Friday, January 1, 2010

Unhappy New Year for Rego Park parkers

"2 weeks ago (at 6 am Monday morning) the street signs on 97th Street (between 63rd Road and 62nd Drive) were changed.

10 to 12 parking spaces are now gone and have been replaced with NO STANDING 7 am to 8 PM every day of the week - supposedly to ease congestion (from the traffic at the mall).

1--no store has yet opened.
2--several stores have backed out
3--store that housed Circuit City is still unrented

Supposedly, the RIGHT side of the street had to be free of
cars to allow LEFT hand turns onto 62nd Drive...(huh?)

Several cars got caught (they didn't notice immediately the new signage--NO one expected it, and non of the building management got any notice...

Lack of parking (free on the street parking) means more business for the parking lots.

I guess if they can't get money from renting stores, they will sock it to the neighborhood by getting rent for spaces."

- Helen.


Sergey Kadinsky said...

Needless to say, these spots will soon be occupied by cars with cop, fire, and handicapped placards, while the average driver will have nowhere to turn except the commercial parking lots.

Georges said...

This has always been a difficult area to park in and now because of the new Mall (like we needed more stores?) gets as difficult as it gets.

If we had Walmart built there, then parking for it's customers and neighbors would have been FREE.

Anonymous said...

walmart? really? are u a schill for them? They helped destroy this country. crap wages (Wages so bad a ton of their employees qualify for food stamps). who pays for their foodstamps? you and me. I wish people would wake up, free parking is the least of your worries sir...

Anonymous said...

A can of black spray paint is less than 5 bucks........

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