Sunday, November 15, 2009

Life in the 104th Precinct

"I woke up this morning anticipating running errands just like every other Saturday...but when I walked up to my car, I noticed my car was vandalized over night.

I called 911 at 10:43 am this morning for a squad car - then at 11:27 called the 104th directly to find out where the squad car was...I was told there are only 2 squad cars out there today.

I just called back the 104th (it's 1:30pm) no police car has shown here at my home to take a report.

I was told to call back 911 to re-log the call - there is nothing she can tell me as far as where the P.O. car is.

I was just driving back from Walgreen's (my husband waited for the police but they did not show up) - the police car is double parked on Eliot Avenue. The police officers are ordering their lunch at the Italian deli...

I called back the 104th to let them know I am still waiting since 10:43am...and their P.O.'s are now having lunch at a local deli.


It's 4:33PM

They just left my house...
" - anonymous

Sadly, the only thing shocking about this story is that someone answered the phone at the 104th Precinct. Meanwhile, Manhattan police respond to crazy cat calls within 25 minutes.


Anonymous said...

I went to the 104th to make a report last month. I had work done on my apartment and one of the workers used my bathroom and stole a full bottle of narcotic pain medication that I had been given by my doctor for a neck injury.

The "Female Desk Officer" told me it wasn't considered a crime because my drugs were not "Real Property" like a TV or Sumtin" I argued to the point of almost getting myself into trouble so I just left.

Lazy Bitch, How that is not worthy of a police report is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

The cops are a bunch of lesbians, they don't do dick!

Taxpayer said...

Praise be to the terrorist lover Commissar, who has the police assigned (from Kelly on down), to protect the terrorists from a backlash from us (one that has NEVER occurred).

So, when WE need just ordinary police protection, none is available.

Police are assigned to guard the Mosques, the terrorists and the Commissar. How can we tell the difference between the terrorists and the Commissar?

Can't tell; can't get close enough to either because of the police guard.

And now we find that the imbecile Commissar agreed with the moron Obama that bringing terrorists to New York was a fantastic notion - treasonous, but fantastic.

Do you all feel safer now?

Want to be on the jury?

Want to ride the subway, go over a bridge, or go through a tunnel now?

Want your kids in school during the "trial"? Want to be in a hospital, shopping center? Theater?

The Commissar wants all of us gone. He has his own big plans for our city, and they don't have you in the picture.

As for your cars, property - even prescribed narcotics - screw you. It wasn't HIS car, his property, so get lost!

Why did we ever allow this sociopath even one more day in office?

Anonymous said...

The only way to get service is to yell, "GUN...GUN...GUN"!

They maybe the cops will stop stroking theirs and respond quicker.

Anonymous said...

Maspeth mom says...

To Anon who thiks Snon #2 is trying to get a free re-fill.

Maybe Anon # 1pays out of pocket for her medication.

Maybe that worker who stoles the medication will sell it to your kid or to someone who is driving down the block as your kids walks to school. EVER THINK ABOUT THAT!!

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile on the other side of the borough in the more privileged northeast section of Queens:

I found a big bottle of "Corona" serveza in my back yard with a bunch of used kitchen matches...and suspected crack cocaine use.

Called the 109th and reported it.

Said it wasn't an emergency but I was doing my job in case there was a pattern of this type of crime going on in the area and wanted to notify the police.

To my surprise a blue & white cruiser was at my home in 20 minutes.


Lousy response time tells you that Bloomberg has red lined your neighborhood!


Anonymous said...

Why are your prescription narcotics not safely kept out of sight and a loaded gun lying around for your child to get a hold of?

C-mon mom...
the cops are often a pain in the ass but you might be an unwitting accomplice in this case.

Anonymous said...

Magic words:

Internal Affairs Division!

That's how you get a surly butch female desk cop to attend to matters and take your concern seriously!

Queens Crapper said...

If narcotic theft were to happen in a hospital, there would be a full scale investigation with a nurse likely losing her license.

And if the stolen narcotics were determined to have been sold to a teenager at the high school down the street who overdosed, you'd be howling about the victim of the theft not reporting it, the cops not investigating it and the perp not being prosecuted.

Most people don't lock up their medications, they leave them in their medicine cabinet or in a place where they'll remember to take them.

Cops are lazy and are programmed to dissuade complainants from filing reports.

Taxpayer said...

You cops are so transparent.

