Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Serial bank robber says flares are bombs

From the Queens Courier:

In only six days, three northeast Queens banks have been robbed by someone claiming to be carrying a bomb.

On Thursday, January 28, employees at the Chase Manhattan Bank at 196-03 Northern Boulevard greeted what they thought was a customer carrying a computer bag, until he held it out and announced – “See this? This is dynamite. You better give me $75,000 or I’ll blow up the bank.”

Cops say that the robber, described as a black male, about 6-feet tall with a thin build, also had a “dark colored firearm” and was dressed in a dark blue business suit.

On Monday, a black male, between 6 feet and 6 feet 2 inches tall weighing 180 pounds robbed the Queens County Savings Bank at 224-04 Union Turnpike just before noon. He was dressed in a blue trench coat, blue pants and “black sneakers.”

He had a “bomb” that turned out to be four flares taped together with an electronic attachment, which he left behind. The thief fled south along Springfield Boulevard on foot – with about $8,300 in cash.

On Friday, January 22, the Queens County Savings Bank at 247-53 Jamaica Avenue was robbed just before 9 a.m. by a black male described as “5 foot 11 inches weighing approximately 200 pounds.” He also said he had a bomb in his bag – also flares and an electronic accessory.

Officially, the NYPD has not declared the string of bank robberies to be a pattern – there are subtle differences in description of the man and the firearm, but the police source is becoming convinced.

“It’s crazy,” the source told The Queens Courier, asking incredulously, “Three different guys?”


Joe said...

Three different guys ?
Just wait a couple more months its gonna be 100's of people doing this and other stuff.

This F_ing mayor is turning Queens into another Los Angeles.
All it needs is some El Cholo stands and Helicopters shining Q-Beams.

Anonymous said...

those banks that were robbed are sleepy banks with little traffic.why arent these banks taking the suggestions of the nypd and installing plexiglass barricades? thank god no one was hurt...

Anonymous said...

Serial politicans says programs help people.

Anonymous said...

installing plexiglass barricades?


While a good suggestion anyway, i dont think it would help much against a guy who claims to have a bomb.

a gun, yeah, its all good, but not a pack of TNT.

Anonymous said...

installing plexiglass barricades?


While a good suggestion anyway, i dont think it would help much against a guy who claims to have a bomb.

a gun, yeah, its all good, but not a pack of TNT.

Anonymous said...

why can they never find black men who rob banks, grocery and liquor store?

how come there are security cameras all over the place, except these never are helpful when it comes to arresting black men?

Anonymous said...

""why can they never find black men who rob banks, grocery and liquor store?""

Because they all look the same???

Anonymous said...

Those banks DO have barricades.

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