Saturday, December 26, 2009

Savage attack at Pomonok


Three thugs plunged a screwdriver into a Chinese-food deliveryman's back outside a Queens housing project -- leaving him paralyzed, cops said yesterday.

Chen Zhou was ambushed near the Pomonok Houses in Flushing at about 4 p.m. Tuesday. Cops busted Dijon Bright, Devante Tarver and Cody Youmans in connection with the attack and the theft of a bag of Chinese food.


Anonymous said...

they are all black men between the ages of 14 and 26.
they would rather physically harm someone than get a job delivering food.

bet they love racist, sexist hip hop music and smoke crack.

If they live in the houses, I hope them and their entire families get evicted. How many generations of their families have been enabled by NYCHA?

let some decent people move into Pomonok again.

PizzaBagel said...

Three upstanding "yutes," I'm sure. Has there been the usual outcry from family members that they're sure the cops arrested the wrong persons?

faster340 said...

A man is paralyzed for a friggin bag of food? OMG Merry Effin Christmas to ya...

F!@#$ animals should be put to death immediately!!!!

Lino said...

Christmas over, back to this horrible stuff.

Please spare a kind thought for this poor soul's ruined life.

Everyone in the restaurant industry has had delivery staff assaulted by the products of the "hip-hop" generation.

When you complain about all these immigrants taking jobs from Americans..ask how you would feel knowing your own child was doing this sort of work.

Anonymous said...

My sister's child was terrified for months, beaten, attacked, a two pound brick thrown through her window where her head had been moments earlier trying to ascertain where a mysterious noise was coming from. It could have been a murder.

Her father who has heart problems was physically blocked from entering his own home by a black female who wanted to taunt him into hitting her so he could be jailed.

One of the youths involved posted Cyber-threats on the internet that were forwarded to the DA's office and her aunt was forced to house the child in her home during Halloween.

Her mother, who had just had a breast cancer biopsy earlier that day, was forced to interupt her post-operation recovered when two of the youths jumped my niece, savagely beat her, torn her earlobe and kicked her on the head while she lay on the ground.

Repeated attempts to speak to the youth's mothers, local police and DA Brown's office went nowhere.

Arm yourself and shoot to kill! Protect your home and your children.
Better be judged by twelve than carried by six.

By the way, I am a female.

Anonymous said...

Maspeth Mom says...

I hope that poor delivery man gets his justice. Hopefully he will recover to have some sort of normalcy in his life. Probably he is one of these immigrants who live in a SRO, and is struggling to make ends meet.

There are at least 3 generations of people living in housing projects that have never worked a day in their life, just signing for their check. Imagine never seeing anyone in your family have a job; getting up and going to work in the morning. Welfare has become a way of life, it is a disease like drugs, drinking and gambling, people just cant stop. Its sick but its true, and NYC is an enabler.

Queens Crapper said...

All of those vices go hand-in-hand with welfare in many cases.

Anonymous said...

Pomonok houses was created by the electrician's union for benefit of ordinary working people. So far as I am aware, it is primarily working class, not hard-core poor.

Nonetheless, there is a nasty element living there. My sister, husband and niece whose long story I told live around the corner from this building and the girl who terrorized her family was thrown out of a Catholic school for violence.

At one point her family must have tried to get her some well-needed discipline.

This sort of nonsense will continue to occur until they all suffer the same fate as the predator who encountered an armed woman on the F train.

Someone quoted scripture, "Thou shalt not kill" How about another golden oldie: "The wages of sin is death."

Anonymous said...

It would seem that if you are black you are allowed to physically attack anyone with out any repercussion.

has there been an outcry from decent black people with regard to this?

Queens Crapper said...

Pomonok was always a housing project. Electchester, which is next door, is union housing.

Anonymous said...


Queens Crapper said...

Also saw this other incident on the Gothamist newsmap:

Armed Robbery | Chinese Food Deliveryman Robbed By 2 Mb Armed With A FIREARM. Males Fled In A 2000 Hyundai Sonata, NY Tags EAS6275. Queens, NY | 12/25/2009 11:39 p.m.

Anonymous said...

Only savages in the projects would do this...

Wanna save money NYC? Shut down the projects and make them all get jobs... its the poverty as pathology theory

Anonymous said...

but i'm sure they are good kids

Anonymous said...

cut the savages off welfare ... and I'm sorry, but in our pussified society the white man defending himself against the black thug is always at fault... that's the way it is.

georgetheatheist said...

It's time for the City Council to name a street after these perps.

Anonymous said...

Pomonok was once once of the safest housing projects, but a court decided they weren't diverse enough.

Let these judges live among the beneficiaries.

Anonymous said...

all these scum are honor students from school district 25.

Anonymous said...

Damn... Too bad no ones discriminating on the innocent spic who stabbed the man and laughed about it who by the is walking around free probably waiting to stab an italian delivering pizza or something. Love how the Post doesn't give facts.

Anonymous said...

you guys talk so much shit these guys are personal freinds and had nothing to do with happend

Anonymous said...

okayy first off SMD to all those people who thought they were saying something special by tryin to insault me ..I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT!! he got rob on the way to my house..i use to live in the projsects where that resturant gets robbed all the time and if i did have anything to do wit tht i would have beat him up myself i dont need to jump people. But honestly i apologize to what happen to that man because i feel bad i could have just walk to the store so sorry to him and all you sorry ass people how think their doing somethin by criticizing me because i really had nothing to do that!

Anonymous said...

White people commit crimes too. Look at most of the serial killers, pedophiles, and rapists. Black people do not commit every crime in America.

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