All the Desk Officer had to do was take a formal report. Since she was ASSIGNED to the desk, the time to take a report would not have prevented her from responding to any life threatening emergency. She was ON THE DESK!

Since the commenter has no idea at all of the living arrangements of the theft victim, why is he/she presuming the medicine need to be locked up?

And, the bottle of medicine IS property - real property, like a TV or sumptin.

The thief, by the way could be easily tracked down and caught. The victim had hired him or a contractor. He would have been caught with a phone call.

But, the police have surrendered their integrity to the command from the Commissar. Do nothing to make me look bad. Control those crime stats or get used to never getting a promotion, raise or your preferred vacation time.

Officer "Babs". Start patrolling!

Babs said...

this site is a tad too weird for me - I'm out.

hope you find your pain meds - real soon.

georgetheatheist said...

"I'm out."

But you'll be back. This site is too riveting!

Anonymous said...

I've lived in Maspeth for 30 years on a nice quiet residential street. One of the first things I learned from the neighbors is that we basically have No Police representation. It is very rare that you see a police car in Maspeth. I'm told Middle Village is just as bad. The 104 should have a satellite station in Maspeth, but there is no money for that.(there's money for College Point Development) This has gone on for so many years, yet our elected officials turn a blind eye to it. The captain meetings pretty much tell you that they are trying to meet our needs, but the police are spread too thin. Until our crime rate spirals, we are doomed to do without. The cops are just too busy in Ridgewood. Perhaps Civilian Patrols are in order. Someone needs to come up with a solution.

Anonymous said...

If it was so urgent you make a report for the "vandalizing" you should have gone to the 104 yourself instead of waiting for them to come to you. How freaking lazy are you?

georgetheatheist said...

"Someone needs to come up with a solution."

In the interim,

-Joe said...

The 104 has been nothing but a retirement as far as I can remember.
I was actually scolded and called a vigalante sc*mbag by old two 104 cops when I apprehended a purse snatcher.
(I saw him mug the woman next door from my window on Seneca ave).
The guy got hit by a car trying get away
These cops were so pissed so they had to accompany the crook in an ambulance to Wyckoff Heights Hospital emergency room and sit around for hours.

vigilant said...

I'm with you "George"...multiple web cams get switched on when any service personnel comes into my home...then I have a record.

If I catch someone committing an illegal act then they talk to my close acquaintances Mr. Smith & Mr. Wesson!

Anonymous said...

If it was so urgent you make a report for the "vandalizing" you should have gone to the 104 yourself instead of waiting for them to come to you. How freaking lazy are you?
I once went to the 104th pct. to report a crime and they told me to go home and call 311 and someone would come to my house. They said nobody could take a reort there so I did what they said and 2 hours later some fat cops showed up and sat in their partol car and talked me out of finling one. Like I said" they are a bunch of lesbians.....

Anonymous said...

I always record (hit the memo button on my answering machine) all emergency calls that I place.

Always get the name of the person you reach and make sure they know you've got their name by repeating it back to them.

That tells them you're an efficient on the ball...potential hard case!

Anonymous said...

PBA endorsed Bloomberg, they are on easy streets now with our tax money.

Anonymous said...

This has to be the worst precinct(the 104)in New York City. They are a lazy, good for nothing bunch of cops that should not be on the force. I can not believe that this precinct has gotten away with this crap for so long. I am still waiting for them to show up from a slomins call this summer.

They are a bunch of LOSERS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Internal Affairs Division!

That's how you get a surly butch female desk cop to attend to matters and take your concern seriously!
Not an Internal Affairs matter. They investigate corruption and alleged criminal acts by department members, and will just kick a complaint like this down to the Commanding Officer for investigation.

Anonymous said...

Cops are lazy and are programmed to dissuade complainants from filing reports.
Maybe so, maybe no. There are other factors at hand here. Yes, some lazy cops just don't want to do the report, but the general way of thinking is that it is easier to take five minutes to write the report than to spend 10 minutes trying to talk the complainant out of making the report.
The real problem today is that every report is now scrutinized by a supervisor who then busts the cops balls for taking the initial report and hiking up the CO's crime stats. Patrol cops today are truly stuck between a rock and a hard place. If you really want to see some changes in the Police Department, then there needs to be some change at the top, especially when it comes to this fudge-the-numbers mindset.

Anonymous said...

PBA endorsed Bloomberg, they are on easy streets now with our tax money.
And the rank-and-file completely blasted the union heads for making that endorsement. Trust me, the average street cop is no friend of Bloomberg.

