Monday, November 23, 2009

Where did the stimulus dough go?

From the NY Post:

So many billions out the door — and nary a clue about what Americans got in return.

That’s the tragic-but-too-true story of last February’s $787 billion federal stimulus program — the first major legislative package out of Washington after the Democrats took control of the city.

What a monumental waste.

The Obama folks claim that, as of Oct. 30, stimulus funds “created or saved” 640,329 jobs. They might as well claim 640 billion.

The truth? No one really knows if the package “created or saved” any jobs.

And that’s now crystal clear, after reporters checked out the Obama team’s claims.

ABC News, for example, reported last week that many of the supposedly saved or created jobs were located in congressional districts that, well . . . don’t exist.

The administration blames “human error” — local officials who supposedly misreported their district locations.

And no one (yet, anyway) is saying the money went south; surely someone will one day figure out what happened to more than three-quarters of a trillion dollars in taxpayer cash.


Mayor Bloombucks said...

I had my tailor make my pockets twice as large. When they are full, do they make my ass look fat?

Follow the Dots said...

Here we go again:

1. The Chinese gave us cash so we would buy their goods.

2. We spend the money not on pumping up the consumer, or even infrastruture, but on development and construction

3. Chinese goods sat on the docks, and finally were sold to Chinese consumer, sparking a domestic boom.

4. Chinese realize that they are stuck with worthless paper that will be inflated to half its value.

5. Chinese are now trying to ditch US dollar.

6. In five years, annual deficits will equal stimulus payout each year.

Depression big time.

Anonymous said...

Depression big time.

Sigh! I'm so depressed.

Anonymous said...

google Clowerd and Priven

read:robert chandler,"the clowerd priven strategy"(using the poor to tear down capitalism).

american daughter media center,"clowerd/piven strategy-manufatured crisis",by jim simpson

did no Glenn Beck expose Van jones,cpusa...anita dunne,maoist etc.etc.? have they not left the Obama administration ?

Anonymous said...

He still looks like curious george,i can't take him seriuosly.............

Anonymous said...

I don't know? Earlier this year I was scared out of my pants. Now I feel better being a small business owner. If they can lighten my health care costs I'll be delighted!

The naysayers are probably all Rebublicans without a clue.

Taxpayer said...

Let's all say it: ACORN!

Now you know who has the $787 Billion.

Anonymous said...

No, Lets all say it--Glass Steagall. Back in the days of the Pecorra Commission, our grandparents dealt with "too big to fail," by making sure that no one was too big to fail.

Yes, like Taxpayer, I have no patience for poverty pimps or people who put political correctness over sound lending practices and the responsibilities of fiduciaries.

But after 9/11 a cornucopia of capital was dumped into the markets to bring us out of the last tailspin and no one kept an eye out on how the money was spent.

Now we are dumping money into the economy with a firehose to ward off another Depression, but if we don't use the time we bought productively, we are only buying a worse disaster in the future.

Anonymous said...

Follow the money: more than half, perhaps 65 percent of "stimulus" went to unionized government employees - mostly teachers, and less to bureaucrats, police, etc., some to favored government contractors. A lot was wasted, none of it created permanent private sector jobs.

Anonymous said...

Don't you hear that loud sucking sound in Chicago? WHere is Ross Perot when we need him to call this out?

Anonymous said...

The NY Post and Fox news is not the place to get the real facts. Under President Obama so far a little over 2 Billion has been granted. A tiny sum compared to the 11 Trillion the last President handed out no strings attached. And now the Republicans are the so called champions of fiscal responsibility. Where in 'opposite world'?

Lino said...

" Anonymous said...
google Clowerd and Priven
read:robert chandler,"the clowerd priven strategy"(using the poor to tear down capitalism).

american daughter media center,"clowerd/piven strategy-manufatured crisis",by jim simpson"

"did no Glenn Beck expose Van jones"

What the hell is this..Haiku?..Oh Glenn Beck..I shoulda known. Moron factor.

Anonymous said...

Well, everyone wanted change. Be careful what you wish for. Oh, by the way, the stimulus money is our money and we'll be paying for this administration's mistakes for many years to come.

Anonymous said...

Well, everyone wanted change. Be careful what you wish for.

And so we got the change...while they steal the bills!

Anonymous said...

Enthrone a media created fraud and this is what you get.

georgetheatheist said...

