Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hikind to introduce racial profiling bill

MYFOXNY.COM - A local member of the New York Assembly will be reintroducing legislation that would allow law enforcement officials to use ethnic profiling among other techniques to spot potential terrorism suspects.

"There is no question that the government has a compelling interest in protecting the lives and safety of its citizenry from terrorist attacks," says Assemblyman Dov Hikind , a Democrat of Brooklyn. "The history of modern terrorism has taught us that these attacks are repeatedly executed by young Muslim men of Arab or South Asian origin. This is not a time for political correctness."

He says that using ethnic profiling is not unconstitutional, because he says a "compelling governmental interest" in using it to save lives.

Hikind says that police officers should be allowed to consider a person's race and ethnicity among other factors when deciding who to stop, question and search, including "wearing heavy clothing in warm weather; carrying a briefcase, duffle bag or backpack with protrusions or visible wires; displaying nervousness and/or inappropriate sweating; an inability or unwillingness to make eye contact; and chemical burns on clothing or stains on hands."

He plans to reintroduce the legislation, which he first proposed in 2005, when the legislative session reconvenes in Albany in January.


Anonymous said...

Well done! It's pleasing to see a politician that's not too blind to see the obvious.

Anonymous said...

Just call it a common sense bill. I am a male between 20 and 40. I have made about 20-25 trips on airlines since 9/11. I have been pulled aside at least 15 times to be searched beyond normal security. So what??? I appreciate them for making me safer.

I wont say stupidity is rampant, because I dont know. But once I saw TSA peeps pull aside an elderly woman with one of the 4cornered canes, who was with a couple of members of her family. The Airport people were considerate and not trying to alarm her in anyway. They were doing their job and bless them for their attention. They were clearly aggravated about what they had to do.

It wasted the time of about 50 passengers. It cost the TSA or whomever, numerous hours in wasted time. But worst of all, it put an incredible strain on an elderly woman, and her family, just to be PC.

Anonymous said...

Maspeth Moms says....

Good. Profiling is all about being a cop/detective, and that is what investigators do, to prevent or solve a crime. When a victim says the guy robbed me, ran, then jumped over that fence cops dont look for the 70 year old grandma. They look for someone who fits the profile.
I am so Hikind got the guts.

Anonymous said...

It is what it is. Most elderly females are not terrorists...........

Know Nothing said...

Maybe we should pass legilastion to imprison Mossad agents who cheer on after a terrorist attack is completed.

Deport ALL illegals, from the illegal Englishmen to the illegal Antarctican

Anonymous said...

This is great idea! We then can use the same type of profiling and go after the the Jew Bankers and Jew Hedge fund presidents who all most distroid this country by their greed. OY BOBBEMYSEH! Hey Hikind,"Ikh hob dir in drerd."

Klink Cannoli said...

I'd like to see the bill first before I jump for joy for the arrival of sanity in dealing with our country's protection.

On the face of this report, it mentions the bill allowing law enforcement officials to use "ethnic profiling among other techniques" to spot suspects. On the issue of ethnicity... this assumes the common denominator for suspects to be of an ethnic persuasion. This is simply not a true and a myopic view of the issue. The common denominator for all suspects, international and domestic, is based on religion, Islam. A religion that has no ethnic boundaries. Therefore, relying on ethnicity as a measure of susceptibility still confuses the matter of understanding who or what the enemy actually is and hinders our efforts to defeat it.

.. said...
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.. said...

This seems like a great idea at first glance, but here is what you aren't realizing. If we start profiling every Muslim and Middle-Eastern looking man, terrorists will just start hiring people who don't fit the bill. They will start using old white women, and brainwashed children who don't look like suspects.

Terrorists are evil and brainwashed, but they have enough basic reasoning skills to get around profiling.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Klink Cannoli said...

mpineiro, the morphing of the means of Jihad isn't a new phenomena. It's an heir of warfare. Even if non-Muslims were to be recruited, their contacts with jihadist could still be profiled.

After a little more reflection, I think the positive aspect to introducing a bill like this, regardless of its specifics, is to open up debate on the matter. With the recent memory of Fort Hood and it's security failings, perhaps this veil of political correctness will finally be removed.

Defense of this Country lies at the foot of the Presidency, not the House.

Anonymous said...

Defense of this Country lies at the foot of the Presidency, not the House.

Oy Vey!

Unknown said...

Of course the joo wants to profile the muslim

Babs said...

Anonymous said: "

This seems like a great idea at first glance, but here is what you aren't realizing. If we start profiling every Muslim and Middle-Eastern looking man, terrorists will just start hiring people who don't fit the bill. They will start using old white women, and brainwashed children who don't look like suspects."

you're kidding - right?