Anonymous said...

This is nothing new. If the JCPA raised as much noise about the 104 as they did about Dennis Gallagher something might get done but I guess everyone has their priorities.

Anonymous said...

Yeah they certainly don't complain about these things at the COP104 meetings. Oh wait, yes they do.

And they wrote this back when Gallagher was still around.

Why would it be up to just them anyway? How about CB5, the civics from Ridgewood, Glendale, etc? How about the mayor's Community Affairs Unit?

Anonymous said...

It's why I moved to manhattan and finally escaped that hellhole called ridgewood. Only a moron would live there. In fact, mostly morons do live there.

Anonymous said...

If the desk officer won't help you, you ask to speak to the on duty Sgt or Lt. If that doesn't work and you are unsatisfied you can always ask for name and badge #, or just look and get it yourself. Then you have the option of calling IAB which would screw them or file a complaint with the CCRB which would jam them up. There are 35,000 police officers, there are bound to be thousands of lazy ones.. especially if they are working the desk. They are on desk duty for a reason.

Don't bitch about how much you hate them because when you really do need them, karmas a bitch.

Anonymous said...

I learned to be creative 20 years ago when needing Police to look into a quality of life issue in progress. I simply gave them an address with a buglary in progress. 5 squad cars swooped in in less than 2 minutes and busted the quality of life individual because they knew he was the cause of my fustration by calling in a serious call to address a much lower level of crime. The Police and the quality of life guy never knew I called it in.

It's sad that I had to divert so many police but I got the issue stopped forever.

Anonymous said...

104 pct sucks!!!!!!!! living in maspeth now, 23 years and nothing has changed. i bet if you offered free food or donuts they would respond quicker.

Anonymous said...

Babs, nothing for nothing but stealing someone's pain medication is a crime. First the theft then maybe an illegal sale of them? One pill, on the street can go for anything from $5 and up. You are clearly annal to think that isnt okay to bother the po po about this. I can see if someone went to the cops and said " someone stole my weed". That would be a stupid move. But in this case a worker came in and took something that belong to the owner and he had every right to call the cops. Now the cops on the other hand did nothing as usual and the theif gets to rob again. I would'nt be surprised if it was'nt an illeagal alien but then there are some shaddy americans that would do the same. So "BABS" take a reality pill and open your eyes, Plain and simple the po po at the 104th pct are a bunch of lesbians....

Anonymous said...

FYI, unless the complainant sees the person taking the item, it's classified as lost property.

Retired NYPD

Anonymous said...

Aprecinct is alotted personnelon the amount of 911/331 calls and response time...........unless that precinct is in manhattan south,THen they get full manning.

Anonymous said...

Yes and when you report a theft, it may end up classified as "lost property" BUT the NYPD still takes a report and it goes in the crime stats.

- Active NYPD.

Taxpayer said...

This morning, a neighbor told me the following:

Last night, well after midnight, she and her disabled husband were awakened by ear shattering screaming and shouting from right next door.

The neighbor phoned 911. The 911 operator told her to phone the precinct - the 104th. The precinct told her to phone 311. The 311 operator told her to phone back in the morning.

I recommended that she now call 311, demand connection to the mayor's complaint line and report this idiocy.

The neighbor told me she would do just that the next time she heard noise like that from next door.

So, why did she tell me her troubles to start with?

She expected that I would take up her battle.

In the past, I would have. But, no longer.

We each must start and finish our own battles. Then, we can ask other to help.

But, now you know one sliver of the reason the 104th precinct is so bad, and why the smug Commissar lets it rot and us suffer!

Anonymous said...

Yes and when you report a theft, it may end up classified as "lost property" BUT the NYPD still takes a report and it goes in the crime stats.

- Active NYPD.
-----------------------------------Lost Property is not one of the 5 reportable categories.

Retired NYPD

Anonymous said...

If they enter your house to steal something, or swipe it from your yard, I would hope it would not be classified as "lost property".

Anonymous said...

Criminal trespass, breaking and entering, etc.

Or are we only reporting violent crimes now?

My personal fave was back in the 1990s when a kid got found with a bullet hole in him but he had been hit by a train because he was found lying on the tracks. So it was classified as a suicide.

Anonymous said...

Police stats are phony.

Anonymous said...

It was my meds stolen. It was not "lost property" anymore than if I walked into my bedroom and my TV was missing. It was in the medicine cabinet not left out in the open.