Whaddya expect from this dope Obama? You call him smart? He's dumber than Bush. Bowing down before the Japanese Emperor. The President of the United States kowtowing to royalty? Obama hasn't even heard of the American Revolution. Jerk.

Anonymous said...

re:lino,the liberal(guilty of omission?)
why did you not tell the Q.C. jury about the
marxist/maoist philosophy of white house advisor's,
a.dunne and van jones .

liberals lie and never admit it when exposed.

acorns federal money has been cut off by the congress. tell us why ,lino,the demonizer.

give us your rational argument? i do not think you have any.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If you look closely you will see developers.....

Anonymous said...

I'm with you "George"!

Let's be thankful that Obama will be only a one term president...ONE TERM TOO LONG though!

I can see the headline after his second term defeat:

"Obama bombs"!

Te next time anybody promises you "CHANGE" be sure you'll be getting the same old jalopy with a cheap paint job!

Make a fast turn around the corner and the engine drops out like in a "Keystone Cops" comedy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you're right. We should keep things the way it was. Millions of Americans uninsured. That's the way you like it, right? As long as you're covered, all is well with the world. Selfish.

Anonymous said...

Why would we take on the burden of paying for other people's health care? Most of the health care problems people have are brought on by their own behavior. Why should I pay for someone's emphysema treatments because they decided to smoke despite decades of warnings? The federal government already mandates care in an emergency.

Anonymous said...

How about the millions of illegals that will get amnesty and then become our responsibility to care for?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

So because someone smoked, they deserve to die?? That's so cruel! Many smokers started smoking back in the day when no one knew the harmful side effects.

As far as illegals, NO I don't think they should get free health care. BUT these people are HERE. That's the reality. And Guess what? We're paying for these people's hospital visits already even if it is indirectly. And in many cases the government has encouraged these illegals to come here. So what do we do? Let people die in the street? I don't like having to give up any health care coverage either, but the health are system the way it is, is not working. We're paying higher premiums every year for less and less coverage.
Something has to change! The problem is people HATE change, especially when it involves helping out the poor.

Taxpayer said...

georgetheatheist said...
"Whaddya expect from this dope Obama? You call him smart? He's dumber than Bush. Bowing down before the Japanese Emperor. The President of the United States kowtowing to royalty? Obama hasn't even heard of the American Revolution. Jerk."

- - -

George, what's even worse, is that the current Japanese emperor that this jerk imbecile bowed to is the son of the emperor who helped plan the attack on Pearl Harbor.

This moron really shows how intelligent he is with this bow.

But, even worse, he bowed to the Saudi King. This blithering idiot bows to the man whose ancestors (just a very few generations ago) captured and sold the moron's ancestors into slavery.

The stupid narcissist's own half brother, an Arab Muslim, sneers at blacks, calling them pug-nosed slaves. By the way, the half-brother doesn't refer to blacks as African Americans. They are, indeed, African, living in Africa.

So, the half-brother is at least a little smarter than the other half.

And we put the moron in control of our military and trillions of our tax dollars.

So, who is really all that stupid?

Anonymous said...

Most of stimulus is being held for use right around the time Obama will be running for election.

Anonymous said...

the" new"marxist word to "demonize " an opponent ,who does not want to share their assets with the freeloaders is "SELFISH".

Stepin Fetchit said...

Yowsah, Master Emperor, Ise gwine to shine yo' shoes.

Anonymous said...

it is no longer shoes.
it is sneakers,as in multi-million dollar basketball contracts that the American athletes have earned. they do not appear to have any masters.

just good old fashion practice ,dedication,sweat equity and learned skills. it is called "CAPITALISM"

they are being very quiet as of now.

but i see that the Obama White House appears to have made "saturday night live" somewhat doubtful
about this administrations first year in leadership ?

to be continued.we will keep you "POST"-ed.

Anonymous said...

Yeah "Primadonna" much better than bastard Bush's old system?

This new smoke and mirrors health care "overhaul" isn't the real deal we all hoped for...just a baby step forward.

It's riddled with loop holes that will benefit the pharmaceutical/medical/insurance complex.

You just wait and see.

Obama hasn't delivered much on his glittering campaign promises yet!

His new and improved government?
The Pope's nose!

Still I prefer him to the George Walker Bush league jerk off we had!

Anonymous said...

Surprise !!

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