Babs said...

Klink Cannoli:
"After a little more reflection, I think the positive aspect to introducing a bill like this, regardless of its specifics, is to open up debate on the matter."

It's been debated to the point of stupidity, AND our not profiling people has compromised our security.

Anonymous said...

no stunner an antisemetic remark was made also, this website has to keep up the satus quo

Anonymous said...

no stunner an antisemetic remark was made also, this website has to keep up the satus quo

Or maybe you are posting the remarks so you can bash them and the Queens Crap site??!!? So much for the "satus" quo.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit. Total bullshit. All of the factors listed (besides race/ethnicity) are totally legal reasons for stopping and interrogating someone.

Beyond being morally wrong (should we round up all the Italians until the mob is destroyed?) I'm super curious as to how a NY State law is going to affect air travel. All this law could do is let NYPD be more harassing of train riders.

This bill is grandstanding at it's worst. Does anyone really think the NYPD would hesitate to detain someone with wires sticking out of their clothing, or wearing a down parka in August?

Klink Cannoli said...

Above Anon,
I believe you're basically right except for profiling based on religious affiliation. That's the 800 lbs gorilla in the room. Organisations like CAIR and the ACLU go bizerk.

I think the public has reached a boiling point on the PC nature of this. That's where the debate needs to be made, Babs.

nanute said...

Comments of former CIA officer Jack Rice:
Former CIA officer Jack Rice hits back hard at the comments made by Pete King and his cohorts about racial profiling on the Ed Schultz Show.

Schultz: Jack Rice this is a political hot potato for the White House. How far does the White House want to go with this kind of line of defense? What do you think?

Rice: My response is they push back hard on what Peter King said, what Pete Hoekstra said—I mean there is no room for racial profiling in this country. Every study that I have seen—and I’m a former prosecutor too—every study I have seen has shown that it’s far more effective to follow what it is that people do rather than what they look like. And if we think about the broad picture now—let me see if we get this right. If we’re going to racially profile, we racially profile everybody across the Middle East. Now we find that this young 23 year old man from Nigeria—most of Nigeria is Christian by the way—so I guess what we’re going to have to do is include all of the people of Africa. But now let’s contemplate al Qaeda in the Philippines, so now we have to include people in Southeast Asia, so now we have about four billion people.

Look, I think when people make an argument for racial profiling they’re either lazy, they’re either arrogant, or frankly they’re racist. This is a foolish idea and the worst part of it all is that what we’re going to do is alienate about 1.5 billion Muslims. We desperately need these people on our side. If we go down that path we’re in a very, very serious problem.

Anonymous said...

Wow! A politician who actually has the people's best interest at heart. What a concept! Kudos to Hikind who sees the clear picture of what needs to be done. Hikind knows what the profile is and isn't afraid of not being politically correct. The rest of these politicians better smarten up or they'll be out. Just saw channel 2 news and learned that JFK had a full body scan machine, but after four months of use, it was banned because of privacy issues. By the way, Joe Crowley was one of the 20 politicians who voted to ban it. Yeah, he's for the people he represents. Time to get rid of him.

Babs said...

Beyond being morally wrong (should we round up all the Italians until the mob is destroyed?)

NO ONE is advocating racism.

I am blonde haired and green eyed - when someone who fits MY description trys to blow up a plane - PROFILE ME PLEASE.

All this bill will do is permit more effective security scrutiny in key areas like airports. It does NOT mean that since I am blonde haired and green eyed that I will go UNCHECKED.

There will be no genocide of a particular race or group of people . . . . . . let me guess - you also believe in death panels.

Anonymous said...

I'm for profiling. If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't be upset if they have to search you more thoroughly. As long as you know that you have no ties to terrorism and no hidden agenda, you know they will find this out and everyone will be safe because of it.

Anonymous said...

Hikind must be up for re-election.over 20 years in the Assembly and he has done nothing.H e should be behind bars for the COJO scandal years ago!Typical Knee-jerk,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,jerk!

Anonymous said...

This guy Dov Hikind will be hounded by those whom disagree with him, it a bold step and one that should be supported and perhaps give tool and guidance to law-enforcement to look for or identify terrorists.

Anonymous said...

The guy who tried to blow up the plane over Detroit didn't look like a terrorist. He just looked like a black guy. If someone showed me a line up and asked me to pick out the terrorist, he wouldn't have been my first choice. Don't forget there's also white terrorists (the Unibomber, Timothy McVeigh). I don't think this legislation really improves anyone's safety.

