais acted quickly (for a change) and stopped the worst from happening.


Anonymous said...

Let's face it, hygienic standards in most Asian countries leave a lot to be desired. That's why their people spit all over the sidewalks on Main Street.

Anonymous said...

"Aw geez Archie.."

Is that supposed to be a dig at the commenter who you assume is white?

Racist jerk.

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