They just didn't want to take the report because it takes time (lazy), and is going to increase their crime statistics (corrupt) and make the idiot Bloomberg look less successful.

You can't have high crime if the numbers are low Brilliant.

Anonymous said...

every experience i've EVER had with the 104 has been a negative experience. I've lived and worked in the confines of the 104 for 34 years. Everything from vehicle accidents, burglaries, drunks trying to break into my house, my dog behind an 8 foot fence and still getting maced by the con ed guy - somehow i turn into the "bad guy". I stopped calling the cops years ago. Most are lazy, and have no clue what the law says. 1 thing the 104 is GREAT at- enforcing seat belt laws !!!

Bart said...

I just had a horrible experience with them. Nothing worth describing here however I am thinking about filing a complaint with Mayor's office or something higher. Citizen should be able to ask Police for help even if something is "minor" in cops (illogical and unlawful) judgment.

I presently feel afraid of calling them in the future to the point that I might even move away from this God forsaken Ridgewood. Moving away from a place that I called home for over 20 years. All "thanks" to the local system that protects criminals instead of tax paying citizens. WTF is happening to America anyway?? :(((

Anonymous said...

let me tell you what happened to me and an aquaintance about a year and a half ago in middle village. my buddy picked me up to go to his gf`s place 5 minutes away, he ran a red light on metro, undercovers pulled us over , cut in front of us while we were stopped at a light, got out yelling some shit about guns , girl cop ( diane bowman)comes over to the passenger side where i was sitting, starts lecturing me about my friend running a red light, like i was driving, then this tall asshole cop comes over, tells me to get out of the car, so i do, not thinking what was comming next, then he just starts searching me, putting his hands in my pockets , while hes doing that i said, you cant do that, thats illegal, but he doesnt stop..he finds a half of a pill that i took with me to take after dinner, a pill that i have a prescription for because i have a bad back and i am on disability..i even told him what it was and told him i could call cvs and they could verify it, but instead he smiled at the other cops and said your going to jail and proceeded to cuff me and my friend , made us stand out in the freezing cold for 20 minutes, then squeezed us in the back of his tiny little car, no rights read to us, we were illegally searched and after 9 hours in a freezing cold cell at the 104th, nothing to eat, wouldnt let me go to the bathroom for hours, then they decide to run us through the system for no reason ..all charges were later dropped, but the ordeal was unnecessary and later on when i finally saw the police report like a month later, i see that officer scott hamburger and diane bowman both lied on the report and made stuff up, just to get a number..i filed complaints with the ccrb and called the civil liberty union and even though they said i had a good case i never even got an answer to my complaints, a yr and a half later..these asshole cops from the 104th think they can just go around screwing up peoples lives ? i have bad dreams all the time because of this ordeal, i dont feel safe in my neighborhood any more and have recently moved to a different area..and if it wasnt for the asshole court appointed attorney that told me to accept a 3 mont acd, i would have been able to sue the city big time.. so if you get pulled over and you know you didnt do anything, beware, lock your doors and just crack your window a tiny bit . call a lawyer and request that a patrol supervisor comes to the scene.. i happen to be a close family friend of brown who used to be in charge at the 104th, but he passed away a few years back. i mentioned his name to these young punk cops and they had absolutely no respect...i never even got the name of the cop that illegally searched us..take note, im a clean cute white guy too...they didnt even care that i was disabled...

Anonymous said...

these cops at the 104th go to school first, learn about the constitutional rights of people, and still falsafy reports and arrest innocent people just to get a number makes me sick !!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


noman said...

they have 17 radio cars but only 2 that are doing Patrol so we're the other 78 cops at

Anonymous said...

I know people who get stop teand frisk every other day here. Illgal car searchs with no reason . for parking spots for officers that live in the area on public streets have your car tic even after an hr because they think the area is there personal laws for them. All the crimes uou think they would follow up instead of stoping people for no reason or following them around for there own friends and personal vandaita . but meanwhile a few years back when a 14 year old was raped this percent was called and never showed. A neighboring police station responded . this perceint needs to be gutted and have commuter cops who dont live in the area and dont have personal agendas live here. You would think they would do there job . there has been many fake police here who have been arrested for fake dective cars. With this place so upside down not following real crime who do we know who is a real officer and who is fake if the real officers are criminals too. Scared living here by this perceint . cops dont make you feel safe.

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