Babs said...

"If someone showed me a line up and asked me to pick out the terrorist, he wouldn't have been my first choice. Don't forget there's also white terrorists (the Unibomber, Timothy McVeigh). I don't think this legislation really improves anyone's safety."

MUSLIM not black, white, red, yellow is the key word here: DEVOUT, FUNDAMENTAL Muslim, Zionist, Christian, or to bunch them altogether - NUTS.

Of course, profiling is NOT a sure thing - NOTHING is and everyone knows it.

Denver Brunch said...

Ethnic profiling..most americans let alone anyone else doesnt understand what ethnic or racial subject means. This is disturbing and appalling. Terrorism comes in many forms. Is it even terrorism is another factor to consider. Can political dissent simply be framed as terrorism every time is rejects american values. all i have to say is americans are pathetically inadequate at dealing with variation and complexity. Fuck you and your bill you scare me because i am brown and white

Denver Brunch said...

sheldon silver shut this shmuck up

Anonymous said...

"americans are pathetically inadequate at dealing with variation and complexity"

Name a single nation in the history of mankind that has more diversity and variation than the US. Name a single nation in the history of mankind that has accepted more immigrants from disparate parts of the world than the US.

I wont even address the stupidity of your other pronouncements until you defend this one, my brown... and white, countryman.

You have made one of the stupidest statements I have ever seen

Anonymous said...

How do you profile someone by religion?
Maybe a make them wear a bright patch on all their clothing declaring them of that religion?
Hasn't that been done already?
How'd that work out?

When you give up liberty for security you get and deserve NEITHER.

If "terrorists" hate us because we are free and prosporous shouldn't we promote our freedom and liberty in the face of this adversity?
It seems to be that if government is allowed to further strip our INALIENABLE rights for so called safety then the "terrorists" win.

Babs said...

Anonymous said: "How do you profile someone by religion?
Maybe a make them wear a bright patch on all their clothing declaring them of that religion?"


Klink Cannoli said...

Denver Brunch said...
"...all i have to say is americans are pathetically inadequate at dealing with variation and complexity. Fuck you and your bill you scare me because i am brown and white."

And you scare us too because your lack of intelligence. You apparently aren't American, nor lived or visited one of our major cities, or even have the faintest idea of our short history. Our societal model is based on variety, fool.

Klink Cannoli said...

Anon said...
When you give up liberty for security you get and deserve NEITHER.

If "terrorists" hate us because we are free and prosporous shouldn't we promote our freedom and liberty in the face of this adversity?
It seems to be that if government is allowed to further strip our INALIENABLE rights for so called safety then the "terrorists" win.

You do understand the context of the quote, no? Maybe if we were ratifying the Constitution again it would be pertinent, but it really has no relevance to our situation. It's a nice sentiment during peacetime, but all bets are off during war.

I'll quote something relevant for us...

"Freedom is never free."
~Author Unknown

"Therefore I say: know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be in peril. When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are certain in every battle to be in peril."
~Sun Tzu ("Art of War")

"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You win the war, by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country!"
~ General George Patton Jr

"I do not fear an army of lions, if they are led by a lamb. "I do fear an army of sheep, if they are led by a lion."

~ Alexander the Great

"Once we have a war there is only one thing to do. It must be won. For defeat brings worse things than any that can ever happen in war."
~ Ernest Hemmingway

Anonymous said...

It's obvious to me that behavioral "tells" should come first, but we should also be aware that "political correctness" and the desire not to offend can cause lives too.

I just finished the book, "Instinct" about one of the men who stopped a hijacker destined for the plane that was wrecked in Pennsylvania.

Another screener, allowed Muhammad Atta and one of his sidekicks to get right on the plane that buried itself in the World Trade Center even though the subject's facial expression and demeanor, was that of a corpse and the screener thought he looked like the picture of a terrorist.

A fear of offending led to the loss of over a thousand lives.

Anonymous said...


at the start of WW ll ,the nazi german saboteurs who were captured on a long island beach,in civilian clothes got a quick military tribunal and executed.

obama and holder do not hold the safety of American
citizens as a priority.
the islamo fascists are at war and obama wants to play 'PERRY MASON' with the saboteurs.

they both should be impeached. they are violating the constitution.

we should swab these murderers with bacon grease,video tape it ,send the tapes to the world media,then execute the scum.

a few 5000 pound bombs on their hang outs (possibly radical teaching religious sites).it is time.

i never want to see innocent Americans being forced to jump off of 102 story buildings again.

this PC is a lot of crap and we have to stop wasting
our breath about it, and act.

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